

“Urgh! Ella!” I shouted in much irritation exactly when Ella answered my call

I just woke up and what I just found out really ruined my morning! I did not expect this to happen! I did not see this one coming. And I'm not used to this!

How lucky I am yesterday is how unlucky I am today!

This is so careless of me! I took someone's book by mistake at the bar last night! And someone has probably taken mine! I just noticed it earlier when I woke up!

I don't know how this happened! I don't know how I took the wrong book when I clearly took the book beside where I was seated last night!

I am aware that I'm not the only one who partied at the bar who owns a book like this, but it's beyond my awareness that there's a possibility that I would take the wrong book!

I hate this! For the very first time in my life, I just witnessed myself being so careless! I have this personality that would not let anyone touch my things. So, if I took a book that is clearly not mine, someone is probably holding my book right now!


I did not notice it last night, I was at rush because of the time. I did not check if it was my book because I clearly got it from where I put mine!

Who the heck exchanged my book with someone else's?! He or she owes me a debt!

I'll make that person pay!

This is getting into my nerves!

“Look for the code name, maybe there's something written on it.” she suggested with comforting voice

Readers are obligated to write code on their book to prevent exchanges.

Well, I put LS on mine but I still lost it!

“It is written here, EW. This doesn't make sense or even give us direct hint!”

“I'm sorry, babe. I was busy talking to a previous workmate yesterday, we have not seen each other for years that is why.” she apologized

“Oh, come on, babe! I'm not putting the blame on you. In fact I am blaming myself!”

“I'm really sorry, babe. If I only knew you would lose your book I will not ask you to have a drink.” she apologized again

“Last night was fun, Ella. But today is not. It was great bonding with you and Alice, only that I lost my book while having fun. And that is so careless of me.” I said

That is so careless of me!

“Why not ask Alice? She might have noticed who went near your seat!” she suggested

I sighed.

“Alice's all blasted out. I even did not notice it when I'm still in my conscious state.”

“Oh, that's a point.” she said

A deafening silence filled the line.

“What about the mark?” I asked hysterically when I remembered something

“What mark--- oh my gosh!” she exclaimed “I told you! You should have listened to me! You should haven't kissed your book!” she fired out.

Gosh! This is not happening! Wake me up if this is a dream!

A nightmare it is!

What a shame!

“It just smelled so good, that's why!” I defended even if my heart claims I am the one at fault

Silence filled the line again but I broke it when something popped out my mind.

“What if...” I can't continue what I'm going to say

“What if what?” Ella asked

“What if a boy got my book?! I'd be putting myself on shame!” I am now teary eyed.

I am not over reacting, I'm just not used to this!

My hands are even trembling because of what I am feeling. So foreign!

Think of it! I kissed my book and there was a mark on it! If ever a guy got it, then he would probably laugh at me!

No! That can't happen!

I'm not used to being careless ang losing things. This is my first time!

“That's the problem!”

I don't know what to say now. How am I going to fix this? This is a mess!

I'm a mess!

I must be really over time conscious that I rushed when I saw what time it was last night!


“I suggest you bring purse next time.”

“I told you, I hate purses.” I blew an air out

I have a bad experience with purses years ago, but that still creeps me out.

I hope I am just dreaming. Can someone please wake me up?!

Really! Wake me up!

“I really am sorry, babe.” she apologized again

“No, it's fine. You don't need to be sorry. I am responsible for this.”

“Thank you for the time, I'll end the call now.” I bid

“Bye babe, I'll call you if I'll have an update already of who partied with us last night.” she said “Have your breakfast now. I'll try to ask for CCTV footages.”

Ella studied winery and she had worked at The Bar for almost a year. Although she stopped when she got a better job, she got close with The Bar's staffs and even owners, I think.

“Bye, thank you, babe. I owe you a lot.” I said and ended the call

I got off my bed to start my morning routine.

I looked at the mirror inside my closet. I remove the remaining lip tint on my lips.

“This is all your fault!” I glared at my reflection.

This is making me crazy!

My heart is not at peace.

I usually read stories and novels after getting off my bed, but I don't have the energy of doing it today. I'm not in the mood.

I felt dizzy when I stood up so I sat down to preserve my balance.

“Fuck hangover!” I shouted

I immediately took my towel when I felt relieved. I took my clothes off and entered the shower room.

It took me one hour before satisfaction consumed my whole.

I wore a simple white dress and partnered it with white doll shoes.

Today is Sunday, and Sunday is rest day. I'll go to church later. I'll pray for my book. May its soul rest in peace.

“Oh, you're up, ma'am Lily. What do you want for breakfast?” Daisy, the house's caretaker and cook asked me when I headed to the living area

“I'll prepare food for myself, thank you. By the way, where's Mom and Dad?”

“They told me they will take a visit at Smith's Home For The Homeless in Chicago. They'll be gone for a week.”

“Oh, that's good.” I said before turning my back against her and walk straight to the kitchen

I took only bread and chocolate spread.

I drove to church after having my breakfast. Like what I planned, I prayed for my book that may it be in good hands.

My phone rang while I was driving back home from church.

Ella's name flashed on the screen

I answered it before turning it out loud.

“Guess what!” she shouted

I moved the phone away from my ear because of her voice. Very loud and sharp!

“I'm driving right now, babe!” I informed her

I might get into accident because of this. That would cause another problem!

“Oh, I'm sorry. So, guess what!” she repeated, excitement is evident on her voice

I think it's about my book. She told me she'll call if she'll have an update.

“Guess it! Come on!” she said with full excitement

“About my boo---”

“About your book! Edward Walker was with us last night! And based on the footages, there were guests who sat with us on the couch, a man was just an inch away from where you put your book!” she cut me off

“And guess what's more!”

“Come on, just say it already!” I'm starting to lose patience

Well I was born impatient and I get easily irritated.

“Okay! There's a great chance that Edward got your book! You told me EW was written on it as the code, right?”

“Yeah, right.”

“Gosh! Maybe it was his personal book! The first released piece and he's keeping it as a remembrance for himself! And maybe, he's the one who got yours!” she excitedly said

“And you think, Edward is as careless as I am? I won't buy that, babe!”

Edward is a neat and prim type of man! He will never let his thing be on someone's hand.

“Come on! I know it excites you too!” she uttered

Yeah, it excites me! But I was left with no words to say! I feel speechless!

Is this a dream? I'm taking my words back. Please, don't wake me up!