~06~Worst Friend

Julia's POV

I don't know what to feel. I just found out that my perfect husband is not so perfect after all.

He is cheating on me with Celine, this new friend that I have just made.

I can't believe it, I coincidentally met my husband's mistress

What should I do?

Should I tell her that her so called boyfriend is already married and is my husband? Or should I let her continue believing the lie that my husband led her to believe.

She thinks he is a single man that is going to marry her.

That isn't true, is it???

Does Gregory actually plan to marry her? Is he going to tell me about her? Is he going to tell her about me or Chantal?

Will he get a divorce from me? Will he commit bigamy?

I have so many questions, I'm so confused, so angry, so hurt. I don't know what to feel or how to react

I totally forgot that I still had Celine in front of me.

"Um....he's good looking" I manage to say

She smiles "I know, he's so handsome and he's all mine. I'll marry this man soon enough, I'll be Mrs. Jacobs" she says excitedly and I chuckle nervously

"Uh....I'll be right back, I need to use the bathroom" I say grabbing my bag and getting up.

"Oh, okay, don't take too long" she beams proudly

"I won't" I reply, speed-walking away

Once I manage to get to the bathroom, I break down, crying my eyes out hoping nobody came into the bathroom anytime soon.

I make my way into one of the stalls and take a sit on the lid of the water closet.

After few minutes of crying all alone, I readjust my dress and walk out if the stall.

Stopping in front of the mirror, I put on some more makeup to hide the fact that I have been crying.

I walk back to my seat still not knowing what to do.

I just hope Celine doesn't figure out that I had been crying or I wouldn't know what to say to her..

Thankfully, by the time I reach my seat, Celine is already fast asleep.

I see at how innocent and peaceful she looks in her sleep and I realize that she isn't to blame for what Gregory is doing. She's a victim.

Shuffling my way past her to my seat, I sit there unwilling to think about this anymore, these thoughts way me down.

I decide to take a nap just so I wouldn't have to think about Gregory or anything related to Gregory but that is going to be hard seeing as I have his mistress right by my side.

Third Person POV

Gregory chose to sleep over at Diego's since Chantal and Julia are not home.

His earlier plan of spending the night with Celine fell right through so it's not like he had that big of a choice.

China had graciously taken both Julia and Celine from him for the whole week.

After work, Gregory and Diego spent time drinking while chatting.

After a hard day's work, Gregory is retired to bed.

He closes his eyes to fall asleep but thoughts of Julia fill his head.

He really does genuinely love her, after all that's why he married her but the fact that she's totally adamant to his need for sexual gratification makes him look elsewhere for it.

If only Julia would give him what he needs, if she would just fill the sexual void he feels, there would be no mistress, there would be no Celine.

He hopes Celine will fill that empty hole and give him the sexual satisfaction he craves so bad.

His thoughts shift from his family to Celine and all the things he can do to her sexually and her for him as sleep slowly consumes him.

And that right there is the problem. Gregory's need for sexual satisfaction seems to be greater than the love he has for his wife and daughter.

Julia's POV

I was exhausted by the time I arrived in China, it was 9:00 am in New York so 9:00pm in China.

I tried real hard to fall asleep during the journey but it was futile effort.

Celine woke up soon enough though, so we spent most of the journey chatting.

She seems to trust me a lot though. She told me her whole story.

Her life story is really saddening. She lost her parents really early in life and since then spent all her time trying to accumulate as much wealth as she could but money doesn't bring happiness when you're all alone.

She's had a few relationships but they all ended with her being duped.

She was jilted over and over again. How sad!

She had no friends, never needed them apparently.

But since she met my Gregory, the joy has apparently just been too much for her to keep to herself.. She needs a friend and she seems to think I'm the perfect best friend

How wrong she is

She has so much to say, so many things she's been keeping all to herself.

"You were sent to me from the heavens, Julia. The heavens knew I needed a friend, someone to be there for me, someone I could be there for. And you are that person Julia.... I know I don't really know you but I am willing to get to know you, I already love you. Thank you, Julia"

Celine had said those words and made me speechless. I was confused, she was such a good person, she just never had any friends.

She just forgot what it means to love and to be loved. She doesn't deserve to be treated this way, she doesn't deserve to be deceived

Could I actually tell her that the man she had given all her love, her whole heart is actually my husband???

She would be devastated, she's in love with him, my husband, the father of my child.

Celine had made reservations at a different hotel, thankfully, so I didn't have to see her the rest of the day, she gave me her number though and I think she saved mine but I hope she doesn't call me,I don't plan to call her either.

My company had provided a car and driver to serve me for the week. He knew exactly where to take me and I made small talk with him just to take my mind off things for a bit.

His name's Steve. He has a family- a wife and 2 kids. The way he spoke about them with such pride and the love evident in his eyes and tone has the exact opposite effect on me.

I wanted to take my mind off things but now all I can think of is if Gregory ever had this look in his eyes when he spoke of me.

I thought Gregory loved me, now I'm not so sure.

We arrived at the hotel real soon. A big gate, showing Rosewood Hotel is the first sign that we're here.

The hotel is pretty amazing, the service here is so good..five star quality.

I took a shower of one hour, changed into the silky nightwear provided by the hotel and hop right into bed.

It should be around 12pm in New York so I decided to call up Rosemary.

I want to tell Rosemary everything but she seems to be really busy with work today so we get off the call pretty quickly.

I lay in bed thinking about what to do, not coming up with any answers.

I want to tell Celine, I don't want to hurt her but how could I not, she is my husband's mistress.

I don't know if Gregory is in love with her, if he is what will I do?

I fill my head with thoughts of my sweet little angel, Chantal. She doesn't deserve a broken home.

Slowly, I drift off to sleep.


I woke up feeling weak and exhausted-weird, I know.

People normally wake up refreshed and energized but right now, I honestly feel like I got hit by a truck.

I take a quick shower and ordered some food-which arrived pretty quickly.

I checked out the new office and it was more beautiful than my current branch.

I met some of the staff and even made some new friends.

Making new friends took my thoughts back to Celine. How hard is it for her to make friends?

There are so many people in the world that would love to be friends.. Why me?

I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts and bring my thoughts back to work.

It had good staffs and some of my colleagues were thinking of transferring, so, it was going to be a success.

I was sent here mainly to check the employees because my boss believes that the success of a company depends on how willing the employees are to work.

So far, the employees seem hard working and honest, well most of them but I think the others are not so bad.

Celine texted, she says she wants to meet up but honestly I don't want to,I don't want to have to see her, I don't want to have to deceive her again she seems like a nice person.

Hey, Julia, how are you?

What are you doing?, wanna meet up?, my treat

What should I do?, I don't want to turn her down and I don't want to keep deceiving her. I don't want her to see me as her friend when I know she should be my enemy.

What's up Celine, how are you girl?

I would love to meet up, send me the location just don't make me come to your hotel

I decided to meet up with her.


I don't know. I can't just leave her.


She sends me the name of a restaurant and I search it on Google.

I call Steve to come pick me up.

She looks a lot more casual.

We talked a lot-like a whole lot and I found a good friend in her.

I know.. How can I be friends with my rival? But I can't help it. She has such a jovial personality.

She has so many stories to share.

I shared some stories too but I mostly just listened with genuine interest-that seemed to be enough for her though.

We both feel satisfied after our long chat and promise not to lose contact.

She still has no idea that Her best friend is Her boyfriend's wife