

Who would have thought, a rude lady like me would be desperate enough to be friends with someone I just met?

I laughed awkwardly.

“S-so you talk to each other? Does he often take a visit?” I asked him.

Oh my god! He's friends with Edward Walker!

Just what did I do to be this lucky?

“Of course. We often have conversation.” he answered

That's so lucky of him!

“How often?” I asked

I'm not interested with this guy. I'm interested with the owner of the store he's working at!

“Why do you ask?” he answered. A smirk is plastered on his lips

I don't know what is that smirk for but I don't like his aura.

Is he thinking about me having a bad intention with Edward Walker?

That's criticism!

“I'm a big fan.” I said proudly

I think he's not buying it because he shook his head. As if he doesn't agree with me.

“Come on. If you dream of being friends with Edward. Wake up.”

What the hell?!

Did he just turned me down?

I did not know he could be this rude!

And the way he mentioned Edward's name. It was like Edward is of his level!

Are they that close?

“I am not dreaming of just being friends with Edward Walker! I'm after for my book you dumb ass!” I irritatedly shouted

I looked around to see if someone heard me but there's no other person in the area we're standing at.


Did I just shouted at him?

No! No! No!

He might not make friends with me!

That can't happen! He's my only option! I don't know who else can help me with my problem!

“I didn't mean to shout at y-you. I-i was just carried away.” I apologized

“It was you who started it anyway.” I gently slapped his shoulder.

“If only you did not tell me to stop from dreaming.” I laughed awkwardly.

“Because you really are. You're dreaming.” he repeated

Can he just shut his mouth up?! That's very rude of him!

“Yes, I know. But shouldn't you just cheer me up? Instead of turning me down. Come on, I need to say this straight to you now.” I breathed

“I need your help. Can you do me a favor?”

“What? You're asking me to do you a favor? In exchange of what? Money? I'm not that kind of person, Lily. I'll do you a favor because I owe you. That's how it should work. Remember, you can't have everything just because of money. Try to work a little harder to reach Edward. Don't use other people just so you could achieve anything. The world doesn't revolve around you. Don't just think of your own happiness. Be considerate of what others feel. And asking help to to someone you just knew? Are you that confident? What if I find you interested and then I'll use your weakness to take advantage on you?”

I don't know what to react on what he said. But, isn't he too much? He has gotten way too far.

I was just asking if he could do me a favor! I did not force him!

But he's got a point. I'm rushing things.

“Okay fine, but please. Just this one. I'll ask you just this one. Can you tell me about Edward Walker's schedule of visitation here? I badly need to talk to him. He's got my book. I already told you, right? I placed a kiss mark on my book and that would only put me on shame. Edward is who I've dreamed to be with. I know that's too delusional of me. But please, I really need your help. I'll do anything you want just so you could say yes to me.” I hope he'll say yes and agree with me

“I'll help you get your book back.” he calmly said.

Really? Really?

“Thank you! Thank you so much---”

“But in one condition.” he continued

I stared at him in disbelief. What condition?

“Just make sure I can work on your condition. Don't make things hard for me, please.” I begged


I've never begged anyone before! Only this man! He's not a VIP! He's just a stranger, acting precious just because he's close with Edward!

I hate this man! But I have no choice. He's my only option for now.

His lips protruded a smirk, as if he find me too demanding.

I can pay him if he want, but he's acting like money is not he is up to.

I know men, if you owe them, they want things in return. It's either your money of your body. But! Edward Walker is not that kind of man.

“Not hard for you, then. What's your profession?” he asked, his question is out of nowhere

Can't he just tell me his point?! He's being slow and I hate it. It's consuming my patience!

“Why do you ask?” I boredly asked

Our conversation is getting too long! I still have things to do. I really hate boys when they try to make themselves important. They are not! But not Edward Walker.

Of all characteristics of men that I hate, Edward Walker doesn't posses it. He's such a good man. Very good that anyone may fall for him.

And this guy in front me is Edward's exact opposite! I feel sorry for his girlfriend. He's too slow. He's not a boyfriend material I could say.

