~05~Small World¡

I'm supposed to leave for China today, to visit my company's branch over there. I got a late notice, yesterday and couldn't tell Gregory as he was with Diego all night.

I need to talk to him later though, he can't continue with his newly found habit to visit Diego 4 days in a week.

He has to put Chantal and I first.

I walk into the living room to see Gregory coming down the stairs, I walk over to him and greet him good morning with a kiss, making Chantal go"ewwwww" and we both chuckle lightly

I seize the opportunity of breakfast to tell Gregory, I'm leaving for China today. He told me to leave Chantal with my friend, Rosemary because he would be with Diego most of the night.

It took everything in me to not yell in his face about how he should put his family before anything or anyone else.

I chose to stay quiet because I don't trust myself not to say the wrong things, so I just nod.


After Gregory left for work with Chantal, I called Rosemary to pick up Chantal at 3:00pm from school and have Chantal spend the week with her

Chantal had some clothes, a toothbrush and all the necessaries at Rosemary's because she's had to stay over a few times.

Third Person POV(Point Of View)

Hearing about Julia' plan to visit China for the weekend, there was only one thought swimming happily in Gregory's mind.

Thoughts of spending the weekend with his mistress but it looks like Fate has a different plan.

"Hey, Celine" he greets as Celine answers the call.

"Hi, baby" she purrs

"Wanna spend the weekend with me?" He asks slowly, tempting her with each word

"Oh, baby, I'm so sorry. I have to be in China this weekend" she apologizes

"Can't you postpone the trip?" He says and it's almost like he's begging "...for me?"

"I can't cancel, babe...I'm sorry. But I'll make it up to you..I promise" she mutters

"Okay, bye. Enjoy your trip, I'll be thinking of you the whole weekend" He tells her just so he won't have to say he loves her.

"Me too...I love you" she replies

"Hmhmm" is all Gregory says in response before ending the call.

He groans internally as he thinks of what a perfect opprrotunity China gave him with Julia and how easy it was for China to take Celine too.

"I officially hate China" he groans out loud

Julia's POV(Point Of View)

I boarded the plane, dreading the 12 hours journey, I just hope I'm lucky enough to sit with someone worth my time.

I find the seat with my number and thankfully it's by the window so I can look down or take in the beauty of the sky if the next seat is taken by someone boring.

Few minutes later, a beautiful blonde sits beside me, she looked like a strict boss, who has no life outside her job but at least she's not the worst that could happen.

I greet her with a warm smile "hey" and she returns a friendly smile which I didn't expect "hi, I'm Celine, what's your name?" She asks sitting down next to me

"Nice to meet you Celine, I'm Julia" I answer

"It's my pleasure, seriously, I prayed to the heavens for someone friendly to talk to because 12 hours is not a short period" she says

"I prayed for the exact same thing, looks like the heavens heard our pleas" I tell her with a smile

"I don't look like one to start a friendly conversation, do I?" She asks looking a bit sad

"What makes you say that?" I ask not wanting to tell her that she doesn't look the least bit friendly with her suit that makes her look like her life depends on her job

"The you looked at me when you first saw me" she says with a small smile

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad" I tried to apologize

"It's okay, I never cared if I looked like a woman twice my age until about a month ago" she says

"Well, I think you should always try to look twice as young instead" I say and she giggles "if I may ask, what happened a month ago to make you care?" I ask just before a flight attendant announces

"Attention all passengers, please buckle up your seat belts and prepare for take off" we both buckle our seat belts and wait as the plane begins to move slowly increasing speed until we were steady in the air.

We both unbuckled our seat belts at the same time

"So, what happened?" I nosily repeat my earlier question

"It's a long story" she says with a sigh

"We have a long journey" I say not willing to drop the topic

"Well, to cut the long story short, my boyfriend stole some of my money and took off with one of my car. I tried to take my life and ended up in a hospital" she says moving from a sad expression to a smiling one

"Then..." I ask, hoping that isn't all there is to it

"I decided to take the case to court and I met a lawyer, the lawyer that took my case. He..." she says with a grin "he has been the best thing that came into my life in years" now full on smiling and I can't help but smile with her, she continues

"And the best part is that he is now my boyfriend. He is tall, handsome and puts a smile on every sad face he meets"

As she describes her boyfriend, I can't help but appreciate my own husband

"And what is the name of this lawyer that you have painted as such a beautiful picture?" I ask, thinking that the lawyer may not be as good as she claims.

"Gregory, his wonderful name is Gregory" she says with a smile and I smile back trying to convince myself that it's a different Gregory

"So, what are you going to do in China?" I ask her, changing the subject

"I'm partnering with a mall owner in China, I need to visit the mall, and what are you going to China for?"

"Well, I work in Workman Publishing Company and we're opening a branch in China, so I was sent to check it out" I tell her

"So, how long will you be there for?" She asks

"A week" I reply

"Me too" she says excitedly "so, you will be going back on the 13th, right?" She asks

"Yes, and its the day before my wedding anniversary" I say with a sigh

"Oh my god, you got married on Valentine's day?" She asks with surprise clearly written on her face

"Yeah, Gregory and I decided to get married on Valentine's day, so, it's always a 2 in 1 celebration" I say forgetting that her boyfriend's name is Gregory

"Gregory?" She says in shock

"Well, yes, my husband's name is Gregory" I tell her and wait for her reaction but when there is none, I continue "it's probably a different Gregory"

"Yeah, it surely is" she says with a thoughtful look that quickly disappears as she says "you know, I've never celebrated Valentine's, I just didn't have to and now I don't know what to do, can you help?" She asks hopefully

"Well, the men are the ones who need to worry, you could get him a small gift and just play along maybe he will ask you to be Mrs. ....." I say waiting for her to say the surname of her Gregory

"Jacobs" she says excitedly "I really hope he asks me to be Mrs. Jacobs"

I try as hard as I can to believe it's a different Gregory Jacobs, it has to be a different one, I know my Gregory, he won't do that to me, will he???

"Um....Celine, you must have a picture of this man that has captured your heart" I ask wanting to clear my doubts, it must be a different Gregory, it is a different Gregory Jacobs, it has to be a coincidence, it is right?

"Just a minute" she says and searches her purse, within seconds, she brings out her her long pressing the power button

"Don't worry, I don't think you are supposed to do....." I try to stop her

"Too late, it's already on" she cuts me off

I lean in to see the picture and it's my Gregory, my Gregory is her Gregory. I try my best to contain my tears and put on a smile that I'm sure must look fake but thankfully she doesn't notice.

My whole world is crumbling in the flash of a send-My Gregory is Her Gregory.

I'm sitting here, smiling happily with My Husband's Girlfriend.