Are you feeling sleepy?

All were eating but David misses Wendie. He really misses her company. He really loves her a lot. And it only became possible because of Niya.

First, he was not interested in girls except his sisters, but he felt a little strange after he met Wendie. He thought it was the only attraction. So, he tried to forget about her but failed.


Once, he shared everything with Niya. She directly told him that he had already fallen for him. He was really shocked after knowing the truth of his heart.

He was deep in his thoughts when he heard someone calling him. "Cutie. You are in this world or in Wendie's world?" Niya asked him while looking at him.

His parents burst into laughter after hearing Niya's question. "I think we should do their marriage." His father jokes. "Stop joking dad, I am still a teenager." He said his dad.

Soon, they all finished their dinner. "Young and handsome, we will go with you to hospital." Michael said to Jack that he and his wife will go with them.

"Sure Uncle Pattinson." He replied.They were talking sitting in the living room " It's quite late now. We should go to sleep." Niya said while rubbing her eyes and yawning. All nodded hearing her and went towards their respective bedrooms.

"Love, I have little work. You go and sleep." Jack told her to sleep because she was sleepy and tired. She nodded and went upstairs. Jack too went upstairs but entered inside his study room.

Niya went straight to her bedroom and lay down on the bed holding Jack's pillow. After a few minutes, Jack came back from his study room.

He found his little lady was sleeping, holding his pillow. "Aww! Cute." These words came out of his mouth seeing her. He went near her and sat beside her.

He tried to lose her grip on his pillow. "Don't leave me, Joseph." She was muttering again and again. He understood that she was in their past.

"Naomi, I am here don't worry." He said and took his pillow from her hands. He laid beside her and took her in his arms. When she felt Joseph was near her she held his t-shirt in her small fist not letting him go anywhere.

"Hey sleep. I am not going anywhere leaving you alone." He told her while caressing her hair. She calmed down and slept in his arms holding him.

He was smiling seeing how much she loves him but in the next second his face turned sad seeing her in his arms. "Sorry." He muttered looking at her.

He planted a soft kiss on her head and tried to sleep but something was making him more and more tense.

"Don't worry Jack." He tried to calm himself down and set an alarm for 2 a.m and then sleep holding her in his arms.


In hospital,

Serena was still unconscious and was getting special treatment in I.C.U.

Her parents were resting, sitting on the couch outside. "I am really very happy, the way he takes care of our girl." Mrs. Pattinson said looking at her husband.

"Don't say anything to me about that girl and about her husband." He directly told her not to say anything about Jack and Niya.

"But why?" Naava asked. "She is not my daughter." He said to her looking in another direction, trying to avoid eye contact. It hurts her a lot after he said that he doesn't like Niya.

It was the most painful moment for a mother when her husband didn't like their own children. After all she was their first child and she loves her a lot and too gets angry with her.But her father, he never likes his own daughter.

"Why don't you like her, Saam?" She asked him. "I already told you before." He said rudely to her. "Have you ever thought about what would happen to our little Serena, if…" She was about to complete her words but he cut her words.

"I told you earlier. I don't want to listen to anything about them." He again said rudely to her. "Ok fine." She too talked rudely to her husband and sat silently.

"I am sorry my child. I remember the way he talked rudely to you, always yelling at you , but now my child I am very happy for you." She was thinking about her elder daughter.

She was really very happy and was thinking about Jack and Niya's strong bond. Their love and care for each other. The way he managed everything. "Thanks Jack for taking care of my elder daughter and loving her and saving my little girl's life." She thanked him in her mind.

"After her treatment, we will go back to Ireland." Saam told his wife. "I know." She replied. She really doesn't like why he doesn't love their first daughter. Their sign of love.

A teardrop fell down from her eyes remembering those times when he used to tell her that he will love his children more than his wife but he failed at being a good father.


Back in Jack's mansion,

David was inside his room. He was laying on the bed but thinking of someone. That person was of course Wendie.

He decided to use his phone because he was not feeling sleepy at all. He unlocked his phone and started scrolling down.

He was using social media at the time but soon got a phone call. Wendie's name was popping on his screen. He immediately received her call.

"What happened to Wendie? Everything alright? " He asked her. "Yes, don't worry here everything is alright." She replied.

"Actually, I saw you were online. So, I will call you." She said. "Oh." He replied while smiling.

"I think you miss me?" He asked.

"A lot, David. When are you coming?" She asked?

"Soon." He replied. "Is everything alright there?" She asked him. "Yes, my sweetheart. Everything is alright." He said to his girl.

He was talking to her and soon heard yawn from another side. "Baby, are you feeling sleepy?" He asked, looking at his phone.

"Hmm." She replied from another side.