They look so cute togeather

"Love, I asked why were you crying?" He again asked but didn't get any response. Tears were continuously flowing from her eyes.

And in the next second, he put his hand on her nape and pressed his lips on hers.


Her eyes widened because of the kiss. He was moving his lips in synchronization. He was gentle in the kiss, just to make her understand he was not angry at her.

Very soon, he let go of her lips and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. He pressed her face in his chest. "Now tell me?" He asked her. This time her silent cries turned a little soundy, she was sobbing in between her silent cries.

She was in his arms and he was caressing her back. "Shhh! Don't cry my little girl. Shhh! " He calmed her down. "Tell me, What happened?" He asked, trying to control himself and wait till she answered him.

"You we..were not talk..talking to" Finally she answered him in between of her cries and sobs. "Oh this was the reason behind your cries?" He asked. She nodded.

"Now don't cry my sweetheart. Sorry, I was angry with you because you were not taking care of your health." He said and leaned a little lower to peck on her lips.

He wiped the tears coming out of her eyes. She was still sobbing. "Let's go inside, we will take a bath together." He suggested.

"_" "Wh..what?" She asked him.

In the next second he burst into laughter. "Dummy, you are really a silly girl. I told you earlier I will not touch you against your permission." He reminds her what he told before.

"Do not worry." He said and went inside the bathroom.

She was searching for her bathrobe inside her wardrobe. Soon, she heard him.

"Go and get fresh." He told her to get fresh. She turned her face towards him to face him.

Her gaze fell on him. His messy and wet hair, water drops of his hair falling down, dark eyes anyone can drown easily, his sharp nose , his jawline, his well built chest and his six abs.

She gulped down the knot inside her neck. Now she understood why girls were head over heels for him. She was indeed jealous of those girls. Her cheeks were heated up and were turning pink.

He looked at her and found she was looking in his direction. He smirked looking at her flushed face as he understood what was running in her little mind.

"Ahem!" He cleared his throat to bring her back to reality. She came back to reality after hearing him and was embarrassed. "Why are you blushing?" He asked her, controlling his laugh.

She pointed her index finger towards her. "Me."

"Yea you." He nodded.

She immediately put her hands on her cheeks. She was feeling her cheeks a little warmer than usual.

"Am I blushing?" She asked herself in a low voice.

"Yes baby, you are looking like a fresh red tomato." He said looking at her flustered cheeks.

"Wanna eat this tomato." He said seductively while licking his lips.

It made her go blank again. "_"

"Joking baby girl. Go and get fresh." He told her to get fresh. She took her bathrobe and went inside the bathroom.

After about 15 minutes, she came back to the room. Her eyes and nose were still red. She found he was laying on the bed, closing his eyes.

She thought he was sleeping, so she decided not to disturb him. She sat beside him and started drying her hair with the towel. But then something surprising happened to her.

He held her wrist and pulled her towards him and it's consequences she fell on the bed. His actions were so quick that she didn't get any chance to do anything.

He pinned her on the bed and he was on the top of her. "Leave me, Jack." She told in her low voice to him to leave her but he denied. Her wet hair was on her face which was stopping him from seeing her face.

He held her both hands with his one hand and with the other hand he tugged her hair strands behind her ears. He lowered down his face….but at thay time someone knocked on the door.

"Why is everyone playing gooseberry?." He said in an irritating tone which made Niya laugh. He got up over her and went to open the door revealing Laila.

"Sorry for disturbing you, Young Master and Young Madam. Please come downstairs and dinner is ready." She said and quickly went back downstairs because she knows very well that their young master will become very angry for disturbing him.

"Love, go and change into clothes." He said to Niya. She took her clothes inside the wardrobe and went inside the dressing room. After changing her clothes she came back to their bedroom.

"Wifey, let's go downstairs." He asked her to go for lunch. She nodded and both went downstairs. They reached near the dining table and chose their seat next to each other.

Others too choose their seat to sit. Then after some maids and some servants arranged the dinner on the table.

"Laila, when Mr. and Mrs. Pattinson will come back. Make sure to arrange the dinner for them too." Jack ordered Laila to take care of their dinner.

Laila was hearing all things lowering her head. "Yes, young master." She said, lowering her eyes.

"Hmm." He replied in his cold tone as usual. He gestured to everyone who was sitting there to start their lunch. Soon, all of them started their lunch.

Maids came towards them to serve the dinner. When one of the maids came near Niya and Jack to serve the food, Jack stopped her by showing his hand.

That maid went back to her place after seeing their young master's order. He served food on Niya's plate and then on his plate.

Niya was looking confused at Jack's direction but with so much love in her eyes. "Do you want me to feed you?" He asked her in a low voice because he could see very clearly that his little wife was very tired.

She denied her head. "I can eat." She replied. Her godparents were looking towards them.

"Look at them. They look so cute together. It reminds me of when we were newly married." Michael said, looking towards Amelia. She smiled seeing her husband.