Jolt awake

After, three hours Gu Huan, waited for her to keep her laptop aside, but she showed no sign of that, so he stood up walked towards the bed and...

"Hey! What are you doing?"

"What do you think, I'm doing?"

This was the first time, someone actually dare to pull her laptop, while she is working and surprising, she didn't kill him.

"You really don't have any friends?"

"Why did you suddenly ask?" He was shocked at her changing situations.

"Say na, you really don't have a friend?"

"I had..."

"What do you mean by 'had'?"

"Sigh... I lost contact and have no idea where my friend is." Gu Huan shake his head.

"This justifies..."

"What for you need, justification?"

'You're so annoying, why would anyone be a friend with you.' She screamed in her brain but, didn't voice out, because she took him as a friend.

'Wait, what? Did I just take him as my friend?'

Not hearing anything from her, he said, "Times up, now rest." And was about to close her laptop when she screamed.

"Nooo, don't."

He blinked at her reaction, "No, don't. Wait, let me save it." All her three hours of hard work would be in vain, and from the list of things she hates, one thing also involves 'redoing work.'

After saving, again it was pulled away from her, and he said, "Now rest."

"But, I'm not tired at all, I just slept the whole afternoon."

"Lie down and close your eyes, who knows you may fall a sleep. After all you haven't slept properly for long, I guess."

"Well..." She wanted to refuse, but found no words, what he said was true. She hasn't slept properly for long, when she was a kid she loved her sleep, but now she just didn't have time for the things, she used to love. When she was lost in her thoughts, something came to her, she said in a really polite tone like a kid, "Can you give me my phone. You said I can't work, but that doesn't mean I can't play, right?" Thinking for a while, Gu Huan reluctantly gave in. Well, who would want to refuse such a cute face? He knew, that she deliberately did that, he still couldn't help, but fall in her trick. ZouMi logged on to a game, which she used to love playing, after four years.

'The Thunderous', a game in which her name was, Chai and was married to Yun, they used to chat, while playing the game. They were the number one couple. All these years, she didn't log in and was still the number one because of her 'husband'. She opened her chat box, which was filled with many messages mainly from Yun, while some who wanted to befriend with Chai. She messaged Yun,

'Hey old friend, how have you been, those past years, without me?' after she texted him, she checked on her items, instantly a message popped.

'Oh My God! You're alive!'

'Wow! This is the best way to greet someone (eye roll emoji)'

'You vanished like you never existed past years, any sane human would think that, God called you back. I even mourned on your death. Say, where have you been all this long?'

'A ha! So why are you still married to me, if you were, so sure about my death?'

'For, our relationship.'

'What if I was really dead? Would you still be married to me or divorce me?'

'Of course, I would just become your widow and live like a saint.'

'Hahha, you didn't change, good for you.'

'Neither, you did. You're still the same, changing topics to avoid answering.'

'Why do you have to be, so observant? Be like a normal human.'


'Okay fine. Any mission, commander!'

'There are many.'

'Then, what are you waiting for, commander husband.'

'Yuck, don't say that.'

'Say what, HUSBAND?'

'Can you stop that, same old thing?'

'You still fall for this same old thing?'

'Who knows that you're a girl, maybe you're a boy?'

'For sure, my gender is likely familiar to the females in this world, why do you doubt?'

'Because, a girl can never be uncivilized like you.'

'Hey! This makes no sense, being uncivilized and gender are two different things, they've nothing to do with each other.'

'Ya, who can win over you in being unreasonable.'

'Whatever... Let's play.'

Time went by, and they both chatted and played, and Gu Huan was nowhere to be found. When ZouMi's, phone battery was about to die that's when she kept her phone aside, lying on the bed, she closed her eyes feeling relieved, she slept.

The Next morning, daily as usual Si Ban, bought breakfast for both of them, when he was near the door, there was unusual silence. He pushed the door slowly and peeked in, his mind saying, 'Maybe ZouMi, was fed up and killed that guy. Or that guy was fed up by ZouMi and left.'

But, the scene in front of him wasn't even near to what, he imagined.

But, nothing was like that, both of them were sleeping, one on the bed, while the other on the couch. Sensing someone, ZouMi woke up followed by Gu Huan.

"Why are you here, early morning to disturb me?" ZouMi was grumpy early morning.

"Early morning? Have a look at your phone, you'll know the time." Si Ban scoffed.

"Shut up, and get out of here, you've already ruined my peaceful sleep."

"You had a good sleep?"


He was shocked knowing that she slept peacefully. From that day, and the accident of her father, ZouMi never slept properly, she daily had the same dream, same scene and would jolt awake, after four hours maximum.

"You want to sleep more?"