Neil In Prison-Living A Hell

Unknown Pov

As Neil was brought inside the Jailors room I was disgusted by his sight, anger surged through every part of my body and I wanted nothing but to kill him right there.

He was bruised and battered badly, I felt relieved and a sinister smile came to my face knowing what kind of evil plan burned into my head, I know what I wanted to do to him and I wanted to make him suffer more and make him feel the same pain he had put me through over and over again.

I was satisfied when I saw one of the officers harassing him sexually the look on Neil's face was a sight to see and I knew at that moment the plan I had for him would not be hard to pull through.

Giving a sinister smile I waited for the officers to take him away from the room to that one place where he actually belongs to with all the fucking dirty deadly criminals that was his actual place to live with all those fucking criminals.