Little secret

Finally, after two days and three nights, ZouMi was discharged from the hospital and the first thing she suggested was to go to her office, which was firmly and strictly reject by Gu Huan. So, Si Ban drove them off to An' residence. From the day ZouMi, took up the position of CEO of Me&U, she did a lot of changes, like changing their mansion name from 'Sid residence' to 'An' residence'. She was so, fed up with the surname, she is carrying to an extent, where she was about to change her name, but her mother reminded her, that her name was given by her father. Taming ZouMi, was easy, just mention her father, she will reluctantly agree. That was how her deep love towards her father was.

To avoid the family members, knowing their little secret, the hidden bodyguards let Gu Huan, with them. Gu Huan, was shocked by how things work with her, why does she need so, many bodyguards? With this event, Gu Huan roughly guessed that she isn't as simple as she looks. Of course ZouMi, had idea about this, any sane person will doubt and maintain their distance, and this is what she wanted.

But, would Gu Huan maintain distance knowing things are not as they look?

Well, that's the work of time, only time can say what, Gu Huan will do.

Resting her head on the window with her eyes closed, ZouMi sat there thinking deeply. If you find ZouMi leaning her head on something with her eyes closed, that mean she is meditating or having a seminar with herself in her brain, or maybe a debate between her heart and brain, where brain is always on the upper hand.

The day Mr. An' slipped into coma, is the day ZouMi's, heart was chained within iron bars made by her brain and never let it mislead her path of revenge.

She just aims to revenge her father, the person which she loves, respect, adores, her mentor, mostly a music to her restless soul and totally forgot about the incident with her, and her revenge towards those bas*ards.

Not eventually, forgot, she just kept it at the back of her head, because she knows they've nowhere to go or hide from her. Even if they hide in hell, she would find them and do what will make her happy or more like satisfying the demon within her.

Si Ban, wanted to say something, but ended up being quiet, he knew something is disturbing her and also knew, she won't share it with anyone.

They reached their destination and ZouMi put on her mask, with a fake smile, to fool her family like nothing happened, as if her life wasn't at risk, two days ago.

"Mom, gege, where are you all?" She shouted, while entering clumsy. Xau and Bai were on FaceTime, with Chen bragging him a list of what they need.

When both the brothers heard her voice, they searched for something to hit her.

When ZouMi, set her foot in the living room, first a pillow came in her way, which she dodged easily, than a pen, a file, newspaper and then back to back four cushions. She dodged every item coming in her way, when she let her guards down, a cushion was thrown at her as she wasn't ready for this, it hit her face.

"Who are you? How dare you enter!" Both of them roar. Well, these are, mello dramatic brothers, for her, while in reality, all they think is of her safety and her health.

"Wow! What a pleasant way to welcome one, who have been tried for two long days. Thanks for your heartwarming welcome." Her sarcasm top-notch.

"Welcome! Welcome! Do you need anything? Poison or beating or death?" They also weren't lacking in sarcasm.

"Sorry, I'm on diet. You can have it."

"Aren't you taking us for granted? Just one phone call, that to for mom, what do you think we are?"

"Of course, you're my sweet brothers and who said that I'm taking you for granted?" She laid honey trap for them.

"Your actions!" Totally displeased.

Five voices, roar in the leaving room, three belongs to her brother, while the other two came from the back. ZouMi tilted her head and saw two ladies of her life, fuming in anger. They were none other than, her mother and her elder sister.

"Did you find a new home? If not then find soon because this type of behavior, isn't accepted in my home." Her mom said.

"Mom, are you abandoning me?" Her puppy eyes trying to please her mother.

"You never know. But, if this goes on that day will come soon." Totally ignoring her daughter's eyes.

"Sigh... Listen up guys, there is a surprise, waiting for all of you on, 20th, of this month and don't try to ask what that surprise is. For that, I need to work, and I won't be coming home regularly, in following days, and I'm not sure about phone calls. So..." She walked towards her mom and circled her shoulder and said, "So, don't abandon me, my pretty."

"Mom, you're not falling for her tricks!" Xau, roar looking at his mother giving in, so soon.

"You, my brother, look, keep your brain aside and listen to what your elder sister is saying..."

"Elder sister? Have you ever heard to me?" YangYang jumped in.

"Gege, come on, not now, I'll solve our problem later, first let me save myself from being homeless."

Mrs. Sid pulled ZouMi's ear and said, "If after your surprise, whatever it is, you don't come home on time and eat dinner daily with us, then you better find a new home."

"Ah! Maa ok, I promise. Leave my ear, it hurts."

Mrs. Sid, let go of her ears, which were deep red, and she massaged her ear.

"Maa! I'm hungry." She made a cute face, which is always her weapon and works ever time.

"Go freshen up and come back."

ZouMi peaked on her mom's cheek and ran towards her room.

'Sigh... I was an inch closer to become a homeless.'

After two days, ZouMi finally got herself a good long bath, she dressed and came out. She heard the happy voices, of her family and felt at ease.