I went to my dressing room and got a basket. I just grabbed some casual and formal attire. Despite the fact that there are hundreds of clothes inside the Manor, I purchased these clothes with my own money. I should bring some at the very least. I then proceeded to the kitchen. My chocolate had not yet been consumed. It's exactly the same as we left it.
I entered the bedroom. I also delivered the documents and files, as well as my car keys. If I'm going to live there, I should bring my car with me. As I returned to the kitchen, I decided to drive myself there. I noticed the foods and decided that leaving them here would be inappropriate. It would simply spoil. I went out in front and summoned Lia and the driver.
"Come inside first," I said. "We will refuse, my Lady, and we will leave this place as soon as possible; every second we spend outside in the Manor may shorten our lives." I took a deep breath.