
The Bar

Did you ever wonder what satisfaction feels like? Well, for me. Satisfaction is being contented with things. Not because you have it, but because it have you. Not only because you hold onto that thing but also because it holds onto you. And the best feeling of satisfaction? It is when you don't worry on things. You just enjoy and be free. Laugh all you want and have fun anytime you want.

“Lily! Alice! Let's have The Bar! Let's drink and chill for tonight! We haven't been drunk for almost a month now! I kind of miss it!” Ella shouted as she pull the sleeve of my croptop hoodie.

We just got out from the arena where Edward Walker had his book signing. And I could say, fun and overwhelming aren't enough to describe my day.

“I'm in!” Alice shouted in response

Both of them are now pulling the sleeves of my hoodie. They really are childish!

But then again, their personality stole my heart. If only I could put them in jail for stealing my heart away from me, I will. Ella and Alice are just so different from those girls who I have met before.

I could say with whole genuine heart, they are the kind of friends that anyone must look for. And I am more than thankful that I have them in my life.

They are more like sisters, more like family. And I will love and treasure them with the whole me.

I gestured a thumbs up in front of them, showing that I agree with their opinion about drinking at The Bar.

The Bar is only meters away from here, so getting there is never a hassle since we all have our own cars.

We drove ourselves there, it only took us less than five minutes before we could finally step out of our cars.

“The Bar” is the bar's name. The Bar is famous for being luxurious. Although the bar itself is not made out of golds and gems, it's just that famous and rich showbiz affiliates from all over the country have their vacation here.

“The Bar” is named after it was build meters away from a beach called “The Beach” where tourists hang out and have fun.

Big names inside showbiz industry spend their vacation here.

This bar itself is not luxurious, only that luxurious people come to take a visit.

Guards even stopped us from entering. They checked our pockets and purses if we have harmful weapons with us. Maybe our faces screams robbery or whatever.

Well, that's one reason why this bar shouts luxury. It is very secured and guarded that even a mosquito can't get in. This bar also haven't been into news for having incidents. Rather, this have been reported to have famous guests from other countries.

When we finally entered, I pushed myself to the couch, looking for a comfortable position. I roamed my eyes inside. Whenever I'm here, I really appreciate the paintings hanged all over its walls.

There are paintings of cherry blossom, painted in three dimension.

And this! The interior of the bar, screams elegance and beauty! This catches the heart and soul of every guest!

Perfection it is!

Ella and Alice excitedly ordered alcoholic drinks of those with high capacity of making people drunk. They really are undescribable!

Well being drunk is not our lifestyle, we don't drink alcohol everyday so this is fine. I'm in!

We are seated in a two couched table. Couches in this bar is in curve, making the table in between two couches, looking like this (0). So, we really can't be possessive of the table.

I am seated near the stage but having my back against it while Ella and Alice are both in front of me, facing the stage where a band plays.

The server served us the hard drinks later on, stopping my sight from straying.

“Lily, Alice.” Ella called for our attention. Although I'm already aware that the drinks are in front of us already, Alice is still on her phone.

I placed the book that I am holding at the space beside me to free my hands from it.

I took the wine glass and put wine inside it. I am now holding a glass full of tequila. I'm not used to being drunk so I guess three full glasses would blow me out already.

My body heated in an instance. I even coughed my lung out because of the taste.

“I was really not born for this! Urgh! So bitter!” I complained

Ella and Alice chuckled.

“That's okay, babe. Three bottles of tequila won't blast us out, I guess. What do you think, Ella?” Alice asked

“I am with you Alice, we'd be called weak for being blown out by just three bottles of tequila!” Ella laughed

I laughed awkwardly with them.

Gosh, I am not feeling good for the three of us.

I took another shot until I took four.

I think the night is getting deeper now. More guests are in, we are now sharing the same table with strangers. The population of guests is growing, some even have familiar faces. I guess they're also from the book signing earlier.

I drank two more glasses of tequila. New feelings are felt every time I drink alcoholic liquors. I feel foreign feelings that I can't understand. Maybe because of the drink, I think it's not good for me.

I can feel the wine consuming my consciousness now.

Ella suddenly stood up and went straight to the dance floor. Alice, on the other hand, is now leaning against the couch's arm rest. She also had her legs at the couch.

“Alice” I called, I heard her muttering words but I clearly can't understand what she's saying

I stood up to accompany her but my stomach went weird.

I'm going to vomit! Damn!

I ran straight to the hall, heading to the rest room.

“Ouch!” I shouted in complain when someone bumped into me

The man gestured his arms to accompany me, but I refused.

I don't let strangers touch me. No!

“I'm sorry” the man of about inches taller than me apologized

His sent is intense that it attacked my nose in an instance.

I looked at him with brows furrowed.

His look made him a bit attractive, he had this eyes that would surely catch anyone's attention.

“You look handsome, but your carelessness is ugly.” I uttered and went straight inside the rest room

I don't care if he would think that I am rude because I really am!

I crouched in front of the toilet to let out all the food I ate. I just went back at the couch when I felt relieved.

I don't know how Alice recovered, but she's now on the dance floor.

I roamed a sight to look for Ella but I can't seem to find her. The light inside the bar changes every beat of the song played. And it's insanely fast!

I took steps to the dance floor, not to dance but to take Alice home.

“Alice” I scratched her back

“Lily!” she shouted, she was like she haven't seen me for a little while

“Let's go home, Alice” I said

She stopped wiggling her hips and looked at me for a second. I think she's processing what I said, she's like this every time she's drunk.

“Oh, home!” she held my shoulder and pushed me gently to the couch where we were seated

She sat down and I think she needs to go home now. This is not the usual her, she's spacing out.

“Where's Ella?” I roamed a sight again

“Lily!” Ella's voice filled my ears

She's walking toward us.

“I called my driver, he'll be here in less than ten minutes.” Ella is a bit wiser when it comes to drinking and I think she's still in her conscious state

“What about Alice?”

“We can call her personal assistant to take her home.” she said and took Alice's phone

She dialed the number of Alice's personal assistant.

We waited for Jenna, Alice's personal assistant while watching Alice uttering words.

The usual thing, Ella and I tend to laugh at it.

We accompanied Alice, taking her outside the bar and getting her inside her Alfa Romeo.

Jenna thanked us before she started the car's engine.

“It's a byebye for the both of us, then.” Ella said as she steps in her car.

I waved at her and went back inside the bar. I forgot my book.

There's only few guests left now. I looked at the wall clock inside the bar. The light still prevents me from seeing it well. Good thing it's big. I can see It's already 1:37 AM!

I took my book from the couch and immediately went inside my car.

I started the engine immediately and drove myself home. As expected, everyone is asleep.

I went upstairs and pushed myself to bed. I did not even change my outfit to sleeping wears. I jus closed my eyes and let sleepiness consume me.