I did not notice that everyone had already taken their seats as I stood there frozen. Their stares pierced my back like daggers. A hand grabbed my arm. It was not long before I realized it was Miss Danielle. "Do you feel sick? Are you okay? Do you want to go home?" she inquired. "N-no, I was just a little dizzy for a second; thank you for your concern."

I sat down after she smiled. No. Theodore- Lord Theodore sat in the front row, in his special seat. I had the impression that the puzzle pieces were finally coming together. As a result, every time he was in the room, I felt like there was a dominant aura, like how everyone treated him with respect, which I assumed was expected, given that he was someone born from a rich family.

What kind of person do I consider myself to be? I was so dense back then that I did not even notice how everyone was acting. Is that also why he can walk into a room and leave as if nothing happened because it comes naturally to him? Being surrounded by so many people praising, adoring, and loving him to the point where one could worship him.

I see now; I was duped. No, it was I who was the fool. I do not even have the right to be in the same room as Theodore. Is it because of him that everyone was staring at me so intently? Why didn't Silver inform me? I am drowning in thoughts now, and I cannot handle it.

All of my frustrations are resurfacing at the same time. My tears began to fall. "Hey, Mei, are you okay?" I interrupted Miss Danielle's sentence. "Pardon me, I'll go to the restroom," I said as I ran towards the restroom without tripping.

I just wanted to get away from his face. When I see him, I remember who I am and what my life is about. That is why I tried so hard to forget about him. He brings back all of my sorrows; just now, he made me demonstrate how different our world was. That no matter how hard I try, no matter how much I turn the world upside down or inside out, we will never be together.

He will always be the Lord, and I will remain a peasant. Today was a rough day in the world. It reminded me of the despair and hope I had invested in my career; all of my hard work would never prove me correct. They are so high and bright that birds refuse to fly above them.

They are their type of people, and I will never be one of them. I examined myself in the mirror. I reapplied my makeup and returned to the venue. As I returned, everyone was standing; I noticed the event and returned to my seat, but Danielle paid no attention; the Noble Lord discussed the responsibilities and burdens of being a Noble Lord.

I then focused on him, comparing what he is now to what he was in the past. He is an entirely different person. His duality weakens me. He is taller than ever, those alluring brown eyes that scream dark and romantic have not faded, his body is hunkier than ever and still has that pert bottom, and his jet black hair that I wished I could touch just once. He was dressed in breeches, stockings, and shoes. His maroon coat fit perfectly around his body.

He is also wearing a surcoat. His gold Celtic headdress is also studded with gems. His breeches and stockings were black. His surcoat is maroon in color and features an eagle with a shield-shaped maroon beak. He was wearing a massive gold belt. I cannot deny that he looks great in what he is wearing, even if it does look like we are in the Middle Ages.

He knelt on one knee in a particular stool as his father, the Noble Lord, tapped a gold sword in his shoulders. The ceremony is known as the Accolade, and it involves conferring knighthood or a significant change in social status. "Arise, Noble Lord," he said as he stood up and faced the crowd. "The Right Honorable, Noble Lord, Theodore Schwarzburg," he says, looking at me.

The former noble Lord made the announcement. The gentlemen and ladies bowed and curtsied. Everyone praised him and almost worshiped him. "Arise, Citizens of Ylury," said the former. "We, Citizens of Ylury, acclaim and accept, The Right Honorable, Noble Lord, Theodore Schwarzburg. We vow to this plea. We vow to thee, to thy land, all heavenly beings above, to thy entire and whole and perfect service and love, with no questions, may all paths be at peace," everyone said in unison as they bowed and curtsied with palms in their hearts.

It is now his turn to take the oath. We all stood up, but our palms remained in our hearts. "I, Theodore Schwarzburg, The Right Honorable, Noble Lord. Thy land, most dear to me that loves me, most great to me, thy fortress is faithful, thy army is strong, all souls shine, and are gentle, my love makes the land its sacrifice, the love that never doubts, and the love that pays the sacrifice. I vow to your plea, to my land, all heavenly beings above, to the real and perfect, the service of my love."

The former Noble Lord then applied holy oil to his clothes and a pin or metal shaped like the symbol in his surcoat; I believe that is the regalia bestowed upon him. What a night! We all looked up and gently clapped.

I had a big secret revealed to me, complete with twists and turns. Everyone was instructed to return to their seats. Suddenly, there was a voice. "Let us raise our glasses to The Right Honorable, Noble Lord, Theodore Schwarzburg." The Noble Lord rose to his feet. "For a prosperous Ylury," he said and drank it all first, followed by us. This is the most delectable wine I have ever tasted. As a result, it is preferable to savor the flavor and appreciate the quality.