
"You want to sleep more?" Si Ban asked.

"Hmm." ZouMi, just hummed and turned around. Gu Huan, was also awake now and didn't understand the interaction between them.

At first, Si Ban face was in shock, then changed to delight, Gu Huan looked suspiciously at Si Ban, who totally ignored him and walked out. Gu Huan followed him out.

Si Ban, walked towards, the doc's cabin and entered without knocking.

"She slept peacefully, that means she is getting better?"

Doctor Wei, one of the best neurologist around the country was reading ZouMi's report.

"She is no getting better, I'm warning you, tell her family about her condition, before its to late."

"But, you said she'll be better, if she can sleep without that dreams." He stressed.

"What do you think, only a day sleep can cure her overly destroyed health?"


"There are no 'buts' now, even if you want then, that will cause her, her life. This is totally a suicide, at least there would be one she obeys to, right?"

"Except of her father, she never obeys anyone, and I don't think she would ever do." Si Ban felt helpless.

"She knows nothing about her health..."

"She knows everything, but still act like everything is, okay." Before the doc could continue, a deep voice was heard from the back of Si Ban.

"I agree, she knows her body well, but now it's more like she would die anytime. Her migraine is, so severe that she may slip into coma or worst brain-dead."

"I can help her out..."

"No one, has ever won over her stubbornness." said Si Ban, who was silent from that time.

"Give me four months, I'll try my best to take care of here."

"We had been trying from four years and gain nothing, do you think four months would be enough for you?" said the doc.

Seeing Gu Huan, so determine Si Ban fell in deep thoughts, though they weren't blood related, he always treated ZouMi, as his younger sister, and he has seen her behaving different with this guy. 'Giving a try won't cause any harm, right?'

"Okay, you've four months, along with my full support." Si Ban said.

After discussing, how to take care of her, both of them headed to the ward. When they entered, ZouMi was rolling on the bed, her face drenched in sweat. Gu Huan, quickly went to her side, held her arm and placed his palm on her forehead. As to why he did that, he too wasn't aware, it just came out naturally as if he always does this. The restless ZouMi, calmed and rested her head on Gu Huan's arm. Gu Huan, had no heart to wake her up, but it was past breakfast time, and she hasn't eaten anything.

"ZouMi. Hey wake up."

"Hmmm!" she growled.

"ZouMi, get up."

"Xau get out of here, or else I'll cut you in pieces!" She said in her sleep.

'Haha, what? She took me as Xau... This girl.'

"ZouMi, get up." He pushed her a little.

Waking up she rubbed her eyes and glanced at, Gu Huan.

"Why are you so annoying?"

"I'll take that as complement." He teased her.

"That wasn't. Shameless." She hit her head on the pillow.

"Freshen up, if not you've to eat cold porridge."

Just listening to its name, ZouMi got irritated and made face to Gu Huan, which he replied with a laugh.

After breakfast ZouMi, was given only three hours to work, which of course wasn't enough for her workaholic soul. At noon, Si Ban came with lunch and sat with ZouMi to discuss some stuff.

"You're going to his birthday party?"

"Lets see, I don't feeling like traveling." She knows who he was talking about.

"You don't need to, because he is celebrating here."

ZouMi raised her eyebrow, "Oh! How good of my, uncle. He came all the way from City Z, just for me, so how can I not go there?" She laughed devilishly. "When it is?"

"On 19th."

"Oh! God is with us, he won't be able to handle two shocks together, I need to visit him later."

"You're so considerate, Zu!" And both of them laughed.

"I need to, after all, now it's time, for him to reflect on his mistakes, but with unbearable torture." Her eyes reflect fire.

"Zu, now with the start of our plan, you need to take care about yourself. If you don't take care, then how would you revenge uncle?"

"My tough times, ends with their luxurious life, I'll be free. I just need to sit and see all of them going mad, I've plenty of time to take care about myself!" ZouMi said.

"What about, Old Sid? You haven't plan anything for him..."

"Who said that? He is the one who will suffer the worst, I've already planned."

Right now the ZouMi, here was just a maniac, only aim to destroy everything connected to her enemies. Her beautiful eyes, reflect fire and anger, while the clam aura changed to bone chilling one.

"After settling this, we need to go to base, Regan can't be controlled now!"

"Regan..." Her eyes smiled.