

I saw Lincoln running, after the lady nurse left. I told him about what happened when he checked on dad.

“It was a usual response. There's nothing to worry about. There's a great chance that he'll be fully awake tomorrow. Give yourself some rest.” he said and tapped my should

He left the room like nothing happened, filling the room with silence.

I brushed my hair out of frustration. I'm sicking tired! I just want to cry!

I sat on the chair beside my mom's bed and fitted myself their. I had my knees folded and my feet on the chair. I took Lincoln's topcoat and covered my shoulder down to my feet to feel warmth.

The scent attacked my nose. He's really cool, he's got sweet perfume opposing his masculinity.

Maybe out of tiredness, I did not notice I dozed off. I only realized it when I felt someone tapping my shoulder.

It was Daisy with her small bag in her hand.

“I bought us food for breakfast. Let's eat before these gets cold.” she said

I did not hesitate and stood up immediately. I brushed my hair with my fingers to at least fix myself. I look unpresentable.

I wore the topcoat and glanced at my parents for awhile before going out with Daisy. We walked to the cafeteria for a breakfast. After eating, I bid goodbye to her for work.

I drove myself home to take a bath. I wore a simple black trouser and white spaghetti strapped blouse to pair. I also got Lincoln's topcoat washed and dried.

I hanged it in the backseat before driving myself to the office. Paperworks are piled up in my table. I have so many things to do. I turned on my office laptop and started working on it. I have an accounting to do that needs to be finished today. Though I was used to this work, I still can't focus. Thinking that my parents are not in good condition.

I finished my day facing my laptop to work and my phone to call Daisy to have a check on mom and dad. So far, there's no emergencies that came their way. Not until afternoon came, Daisy called to inform me that dad already woke up and that he's looking for me.

I immediately drove to the hospital after my work. I got there with my dad eating. He smiled at me when I entered the room. I reached him for a hug but Lincoln stopped me.

“His wounds are not yet healed.” he warned

I noticed my tears fell down my cheeks because of too much emotion. Dad is awake! I have so many questions in my head but I also need to consider dad's condition. I might bring inconvenience if I force everything the way I want it to be.

I held dad's hand and put it near my cheeks.

“D-dad,” I started to sob. “W-what happened?” I asked

I want him to answer this question just at least this one. All things will be fixed if he will just answer this one. I'm tired of figuring out what really happened.

“Lily, let him rest first.” Lincoln interrupted

I really want this question to be answered right away, but I can't disobey a doctor. I might get dad's condition worsen. I don't want to add to everyone's burden.

“It's okay.” dad insisted

I heard Lincoln sighed, I saw him shaking his head.

“Excuse us for a minute.” Lincoln turned to Daisy

Daisy just nodded and quietly walked out, leaving the door closed.

“We were driving back home.” dad started. “We were driving back home when I accidentally stepped on the accelerator. I was rattled when a pet crossed the road. I was about to pass by the pet by I turned the car sideways. Everything rattled me that's why I stepped on the accelerator accidentally. I'm sorry. I did not mean to cause this tragedy. I'm sorry, darling.” dad apologized

He doesn't have to apologize! I clearly understand. Nobody wants us to be in this situation!

“Be careful next time, please. I can't take it if something will happen to you and mom. You are both my treasures.” I can hear my sobs covering my words

“I-I will.” he said and closed his eyes for a bit

“Give him a rest, Lily.” Lincoln interrupted again. “He probably answered your question now.”

I stood up and wiped my tears. I watched Lincoln have a check on dad.

“He's doing fine now. One more progress and he'll be discharged. Don't worry about him, I'll ask a nurse to personally check on him everyday.” he said

“Thank you.” I thanked him

“Jusy doing my work. Buy him nutritious food to eat. He's hungry sleeping for almost a day.”

I just nodded on him. He went outside exactly when Daisy entered the room.

“Make him a porridge and buy him fresh apples. Then you can have your rest.”

“Yes ma'am, I get it.” she bowed and turned his back against me

When she finally went out the room.

I moved a chair closer to my father's bed. He smiled at me. So precious that it pinched my heart. I can see his wounds still fresh.

“D-dad, are you hurting?” I asked

He just nodded.

“Where?” I asked, a bit rattled

He must be enduring pain!

“Right here.” he pointed his chest. “My heart is hurting, seeing your mom in this situation because of me. Everything is so painful for me. I might have brought inconvenience to you too. I'm really sorry.”

I shook my head crying. He really think he's the one at fault.

“N-no dad, It's not your fault. No one is at fault. And mom? I know mom is strong enough to handle this. Don't think about things. Everything will be fine. Dr. Lincoln is so good and responsible.” I persuaded him, just so he won't think of things the wrong way

“He is? You think?” he asked

“Y-yes, he is.” I don't know if he's amused of what I said about Lincoln that he didn't give a comment on the other things I said

“L-lily. Can I ask you a favor?” dad asked

I never heard of dad asking anyone a favor. My heart beat doubled, I don't know why I am feeling something. It seems like a tragedy is about to happen. It's scaring me out.

“What f-favour?” I stuttered

“No matter what happens, we're family. Nothing can replace you in our hearts. Just always remember, you will always be our girl.” he said with so much emotion

It seems like he will be loosing me hours from now. Why is he being so dramatic? He just woke up and now he think of things the impossible way. Of course, we're family! We will always be a family!

“Come on Dad. You need to rest.” I smiled a little

“Promise me you'll never turn ways. Promise me that you'll stay with us no matter what.” he said

“I'll promise if you promise to recover faster.”

“I'll promise, then you promise.”

I just nodded on what he said. He nodded back before he closed his eyes, it became a cue for me to go outside the room. I saw Lincoln approaching.

“Hey” he greeted. “How is he?” he asked

“I asked him to take a rest while I wait for Daisy to come over.” I replied

“That's great. You're doing good, a good daughter perhaps.”

“I am not. I only got the chance to be this good when my mom and dad got into that accident. If not because of it, I won't realize how spoiled and rude I was as a person. So yeah, don't ever compliment me because you saw the goodness in me. Wait until you see the evil side, and then I'll wait for your comment about it.” I stated

“I guess, if I ever saw that evil side of yours I'll still compliment you.” he smiled

“You think? Why?” I asked

“I'll compliment you for you to realize that someone is looking at the pretty side of yours. And by that, you'll be motivated to do good more often. Because you're a good person. You just have to allow people to teach you how to show it out.” he shrugged

He's really a gentleman. And a gentle person. He always got me amused. Lucky are those who love him and those who are loved by him.

“Where do you live?” I suddenly asked

I'm just curious about it. We're friends anyway.

“Just an apartment near here.” he answered

He's really cool. I can feel that he's treating me like his friend.

“Thank you.” I thanked him

“For?” he asked

“Just thank you. Wait until you realize how grateful I am yo have known a kind person like you.” I sweetly smiled

“Anyway, I still have to check on him.” he said

“Go on.” I replied, nodding

He bowed and went inside the room. Just in time, I saw Daisy walking towards me. She got her bag with her. She handed me the porridge and the basket of apples.

“Thank you for this, Daisy. You're one loyal friend.” I smiled. “You can go home now.”

She just smiled at me before turning her back against. I also walked towards the room door to open it. I heard a voice before I could finally enter.

“We need to tell her everything. I can't keep this secret anymore. I feel sad for her.” I heard Lincoln's voice

“We will, we'll just wait for the right time. And I think it will be better if your mom will tell her everything. She'll understand better.” I heard my father's response