'Why does she look like her?'
Looking at him, who was in daze ZouMi blinked her eyes and waved her hand in front of him.
"Gu Huan? Hello, earth calling Gu Huan!"
Regaining his posture, he extended his hand and said, "May I, have the pleasure to dine with, Royal Highness." and bow a little.
She chuckled and said, "You are funny." And placed her hand in his.
Feeling her soft, yet a little rough hands, an electric ran all the way to his heart.
"Royal Highness, your hands are soft, while at the same time rough and tough, how could that be?"
"Well, should I take this as a complement?"
"Of course it is. But why they're rough?"
"I'm a trained boxer, karate and in judo. I practice every day, so they are rough."
"Wow, is there anything you didn't do? You're good at material art, hacking, over all everything." Gu Huan had a smile of admiration.
"Huh! I'm flattered. There are a lot more things I'm not good at."
They chatted on their way to the car, this was the first time employees of her company, saw her talking to someone. All they knew that she is a woman of few words.
"Royal Highness, what would you like to have?"
"There is a place, I know which serves great Italian food, would you like to try?"
He opened the passenger door for her and said, "After you. Wait are we going like this?"
She blinked confusingly and asked, "Why what's wrong?"
"I think, My Highness forgot that I'm a supper star and dream of many girls. And also, do you want to make any scandal for yourself?"
She laughed, "I now know who you're, you don't need to say. Don't worry, the place is safe, no media would be there, and they have booth's."
"Okay." He nodded.
They drove for more than fifteen minutes and arrived at the restaurant.
"Ma'am, you didn't inform us early, I would've arranged everything before." As soon as the manager saw her, he came running to her and greeted.
"Mr. Charles" She greeted the manager.
"This way, Ma'am."
After sitting down Gu Huan asked, "You come here regularly?"
"Nope, this place its own by me."
"Huh? You... Then you said this place sell great food."
"It actually does. Try it."
The waiter came in with the menu and handed them.
"Pizza Margherita, Spaghetti alle vongole, Pasta carbonara and Lasagna. What about you?" She ordered.
"This is all just for you?"
"Well, I've a big appetite." she smiled, without feeling shy.
"Panzanella Salad and smoothie, that's all."
"Ugh! That's it? Are you being stingy? Don't worry, this is on me." She teased him, while smiling.
"Hahah... No I'm not stingy. I need to maintain my diet, my lunch is all about salad and smoothie."
"Ugh! That's cruelty. How can someone survive on salads?" She really had sympathy in her eyes.
"Whole entertainment industry does. Not everyone is a blessed soul like you." Gu Huan chucked at her remark.
"Who said, I'm?"
"Then where is all the food? You are fit."
"Result of, three hours daily intense workout." She was proud about that.
"Wow, three hours daily, that's amazing."
They chatted and chatted like the long-lost friends. Both their phones ranged at the same time.
"Okay, I'm on my way."
"Okay, I'm on my way."
And both simultaneously hanged up, Manager Charles who was standing not too far was amazed by the similarities in them.
"Let me drop you off."
"No, thanks, my bike is already here." She rejected him.
"When? I mean I didn't saw you texting or calling anyone, then how?" Gu Huan was shocked.
"When I'm out without the bike, my bodyguard tail me by it."
And then, they parted their way, Gu Huan paused and looked at her, taking keys and helmet from a man, she looked badass in every way.
When ZouMi reached her office, a very important meeting was held with a foreign country dealer. Which was the main for her first boom, to Sid Bao, in her mission. This meeting went for long, as this was the main part of her plan, she didn't want any fault in it.
After, five hours ZouMi dropped her exhausted body on the chair to rest for a while, but a call disturbed her. At first, she wanted to ignore, but with great difficulty, she reached out for her phone, which was on the table end.
"Miss Sid, your brother Sid Xau is in, City A, south region police station."
"For what?"
"That I too don't know"
"Than what for I kept you? Just wasting my money on you? I'm coming." And she hanged up the phone anxiously, not because he was taken in custody, but because he was in jail and who know how they treated him.
Here, she was in the north side and will take at least an hour and half, to reach there, but she covered the hours ride in just minutes. And by the time she reached, it was past six and night started falling. On the way, she made a call to her lawyer and said to start the process.
When she reached the gate, she was sweating and as it is winter she felt cold, but nothing she could feel, not right now, when her dear brother, is behind bars. She spotted his bike, which was parked not to far, waiting for her team, she was getting worried.
'Why didn't he called me right at that time, fool.'
After, five minutes her lawyer came with someone. They entered and went to the head directly, ZouMi also went with them. Though they feared that she could lose her temper, as they have seen her many times. But, today she was calm and relaxed, and that was more terrifying, than her short-tempered behavior.