Back To Lost Love 2

¶ Ronin PoV¶

Finally after 24 hours long flight journey, my flight landed at Santa Blanc airport. This was the most long awaited journey of my life compared to living alone a doomed life in London without my love.

Every hour sitting on that plane was torturous for me. All night I did not even blink my eyes because sleep was nowhere near me.

So many thoughts were running in my mind, thinking how my Aiyla would react seeing me, hearing my voice.

Would she forgive me for what I have done to her, for how I left her without saying a word.

Would she come back into my life and give me a second chance to love her, protect her, care for her and let me reprimand for my mistake for which I did not have answer to it.

Thinking all these things made me restless. I just could not wait for this flight to land and run back to see my baby girl.