
¶Aiyla Pov¶

¶But One Of The Big Lessons I have

Learned From My Journey Is You

Can't Please Everyone, So Don't Try¶



Sometimes in life painful things can teach us lessons that we didn't think we needed to know...

same thing happened to me, the painful things, the trauma and abuses I went throughout my life made me strong..

made me a fighter and survivor too!

It made me realise the harsh reality of life!

Life is not filled with beautiful flowers...it is also filled with thorns and it is upon us how we walk through that thorny path.

"Either you give up...which is too cowardice"...

"Or you could stand up and fight for what's right for you".

After all you get only one life to live and why waste it by being a coward...I learned that the hard way.

I was once being a coward as well by trying to kill myself but I guess my time had not come to leave this earth yet.

Life kept on giving me chances to make my hell life better and thank god I did not died.

I had learnt so many lessons from this cruel world and I kept on moving with determination and strong will power.

Though there were many times I broke down...I gave up but the voice within me told me to buckle up and make myself capable, brawny and indestructible.

With every step...life taught me so much, it showed me how evil and brutish human can be.

Many times people tried to break me apart but I'm now glad that they were unsuccessful.

Their harsh words and behaviours made me determined to show them what I can be and what I can do in my life.

Their words kept challenging me and a fire burnt inside me to make them fall in my knees someday.

Though I was born with a silver spoon but I was not treated like a princess.

My family threw me into the pit of darkness but I found the light by myself.

No matter how hard your life is or how much you struggle...you should never give up.

Someday you will be a winner and no one will be able to defeat you.

Only you have the power to defeat yourself or be your own destruction...it's all in your hand and how you perceive it.

"Try try until you succeed"

That was the grasp I chanted everyday and that kept me going on and on in this harsh world.

This world is filled with hungry wolves and you are the predator...you are also the protector of yourself.

Learn to protect yourself....you won't be a predator anymore.

Again I learned this the hard way!

I fell so many times but I picked up myself as well.

Without falling in life you won't realise what made you fall or how you fell...

falling shows what mistakes you have done and it's you who have the ability to correct that mistake as well and pick up yourself from there and then.

My life made me fall numerous times...the mistakes I did taught me what wrong had I done in life.

It taught me lessons that I never thought I needed to know or learn.

"Life itself is a never ending lesson and you are the teacher of it".

You teach yourself everyday with the right or wrong steps you take. Your decisions in life teaches you and helps you further.

I have been doing that since I started understanding things. I have taught myself throughout my life.

I'm still teaching and learning things from my life and the decisions I take.

¶But one of the big lessons I have learned from my journey is you can't please everyone, so don't try¶..is so true!

This is the biggest lesson I have learned from the journey of my life. You can't please every people you meet...it's worthless to try and please all those unbearable people.

Again! I learned this the hard way.

Instead you should focus on what or who is important to you.

My evil step mom and Neil was the person who taught me that.

Neil was my biggest mistake in my life!

He made me realise about the wrong decision I had taken in my life and how it made my life more miserable.

Along with Paula ¶ Evil step mom¶ Neil was also the person who tried to demotivate me...

who wanted to see me destroy myself...

who so badly wanted my downfall!

He tried so many times to break me and my determination but I fought...fought for myself.

He came into my life like a sheep but actually was a wolf and me..I was his predator.

I tried changing him and his thoughts but it was worthless...

He wanted to capture me and lock me in the prison like his prisoner.

He wanted to snatch away my freedom...freedom to live my life happily.

freedom to make my life better....

he himself was filled with so much venom and darkness that nobody could help him even if they wanted to.

He...he was the biggest lesson of my life!

I'm also glad that Neil came into my life cause of his mental abuses I became more and more vehement and fierce.

He was one the person who made me compel to fight more for what's right for me and he was not right for me at all.

Person like him can never make any girl happy and it took me 3 years to learn that and when I wanted to end it...

it destroyed me in return and crushed my dignity further.

But I did not give up...I fought until I succeeded!

He said so many brassy words to me...in every step he tried to unwind me...

he pushed me towards my own destruction...he made me so fucking aggressive in nature.

He wanted to kill my soul!

Everyday with him was hell for me...he was sorry for an excuse of being a human.

He was a piece of shit and disgusting person!

I don't know how I fell in his trap...partly it was my mistake as well.

Maybe if I should have listened to my inner feelings than I would not have gone through all that mental trauma.

I was the wrong one in this...it was cause of my mistake that he was able to destroy my dignity.

Was able to take my virginity forcefully...

It was my weakness that I showed him also made him to capture me easily in his trap.

I was the weak one here who let the wolf prey with his predator.

If only had I taken the right decision and listened to my sixth sense then I would be saved from that nightmare.

Though I cannot go back and change the beginning but I certainly can start a new life and change the ending.

It's all in my hand!

And you learned that the hard way!


¶You can't go back and

Change the beggining,

But you can start

Where you are and

Change the ending.¶

- C.S. Lewis