

I went inside my car and started the engine immediately.

“Daisy? Are you still there?” I asked on the line

I heard a sob on the other. She's still there.

“Which hospital are you?” I asked

“Miss, w-were in the N-new York General Hospital.” she answered

“Okay, I'll be there in a minute. Bye now.” I ended the call

I stepped on the car's accelerator intensely to drive faster. I need to be there earliest. My parents needs me. I might not take it if something will happen to them. I wonts forgive myself. I'll forever be regretful.

I never got to experience having a bond with my parents. I was a brat kid when I was little. I play with my friends, I never asked attention from my parents. I even push them away from me if they intend to play with me, because I just hated it. I want to play with my friends. I don't feel like playing along with my parents. And when I turned teenager, I was busy with school and more on my friends. I was focused on straying and enjoying. I just come home whenever I want. I come home late, when my parents are already asleep. And I wake up late, when my parents already left for work. That was how I lived my life. And now that I've grown old. I'm focused on my work and my personal stuffs. My parents are also getting busy with their businesses.

I just realized, I was really a bad kid. A bad daughter, and a bad person. I was selfish and I only think of myself. I was just looking forward to my own achievement and success. I hope I'd meet the right person. The person who would change me. Because I know, I can't change by my own.

I stopped the car at the parking lot when I arrived at the hospital. I went inside the hospital in a hurdle.

“Where is the room of Edith and Franklin Smith?” I asked the lady nursed assigned in the information desk

“Room 235, miss.” the lady nurse answered

“Thank you.” I replied

She just smiled and nodded. I walked to room number 235, before I could get in. I saw Daisy on the waiting area.

“Daisy, what happened?” I asked when she glanced at me

Her eyes shouts tiredness.

“Miss Lily, I don't exactly know what happened. Somebody just called me earlier, probably authorities who saw your parent's car in the place of accident. They only told me that Ma'am Edith and Sir Franklin got into an accident. Authorities are still investigating on the reason behind it.” she said

“Where did the authorities find the car?” I asked

“They mentioned that the car is on its way here.” she answered

“Excuse me.” I excused and went inside the room

I saw mom and dad laying on the hospital bed. A tube is both placed on their nose.

I went closer to my moms bed, she's before dad's. I crouched to reach for moms hand.

I looked at her face, wounds are there.

“M-mom.” I uttered

She looked so helpless and tired. I never saw mom this weak. I never saw mom like this, sleeping with wounds. Having a tube in her nose. I never saw her being confined in a hospital. I never witnessed her being in this situation. I don't know what will happen next. I don't have any idea what to do either. All I know is to stay by their side. Watch over them at night, that's all I know I can do.

I wiped the tears that fell down my cheeks when the door opened. A doctor came in.

“You're the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Smith?” he asked

“Yes, I am. How are they doing?” I replied

“Mr. Smith is doing fine. He's fast recovering. But unfortunately, Mrs. Smith is not. She'll be confined for maybe two weeks or less. Mr. Smith can be discharged within five days, if he'll continue do good. And by the way, I just wonder, when Mr. Smith is the driver, why is Mrs. smith having the bigger impact. I mean, I'm not saying Mr. Smith should have it, but that's just inappropriate. Anyway, that's none of my business.” she said

That hit me big time. Daisy told me earlier that the car is going here when found by the authorities. And my parents told her about their visit in Chicago. That's one week. Why are they home so early?

I felt my breathing ragged, my heart beat doubled. Am I over reacting? Or something is really happening? If ever someone's after my family, what are they up to? Money? My family's not that wealthy. We only have branches of Home For The Homeless and only the government is paying us. I'm probably over thinking. I guess I'm too stressed---

My heart skipped a beat when the doctor tapped my shoulder.

“Miss, are you all right?” he asked

I nodded and smiled limitedly.

“I guess, I'll get going now. I'll just update you if we have a matter to talk about.” he said and turned his back against me

“Excuse me, Doc.” I uttered before he could finally open the door

“Anything?” he asked me

“A-about the incident, are there affiliates? If I may ask.”

“I'm sorry, miss, but I don't know. When the cops arrived, they only mentioned about the accident. Your mother is even in a critical condition when they arrived. The cops did not mention aside from that.” he explained

“Thank you.” I nodded

He smiled sweetly at me and opened the door to go outside.

I don't know what this thing that I'm feeling, but my heart beat is doubled. Not the usual feeling. It seems like the be that I felt when I got into that incident came back.

That can't be.


I shook my head to get rid of my thoughts. I glanced at my parents before opening the door to leave. Daisy immediately stood up when she saw me.

“How are they, miss?” she asked

I feel sorry for Daisy, she's been a loyal worker of my family and I could say, she really became close with my parents. Even closer than I am to them.

“Dad is stable. The doctor said he can be discharged in four days. While mom, she needs two weeks.”

“I understood.” she nodded

“I'll be the one staying here at night to look after them. And you'll be assigned in daytime. Don't worry, I'll double your salary.”

“That's fine with me, miss.”

“For now, go home and take a rest. I'll be staying here until tomorrow morning. Have you eaten already?”

“Yes miss. I'm done eating.”


“I'll get going now, miss.” she said

“Wait.” I called her before she could leave. “What did exactly mom and dad told you before they left for Chicago?” I asked

“They told me about their visit in Smith's Home For The Homeless there, they'll be back after a week. That's the exact thing they told me.”

“Okay, go on now. Take care.”

She just nodded and walked away. I went back to my parents room. In the corner was a chair, probably for the person waiting. I signed and took my phone out my pocket.

I saw a message from Ella. This is probably the message I received earlier when I was driving.

Ella: Lily! I've gone too far! It frustrates me. I've commented on Edward's Twitter and other social media account's posts, still no response. I'll just buy you a new book. Kiss it again and wait for five years until Edward Walker's book signing. Lol. That's way better. I've got no chance of being noticed by one of the world's famous author.

I laughed at her message. Who told her to do such thing? It was her own choice. I told you, Edward Walker is up high. His fans are just looking up at him, but could never reach him...

Let's just say, he's the brightest star. We're here in the dark, watching him intently without him even noticing us.

I sighed and looked at my parents on the hospital bed.

I was a bad kid but I never heard of my parents complain about it. Well, aside from their business they're also not the type of parents who asks their kids of how their day went. I mean, if we eat together, they'll be busy answering calls and all that. So I never got to share to them about my day. That's kind of sad.

I wiped the tears in my cheeks and stood up. I need to eat for dinner. Maybe there's a cafeteria in here.

I was about to go outside when the doctor entered. He was the same doctor earlier.

He smiled a little at me and bowed.

“I'll be checking on them.” he said

I just gave him a nod and smiled. I looked at his every move. Everything is fine like he doesn't want to make a mistake. Even a tiny mistake. I hope everybody's as careful as him. And I hope everybody's life is as fine as his every move.

“Excuse me, Doc. Do you have a cafeteria in here?” I asked

I did not mean to disturb him, but I'm starving! I haven't eaten snacks or at least drank some water.

“Yes, we do have. I'll also be going there to have a quick meal. We can go together, if you want.” he smiled

I don't usually give a damn on anyone's goodness, but this doctor right here is too much. I've encountered doctors for like twice a week. But I've never encountered a doctor this approachable. Or is he just hit different? Well, if I were to choose. I'll go with the friendly doctors.

And this doctor right here. He's quite good looking though.