Bad girl



Looking at the caller, Mr. Sid's brows were locked together. Getting up and excusing himself saying, 'it's a call from the company', he left. This small act of him didn't even get into consideration for ZouMi.

'What is it you are hiding dad?' Curiosity filled in her brain, but waited and left the topic for a while.

The evening went harmonious, with occasional banter of siblings, laughter and talks. None of them knew a storm was waiting for them.

Willingly agreeing to her father wish to join the company, as an intern, even without the qualification. This was what Mr. Sid, placed a 'command' for the twins, as YangYang, was not interested in any corporate job and Father Sid agreed. Now, one of the twins have to take up his wish and join.

Sid's family, is actually a Nobel family with its own business branches spread in every field and is in the list of top 20, in the Country. But, Sid An, being the first master of the family was neither interested in earning the money from Sid business, nor any plan in inheriting the business. He willingly gave it to his younger brother. Being the third generation of Sid family, Sid An, have only one sibling Sid Bao, which means 'Gem' but, he isn't close to being gem, rather cunning and viewed Sid An, as a threat to his position, thus created conflict in the family and totally eliminated Sid An, from the family.

That's when, An' started 'Me&U' with the hard-earned over-time job's money, he saved. But the Sid family eventually started fighting over and said,

'This it what a Sid family bloodline has created and has to be emerged in it.'

To which Sid An, completely rejected, saying, 'This company have surely been created by the Sid family blood, but not even a penny was used from it, and I was totally eliminated from the family. Which means me, my family and this company have nothing to do with you.'

This was all planned by his cunning second brother and was aware he won't let it go, until he takes, Me&U in his under. He even attacked his own elder brother and tried to kill much time's but, failed and now planning the lowly methods.

So, Sid An' wanted his kids to have knowledge about the company and fight for it, if something happens to him.

With everyday attending the school, office, and for ZouMi, her material arts training, both Xau and ZouMi only had time on weekends, which they prefer spending on bed till noon, or, so, and then with the family.

"Ah, OMG! I cleared it, yes! DAD, MOM, everyone come here!" A loud, exciting scream filled the leaving room at Sid mansion.

"YangYang, are you ok? What happen?" With a worried expression and voice, all the family members came down to the living room.

"Dad, Mum, look I got approved for internship from, Mao Ho press!"

"What are you so excited about Sis'Ya, you are capable and of course, there was no way you won't get a job." Xau snorted.

"Duffer I'm talking about MaoHo press, the great, everyone dies' to get this opportunity, it rules the whole press business." Excitement, happiness, giddiness, all at once, was crept over YangYang face.

Smiling, and congratulating YangYang, everyone was happy. Specially parents' Sid, 'proud' was only thing in their eyes.

"It was you, right?" Xau tapped on ZouMi's shoulder and whispered.

Giving him a look of, 'you-know-all', ZouMi did nothing but, smile.

"You really got a hold on that company? How did you manage? Isn't the CEO of MaoHo mysterious? How did you find him?" Asking all the questions in one go, Xau was looking at her with round big curious eyes for an answer.

"That don't matter, what matters is, Sis'Ya got what she wanted, and she is happy."

No one knew ZouMi, was the one who hacked into the system and made the chance for her sister to be selected. It's not like ZouMi doubted on YangYang capabilities, but in her competition was the second brother of the mysterious CEO of MaoHo, so no doubt they would select him, even if he was not worth it. YangYang is sensitive and takes failures to heart, if she was not selected, she surely would've doubted on herself. ZouMi, though is small but, her capability was far better than an adult. She is always interested in hacking, codes and other software stuff and did learn it, but in secret, only her brothers knew about it.

"Time to celebrate, after all Sis'Ya, you made it." Giving YangYang a tight hug, Xau smiled and ruffled her hairs, which was one thing that YangYang hated the most.

Puffing her cheeks and sending daggers on her brother, YangYang was ready to have a fight with him. Running all over in and out of the mansion, with laughter echoing, both brother and sister finally calmed down and sat on the couch.

Time went in a hurry, and it was almost a weekend. One week of ZouMi and Xau as an intern in the company. Piled up with files and work, both of them came home and dropped themselves on the couch.

"Men, I don't have energy to even lift my pinky. Sigh, that was a really long and tiring week. Hey, I'm just going to school and office, how come you are able to attend the material arts training?" Raising his brow, Xau questioned his sister.

Smashing his head with back off her hand "That's why you are called lazy. Mr. Sack Bag." Rolling her eyes, "SHU! You are too noisy just get the hell out of here, scram." Pushing him down the couch with her legs, ZouMi occupied and lay down on the sofa.

"Hmfph! Bad girl." With an as usual overdramatic expression and fake grumpy mood, Xau got up and turned ZouMi, making her land on the floor, he kicked a little on her leg and said "Grl, next time don't mess around with me." And started walking.

Not even a step crossed, Xau landed on the floor, because of the pressure used on his leg to pull him down.


"And you should obey your words." Giving an imaginary hair-flip, she turned around to her room and left.