02-She's Here

Julia's POV(Point Of View)

I wake up to a beautiful morning, the sun shining beautifully across the room. The perfect start for a good day.

I moved so that I was sitting on the edge of the bed and my leg dangled at the side of the bed. Thoughts of my family filled my head, I really hope Gregory has gotten the idea of me in a costume out of his head.

One last admiring look at the sleeping figure of my angelic husband and I'm up and off to do my morning routine.

Shower-Pick out Gregory's work clothes-Get Chantal up and ready for school.

I leave Chantal having breakfast downstairs and head up to check on my husband

Walking into our bedroom, I see him all dressed up in the navy blue button up shirt and black pants I had picked out for him, little drops of water still dripping from his hair as he neatly arranges his work documents.

I've seen him dressed like this almost everyday for the past 7 years and I still can't help ogling. He's just so hot.

"Hello, Wifey"He mutters with a sweet smile when he finally notices my presence "Enjoying the view?"

"As always, Hubby" I murmur with a sweet smile of my own.

He walks up to me and slams his lips into mine in a slow, passionate kiss which I returned in equal urgency.

"Oh, I wish I didn't have to go to work. There are so many things I could have you do" He murmurs, trailing soft kisses along my jawline.

"I know, I wish you could stay too. I would gladly do those many things" I murmur as desire sparks in me "As long as it doesn't involve dressing me up in stupid uniforms"

His brows furrow in a deep frown and my hands itch to smooth it out "Why won't you just wear it, Jules, it doesn't bite"

"Gregory, it's a bright day, let's not start it off like this. Just drop it, I'm not wearing any form of costume or uniform" I sigh.

His whole demeanor changes, he looks like I've just given him a death sentence.

I shrug apologetically and open my mouth to speak "Chantal is ready for school. Will you drop her off or should I?"

"I'll take her" he says simply and goes back to sorting out his documents.

"Are you mad?" I ask, quietly

"No" he says simply, picks up his briefcase and walks right by me.

I grab his arm before he can get far though and repeat my question.

"No, Julia, I'm not mad at you. I'm trying to understand you but you're just..." he trails off, running his hand through his hair in exasperation.

"I'm sorry" I mutter quietly and shift my gaze to my feet

"Don't apologize for the love of God" He groans and cups my face with both hands and plants a chaste kiss on my forehead "I'll see you soon"

And then he's gone. Leaving me standing there alone with nothing but my own thoughts to battle with


I've worked from home ever since I had Chantal because it was convenient. I work in a Publishing Company and have published a few books myself. Gregory is one of the best lawyers in Seattle. We both had well paying jobs, made sure our princess got the very best education available and didn't lack a thing.

We were always such a happy, content family. Gregory and I always had our differences sorted out calmly and maturely-well, until he got this sick idea that our s*x life needs spicing up.


Gregory's POV(Point Of View)

"Greg" I hear a much too familiar voice call

"Hey, man" I mutter in greeting as he reaches me.

"What the h**l are you doing here?" He asks and eyes the surrounding for a moment.

Even though, I know exactly what he's talking about I decide to be obtuse "I don't understand your question"

He rolls his eyes "Your wife's cooking is f*****g amazing and you're eating the trashy food at the cafeteria"

"The food here isn't that bad" It really isn't. It's not nearly as good as Julia's cooking but it's edible.

When we finally get past the topic of me eating cafeteria food, we venture into a detailed explanation of Diego's night with a hot chic he met at a bar last night.

The conversation has me hungry-not for food though.

I need my wife to want to play but she didn't even want to hear of the s**y outfit I got her yesterday, chances that she'll get into something s****r are odd.

Work is pretty good distraction . I got 2 new cases to study.

One is of a filthy rich, single woman who got jilted by her last 4 boyfriends after they stole a great deal of money from her. She's suing the 4th one and I'm handling the case....A case of Romance Scam.

I'm really sorry to say but she sounds pretty stupid. How the h**l do you make the same mistake 4 times in a row?

And the other case is a joint company owned by 2 people where one of the partners gets involved in luxury purchase using the company credit card a week before the company files for bankruptcy...A case of Bankruptcy Fraud. I'm representing the innocent partner.