~01~The Beginning Of The End

Julia's POV

I sat home all day trying to work but couldn't as I was thinking about why Gregory isn't satisfied with our sex life.

I wondered what could have made him change, he used to enjoy making love to me but now he has got some crazy idea to "spice up our sex life".

I don't know what to do to make him happy again.

I spent the day thinking about ways to make him happy but found nothing that made enough sense.


It was now late in the night and I had tucked our little princess, Chantal in bed. I heard the sound of a car and I immediately knew he was back. I was happy that he was back but was also sad 'cos I am yet to find out how to make him happy again. I heard the sound of the front door, steps on the stairs and minutes later he was in our room looking excited

"Hey, what's got you so excited???" I asked, happy that he was excited about something but wanting to know what

"I finally figured it out" he says excitedly

"Figured what out???" I asked confused

"How to spice up our sex life" he says excitement clear in his voice

"I told you, our sex life is fine the way it is" I sighed

" I know, I know, I'm going to take a shower and come show you what I brought for you"

"Okay" I replied, excitement clear in my tone.

I sat there thinking of how long ago it was since I published my last book and that I needed to start writing again soon.


After a long shower, he was back in just his towel. He went down to the living room and came back with a properly folded white clothe.

"Care to explain the garment?" I spoke

"It's for you" he stated and I looked at him, waiting for more information but nothing came so I stood and walked up to him, taking the clothe from him, I looked at him in confusion. Then I spoke "did you get me a job as a nurse?"

He chuckled "yeah, of course" sarcasm clear in his voice "now, go put it on"

"No, I'm not getting into some nurse's uniform" I say, meaning it, I sure as hell will not be getting into that uniform.

"And why not?"

I laugh, surprised at his question, "How would you expect me to wear that?"

".....Uh...because I'm your husband and I want it on you" he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Okay" I sighed "I will not be wearing that and I will not be arguing with you over some stupid thing that just popped into your head" I said walking over to the bed, I turned around to face him just when I got to the edge of the bed "go kiss Chantal goodnight, she fell asleep waiting for you" I plopped right into bed and in few minutes, was consumed by sleep.

Gregory's POV

She fell asleep right in front of me. I turned to go kiss my little firefly goodnight, I tried to understand how Julia felt but, I couldn't understand why she didn't want to wear it, it was just a clothe....well, a clothe that would make her the sexiest thing in the world.

I opened Chantal's door quietly, careful not to wake her up, I saw her sleeping peacefully and forgot why I was even mad at Julia.

My little firefly is the only one I know that makes me forget all my worries.