
¶Aiyla PoV¶

¶But One Of The Big Lessons I have

Learned From My Journey Is You

Can't Please Everyone, So Don't Try¶



Sometimes in life painful things can teach us lessons that we didn't think we needed to know...

same thing happened to me, the painful things, the trauma and abuses I went throughout my life made me strong..

made me a fighter and survivor too!

It made me realise the harsh reality of life!

Life is not filled with beautiful flowers...it is also filled with thorns and it is upon us how we walk through that thorny path.

"Either you give up...which is too cowardice"...

"Or you could stand up and fight for what's right for you".

After all you get only one life to live and why waste it by being a coward...I learned that the hard way.

I was once being a coward as well by trying to kill myself but I guess my time had not come to leave this earth yet.