“Just answer my question, nothing will be taken away from you anyway.”

“What If I won't tell you my profession? Come on! Let's just make this quick! You're getting our conversation long! Ask for money already! I can give it to you at this very moment! Stop beating around the bush! As if you're asking for my profession, you're just figuring out how big the amount of money to ask from me! You can't fool me! I've encountered situations like this before!” I fired out

His brows furrowed, a smirk is visible on his lips.

“Do you really think I'm after your money? If I am, then I might have told you straightforwardly. I'm not going around the bush. I'm not making our conversation long. I'm asking you of your profession seriously, and you can't even give me a proper and decent answer. Look, you're the one who's asking me a favor. If you think you can get everything by your money. Then, I'm not everything. Go look for other person to help you. Stop bugging me around. I'm done with your childish games. And if ever nobody else can help you with your problem. Quit running after Edward. You look pathetic and desperate at the same time.” he gave me a fake smile and left me before I could say anything else

What did he just say?

I swallowed hard. Was I really too desperate? Goodness! That was a big slap.

Who else would help me?! Alice? Ella? Edison is just one step closer to Edward! I'm doomed!

I ran after him and grabbed his arm.

He stopped and faced me, giving me a smirk.

“I can't believe you're really that confident with yourself. Just after I rejected you, you're already here stopping me from walking. Desperate enough?” he laughed

He's pissing me!

Breathe. I'm gonna slap him in the face if only I'm not after his help! He's come too far! He's treating me like I was the most cruel person he ever met!

“Come on, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I'm really sorry.” I tried to be as sincere when I apologized. “I was just making sure that you're really not after my money. Earlier when you asked me of what my profession is, I thought you're up to something.” I excused

He faked a laugh and stared at me.

His smirk slowly faded. His jaw clenched and it gave me goosebumps. Is he mad?

He took back his arm away from my hold.

He is really mad!

“Put this in mind. I'm not after your money. So what is your profession?” he said with a thunder like voice

“I-I'm an accountant.” I stuttered

I saw how his angry face turned into an amused one. What did I say? What did I just do?

“What did you say?” he stared at me for a while

“I'm an accountant.” I repeated

Does he have hearing impairment? Do I have to repeat everything for him? Never mind, he's doing me a favor anyway. That's fair, I guess.

“Why are you asking me anyway? Does it have something to do with you or with the favor I'm asking you to do for me?” I curiously asked

I'm still not comfortable. I don't get his point. Why does he have to ask me about my profession?

“That's none of your business. Come here the day after tomorrow. I'll talk to you with some matter.” he saifd in a serious tone

“Why can't we just talk now?” I asked

“Edward comes here every Wednesday. So if you can't wait until that day comes, you're just wasting both of our time.”

“That's what I'm talking about! I can wait for Wednesday! I'll come back here, of course---” I stopped talking when I heard my phone rang

I did not bother to answer it. I looked at him with apologetic eyes.

“That's it. I still have works to do. And you also have a call to answer.” he said and turned his back against me

I glanced at Ivory who's already walking towards him. I rolled my eyes and walked to the store's exit. They can do their thing now, I'm done with mine.

I'm done! That's a success! I can finally meet Edward! A dream come true!

My phone rang again exactly when I got outside the store. I took my phone out my pocket and saw Daisy's name flashed on the screen.

What's up with her? This is the first time she called me. I mean, she only call me if she doesn't know where I am or if my parents are looking for me. But I told her I'll be out for work today and my parents are not home, so I don't have any idea with the reason of her sudden call

“Yes Daisy?” I answered

I heard a sob in the other line.

“What happened?” I asked hysterically

“M-miss L-lily” she uttered, her stuttering voice gave evidence to her sobbing

“What happened?!” I asked again, I'm getting pissed. Not because she's talking too slow , but because I can feel my body trembling out of no reason!

“M-miss, your p-parents got i-into an a-accident earlier this d-day. I-i only g-got the chance t-to call y-you when I got to t-the h-hospital.” her sobs turned into cries

My tears rolled down my cheeks. I felt like my heart was torn into pieces.