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You can’t tell in Althea’s face the fatigue she feels, the reason was she couldn’t get a good sleep last night.

Today is the day to start her journey working as a professional.

The sun is rising magnificently, an indication of new daybreak to come.

It is different today among the other days that came, she will not work in the street but in the company of the woman, she treats as her second mother.

With a big smile etch on her face; she went to her bathroom to do her morning routine.

She wanted to be early for her work today, she doesn’t want to be late and disappoint the Howell matriarch in recommending her as her daughter’s personal assistant.

The rich woman warned her that her daughter is a little bit strict with her employee and handling their company. But the Mrs. assured as well that her daughter is a very kind boss.

After she fixed herself, the young lady hurriedly went downstairs, she saw her mom in the kitchen preparing their breakfast.

“Mom good morning, you’re early today!” Enthusiastically greeted her mom at the same time hugging her from the back who’s preparing the food.

“Ow you’re already awake and change, I planned to wake you up after I prepare here since it is still early.” Informed her mother, turning around to look at her daughter.

“Don’t get so close to me dear, I smell like the food you will be smelling food as well.” Added her mother.

“I don’t care, mom.” Stated her daughter, still hugging her mom while walking on their dining table putting the food she prepared for breakfast.

Kristy just shakes her head smiling because of her daughter's childishness.

Her daughter is acting like a child now, hugging her tightly like a gecko scared that she will leave her.

“And besides I will not see you the whole day today, that’s why I have to seize this moment. I know I will be coming home late tonight and also this is my first time being away from you longer than usual.” Althea is looking like a child now with her pouted lips complaining about something.

“Okay if you say so dear, now eat so you can leave early, it is very difficult to find a passenger jeep in our area.” Said her mom, honestly, she will miss her daughter as well, they will indeed be separated longer.

But they need this, she doesn’t want her daughter to be a street vendor only, she and her husband who passed away had a big dream of their daughter.

She knows her daughter has many dreams in life, as long as she can…….she will support her daughter.

Kristy is thankful that they were able to support her daughter’s education.

Even though she saw her daughter struggling between selling sweets and studying, she never heard Althea complain, instead, she works harder than normal.

That’s why when Althea graduated last month, she is so overwhelmed with happiness. Her contentment can’t be matched with any treasures or wealth in life. Especially when her daughter reaps various awards and is proclaimed as the Cum Laude in their school.

After they take their hearty breakfast, Althea went upstairs to brush her teeth

“Mom I will go ahead, oh…mom, don’t forget to take your medicine and mom don’t let any stranger come inside our house. I already ask aling (Mrs.) Choleng to accompany you here to the house. And mom Lea said when she arrives from school, she will come to see you as well and mom………” But before she could think of something to remind her mother again she was shortly cut off.

“Dear can you stop……..when you are itemizing those instructions it’s like will never see each other for a long time….hahahaha.” Jokingly cutting her off by her mom Kristy while laughing.

“Mooom, don’t laugh at me, I’m just worried you know.”

Shamefully uttered her daughter.

“I’m Okay her dear don’t worry, go ahead now you will be late because of your unnecessary instructions.” Jokingly uttered her mother trying to ease Althea’s apprehension.

Choleng is their neighbor that her mother Kristy becomes good friends, she is her baby sitter before when she was little. The latter is also alone in their house her husband passed away already and her two children leave overseas and having their own family. Not to mention her children are well off that’s why they are just sending her money monthly plus the benefits that she received from her husband who died, so she has nothing to worry about anymore other done being lonely.

While Lea is Althea’s only friend, when Lea was little she was also left in Mrs. Choleng’s care so her parents can work, that’s why she and althea become best friends.

“Mom I will go now and mom before I forget………..don’t be such a brat while I’m gone.” Jokingly tease by the young lady to her mother.

The mother and daughter laugh with their nonsensicality while they went outside their house but before they do, they notice a car parked in front of their front lawn.

The two women look at each other questioningly.

They notice the driver is exiting the vehicle.

Althea is surprised because she knows who it was.

“Mr. Berting? What are you doing here?” Althea questioned, she is so surprised while nearing the old man.

“Good morning to you ma ’dam and good morning to you too Althea.”

I am assigned by Madam to drive you in the company from now on until the time they will give you a company car.”

Answered the old man while opening the backseat door.

“But Mr. this is not necessary, this is too much, it will be a huge hassle for you. How about auntie Clara, who will be her driver?” Uttered the young lady who is until now can’t believe what just transpired.

“Ow……don’t worry about Madam she already has a driver intended for her and my lady this is one of companies privileges.” Explained the old man.

“Oh….Is it so?”

“Yes my lady, that’s why we have to go before getting traffic and you will get late on your first day of work.” Warned the old Berting.

“Okay then, mom I will go ahead now.” Giving her respect to her mom by touching her forehead to the back of her mother’s hand after kissing her cheek.

“God bless you dear and good luck, you can do it and Berting please take good care of my daughter. Be careful in driving.” Lastly uttered by Althea’s mother.

Before the car leave, Althea rolls down the glass window and suddenly shouted………

“Mom remembers what I said to you earlier…….don't be a hard-headed….hahahahaha!!!” Immediately roll up the glass window and laughing hysterically. Mrs. Kristy just shakes her head, even Mr. Berting is laughing at the crazy antics of the young lady.