Little girl.

After, a peaceful breakfast, everyone departed to their work. ZouMi had a weekly morning meeting, with the department heads.

Sitting on the chair, at the end of the table, like a queen, which she is, carefully listened to the reports.

After one hour, still the meeting was on, which irritated ZouMi.

"All this long, you just have to say that market value of our new launch was high when compared to the last one. And you're taking, so long, just to say this simple words? Weekly meetings shouldn't excite more than half an hour, make a short summary with limited words. Every department will be give only ten minutes and not more than that. Am I clear? Meeting adjourn."

Back to the office,

"Tina, make it very clear to everyone, I won't waste time on this anymore."


"The sites are ready? And employment?"

"Everything is ready, we just need to announce." Tina said, while holding the i-pad, in her hands.

ZouMi's lips hanged in a devilish smile, "Why in a hurry, let them enjoy their left over peaceful life."

"Zu, Mr. An..."

"Don't mention dad, even if angles land on earth, and force me not to revenge. I WON'T LISTEN. Got that? They had their enough chances, but now they are already trapped, and this trap, isn't easy to get out."

"As you say. When are you going to announce?"

"20th of this month, and make sure, reporters from ever part of the world should be here."

"That is done, as for here. YangYang is one of the famous, but you aren't letting her cover."

"It's a big day for our family, why does she have to work. And rest assure, I have already arranged for a better one."

Tina, hesitated for a while then she said, "Zu, can to be that little girl again?"

"She died long ago. You can go now." Her voice was void of any emotion.

The footsteps descent and the door closed, ZouMi raised her head looking at the sky, she repeated Tina's question, 'Can you be that little girl again? Can I?'

She was lost in the past again for a hundred, a thousand times. From the day of her trauma to the day her dad fell in coma.

Touching the locket on her neck, which was in a round marble protected with a thick glass, it has a unique arrangement. If observed keenly, the marble in it, forms a shape of a dragon, if kept in the sun it forms a wolf figure. The design was unique and only one.

'Dad I'm sorry, it's been four years, I didn't meet you. I'm not that strong to see you that way, all my tears had dried in those nine months. And I dare not to shed any tear while looking at you, I know you'll be alright, soon. I need you dad, please get well soon.'

Her eyes reflected loneliness, longing, which changed into hate and anger.

'Dad, I will make sure to make their life a living hell, they need to beg me for their death, but that won't be guaranteed. Death is too easy escape, I really won't let them so easily. I promise."

After rewinding her plan of torture again, she felt light and started working.

At around one, there was a knock on her door, which she allowed. Without looking up she said, "You can keep here and go." She thought of the coffee she ordered, being given.

But, there was silence and nothing was kept on the table, so she raised her head and met with the familiar hazel blue eyes. Surprised she said, "Why are you here?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not welcomed here, so I'll take my leave." He turned around.

"Hey, Mr.G..... Gu Huan, wait that wasn't what I meant."

A teasing smile appeared on his face when he turned around, "I never though that the infamous Miss. ZouMing is easy to tease."

Dumbfounded, she looked at him and when she saw that teasing look in his eyes, she wanted to dig a hole and hide. But, her facial expressions remained the same, cold and expressionless.

She waved her hand and said to him, "I don't really tease older people."

"Hey that's rude" Showing fake hurt.

"I'm sorry, don't mind my sharp words, they are out of reflex"

"Well... your apology will be accepted, if you have dinner with me."

Raising her eyebrow, she questioned him, "For what?"

"Hey, don't take me in a wrong way, after all your Ah'ji daughter. And for your doubt verification, I went on dinner with your sister and brother too."

ZouMi hesitated for long, because in this past years, she had experienced a lot of people, specially men, wanted to get close to her. With evil intentions, her beauty attracted a lot of big shots too. That's why she was hesitating, she didn't feel any bad vibes from him, but she didn't want anyone to misunderstand her character. After four years of being away from scandals, now when the time of revenge is here she didn't want any troubles.

From her face, he can say she was hesitating, but couldn't understand why. When his eyes fell on the name on gold 'CEO' he understood her.

"There is nothing to stress, we can have at home or else in your office"

"But, my question is why do you want to?"

"Look, here is the thing, you both twins don't know me because at your birthday I left the Country. Ah'ji is more like a mom and friend, and I really miss, that cute little twin who held my finger with her hand." His smile was like the bright sun after a storm.

"Did anyone say you, you really are a sweet talker?"

"Thanks for the complement." He winked at her and extended his hand. She was taken a back my sudden change of her heart.

'Why do, I don't feel my guards up near him, it was hard for me to talk to anyone, yet here I'm speaking with him for so long as if I know him.'

Then she turned a little, her side facing him to turn off the computer. His hand floating midair, his body fell stiff.

'Why does she look like her?'