

He walked close to me after writing on the paper he's holding.

He smiled at me before he gestured his arms at the door. Probably making me go out first. Such a gentleman.

“How are my parents, Doc?” I asked

I don't know why I am feeling this way. I feel so light being with this doctor. It seems like the heaviness that I just carried awhile ago are all gone. Maybe because this doctor is so friendly that I don't feel like being out of place.

“They are all fine.”

I don't know if I heard it right but I heard a sigh. Or was it just my own breathing? Or am I hearing things. But I clearly heard a sigh!

“It's just that. It would take more time for them to fully recover.” he added

“I understand that matter. I did not expect this to happen. And I don't know how to handle situations like this. This is new to me.” I started

Will I cry? Or will I cry?

I want to cry, open up about everything to this doctor I just met!

“I'll be here throughout your hardship. I swear I'd take mom and dad back to being who they were. Trust me.” he said

“Really? I asked.” I mean, I do trust him

But his words and the way he speak those seems like he's coming from somewhere. He probably experienced this kind of tragedy. His words are comforting me. Like he really said each and every word with whole genuine heart.

“Yes really.” he smiled sweetly at me

“Anyway, what do you want?” he asked me

I just noticed we were already in the cafeteria. I did not even familiarize the way here. I was too focused on him and what he was saying.

“Just coffee, to sustain my energy for the whole night watching my parents.” I said

“My treat.” he uttered

What? His treat? Were we close enough for him to treat me? We just met few hours ago. If there's someone to treat, that must be me. I should be the one treating him as a sign of thanksgiving for taking good care of my mom and dad.

“N-no, I'm fine.” I stuttered

“I'm also fine. Let me just treat you. A coffee and a cake. Let's just say this is our first bonding being friends.” he said, as if explaining to me

Is it required?

“That's so thoughtful of you. I've never met a doctor like you. A very friendly and approachable one. That's an asset.”

He laughed at that. It's true! Being friendly is an asset.

“You'll never meet a doctor like me. A handsome friendly doctor.” he spoke

What? Did he just compliment himself?

I laughed at him.

“Yeah, probably not. You were the first doctor with such an attitude of being windy.” I rolled my eyes

We just met earlier this day and I already feel so comfortable with him! Maybe we're close in our past lives or the likes. Maybe we were born to be friends.

“Not windy, just honest.” he added

“Let me order for us.” he stood up and went near the counter

He never waited for my response. He did not even ask me about the type of coffee I want! We've probably known each other in our past lives that he already know what coffee I would like to drink.

I laughed at my own imagination.


Was I too exhausted that I think of things in a very impossible way. But who would not doubt? I mean, he's being too caring and friendly at the same time.

I watched him intently as he walked back to our table. He's already holding a tray. He gently placed the tray of cake in the table.

“I'll be back.” he smiled sweetly at me

And the way he smile! Every girl will surely fall for this man if given the chance to meet him and talk with him in just an hour!

He placed the box of coffee in the table with full carefulness. His gentle movements can even catch anyone's attention. He's living his profession. Doctors should be careful in everything.

“Your actions are so fine that I might think you're planning to be a girl.” I joked

“My parents taught me to be this gentle. Men should be gentler than women. That's what I believe in.” he responded while taking the plates out of the tray and put it closer to us

“By the way, what was your name? We've been like talking for almost half a day now, yet I don't know your name. You even called me a friend of yours.” I said

I'm curious if his name suits his face and actions.

“I'm Lincoln.” he thriftily smiled

“That's a cool name! Cool as the person owning the name. I'm Lily Smith!” I offered my hand to him

“I'm Lincoln. Lincoln Smith.” he accepted my hand

Wait, what?! He's a Smith! Are we like some sort of relatives? Or does he know my parents or does he know me? He's acting like he know me lately!

“A Smith.” I uttered with curiosity on my voice

“A Smith.” he uttered back with finality, as if he's so sure of being a Smith

We might be really close to each other! We might even have the same blood running down our veins! That's cool! And I just met him this day!

“I-I really haven't met any of my cousins or even relatives.” I shyly said. “Do you know if we're related to each other?” I asked

He just shrugged and offered me the coffee he ordered.

“Let's eat, the food might not preserve its hotness. Food is better when hot.” he said

“I'm fine with coffee.” I opposed. “Just to sustain my energy for the whole night.” I continued

“Dark chocolate will sustain your energy. A perfect pair indeed. Dark chocolate cake and Dark Coffee. That would not make you sleep, surely. Besides, that's my treat.” he smiled

Did he just mentioned dark coffee? I quickly grabbed the box of the coffee and looked at its label. Dark coffee! My favorite, exactly! Did he know about this? Or he just guessed?

“How old are you?” I asked out of curiosity

He knew things about me! I mean he's like a guy spying me overtime! Is he my stalker? Or is he just close with mom and dad? I don't know! He's giving me creeps now!

“About three years older than you? Probably.” he said confidently

I'm twenty six now. So he's saying he's probably twenty nine?

“Twenty nine?” I asked, if ever I guessed it right, then he really knew me in the first place

“Nailed.” he winked

What the heck?! He really is twenty nine years old! And he knew he's three years older than me when in fact, I just met him earlier this day! He knows my identity!

“Who are you?” I asked, brows furrowed

“I'm Lincoln Smith.” he said with face of sincerity

“Who are you in my life---” I continued asking

“I'm just a doctor in your life. Finish your food. Mr. and Mrs. Smith is waiting for you.” he calmly said and took a bite on his cake

I still have questions in my mind but he's right. Mom and dad is waiting for me. No one else will look after them but me.

I took a spoon of cake and ate it. I sipped on my dark coffee until I finished my meal. When I finished mine, he also finished his.

“Look after your mom and dad. Here's a coat for you. You might doze off. You can't stand being awake the whole night. Also, the room your parents are confined is cold.” his gentle voice touched my heart

I really want to ask him who he really is but I feel like I have time for that. Maybe the next day.

He offered his topcoat to me. I have the guts to say no, but I might really doze off. And I hate cold room. I might get uncomfortable not wearing one.

I smiled thriftily at him and accepted the coat he offered.

“Thank you for these. Until next time. Thank you for checking on my mom and dad.” I thanked him

“That's fine, until next time.” he responded

I bowed in front of him before turning my back against him. I walked to my parents' room and sat on the chair inside.

While sitting on the chair! I can't avoid thinking of Lincoln. It really feels different being with him. Too light, and at the same time. I feel like we're somehow related. Maybe because of his surname. I guess that's it.

I took my phone out my pocket when I heard it beeped. I saw Ella's name on the screen. I just received a message from her.

“Hey! Are you alright, darling? How are your parents doing? Are they fine? I heard what happened. I was able to pass by your house earlier and stopped there for awhile to have a little chitchat with you, but you weren't there. I'm glad Daisy was there to explain to me.” I read her message

“I'm fine. Thank you. I miss you and Alice.” I typed a replied and sent it

It's been days when we saw each other. I really did not expect things to be like this.

I sighed and turned my phone off when I heard a murmur from my father's bed. I stood up hysterically and saw my father trying to move his fingers.

“Doc!” I hysterically called and ran outside the room

Good thing there was a nurse passing by. I don't know if I'm still acting decently but everything rattled me!

“Miss, my father is awake.” I called

The nurse glanced at me before she finally entered the room. She did things before she faced me.

“I'll call Dr. Lincoln immediately. Well, this is just a normal response of a patient. But then, I'll still let Dr. Lincoln have a check about this matter.” she uttered seriously

I just nodded at her before she finally left.