Sob... Sob, no one loves me

Like every Saturday, the morning in Sid mansion will be totally quiet, not to disturb the kid's, who had a long week. But, this Saturday was different, silence was maintained, but a gloomy aura surrounded, inside out, of the mansion. Parents Sid, emotion were ruthless, uneasiness crept all the hearts. Even the servants were in silent chores, not knowing what to do, and what not to.

The day, which changed everyone's life in the mansion. March 9th, the day, which changed everything.

Noon came, a happy little cute face human, sneak out from the room, tip-toeing slowly like air towards the dinning room and...



Loud screams, echoed in the room followed by a pile of laughter.

"Sis'Ya, you still fall for my old tricks. Haha... look at your face!"

"ZuZu, you little rascal, is this the way you scared her." Taking a pause, Xau continued, "You should have at least gave a signal to me, we both would have scared, the sh*t out of her. But, this was also funny, though." And the twins along with the elders burst laughing.

Scared suddenly was already more than enough of shock for YangYang, her white delicate face turned white, rosy lips were dried and then this round of being teased was enough for her and was fuming in anger. "Dad Mum, look this is the way they both treat me, sob... sob no one love's me."

"Sis'Ya, thank goddess, you opted for journalism and not for acting. If not, this fake acting of yours, would have brought disaster in the industry!" Teasing a bit more.

Seeing the smile on ZouMi's face, YangYang didn't feel like she was being teased. For the smile on her sister's face, she won't mind even being humiliated.

Though, ZouMi's sister bound, were not as strong as if with brothers, but still they would die for each other, when times come. Isn't this great having a loveable family, caring sister, friends, less, brothers but, even if faith gave ZouMi everything, in return it took her innocence, from her. The so-called 'Society', would always look down on her.

Saturday went off soon happily, the gloomy atmosphere that surround the air was long gone and replaced by love, laughter. After dinner everyone went back to their room.


Late night, sitting on top of the car near the cliff, looking at the beautiful sky, filled with light, the lake below the cliff reflecting the sky. Peace surrounding all over, ZouMi calm the inner emotional havoc, threatening to come out. Being at the beautiful lake of Country M, which is famous for its peaceful and beautiful view, can calm anyone. Different emotions running all over in her veins with blood. A bitter smile, the saddest one, plastered on her natural rosy lips, the usual calm eyes, showed an unusual storm. Today, she was mourning on the death of innocent her, mourning on the loss of her dreams. A year passed by but, this day was still the same for her, still she could feel the lust full eyes, their disgusting hands and every single thing, fresh in her mind.

Holding a pen and the dairy, which was by her side from the day she left her room, all bitterness of the day, sad, happy and everything was written in it. Looking up at the sky a crystal white droplet fell from her eyes, and she wrote:

'And there, she goes another night, with another sadness, burying deep in the graveyard of her heart. Letting no one know, she slept again, a night with tears in her eyes, remembering the false accusations of the fake society, she slept again...'

Closing her eyes, she could hear the taunts, which were given to her, the discrimination of being a girl and that too, who came up for her right. Unknowingly she fell asleep.


Same time, a little far away from the cliff, the person had a canvas and brush, wanting to paint something, but nothing came up in his mind. Though, the lake scenery was beautiful, it was not eye-catching for him. Tired by spending hours and did nothing, he was about to leave, but stopped in his path. A beautiful lady wearing a white dress, he couldn't see her face, because of the hairs falling, which were in a small bun. This was eye-catching and breathtaking too. The delicate soft milky white skin was clearly visible in the moon light. He found something off, it looks like she is mourning, the tears shed from her eyes in the night light, they were like diamond crystals falling. He wanted to go, look at her, but the beautiful scene was too much to handle for him. Calming himself, he again took out his canvas and started painting.


Unknown to when she fell asleep, ZouMi sleep was disturbed by the rays of sun falling on her face. Panicking, she quickly looked and time and rushed back home, before anyone finds out about her not being at home. But stopped, the view of sunrise was too breathtaking and couldn't be neglected. Seeing the wonderful reflection of the sun in the lake, ZouMi couldn't help, but feel a little sad, 'When is my like going to shed all the negatively and be this beautiful?'

It was just for millisecond, the saying, 'Enjoy what you have now, then regretting'.

Thankfully, none of them had woken up till ZouMi reached home, and quickly sneaked back into her room and acted, as if sleeping.

After roughly half and an hour later, the door of her room was opened, and she could hear the light foot-steps, she recognized it, it was her mother.

Setting at the side of the bed and affectionately caressing her daughter cheeks with thumb. ZouMi heard her sighing.

"Dear, we are sorry, we know this society is accusing you, creating troubles for you and mostly attacking you, on your weak point. But, remember to stay strong and never forget, you have your mom, at your back. Love you, ZuZu." Kissing her daughter's forehead, a drop of tear fell onto ZouMi's forehead, she could feel her mother crying. But, did nothing and pretend to be asleep.

After her mother left, ZouMi sat up straight to get to freshen up.

Three days went in a blink, the morning of the third day, when ZouMi was checking news, she was utterly shocked by just one look, the news was...