Clear sky

ZouMi, came back to her room and lied down on her bed staring at the ceiling, with no sign of sleepiness. Her brain revising every single detail of her plan, a real brutal plan, for her enemies.

'But, after the revenge... What am I gonna do? That's the only sole purpose of my life... After that?...' A light knock was heard on her door, which drifted her thoughts. She went to open the door.

"Xau'er? Why aren't you sleeping?" Surprised to see her brother.

"I woke up for water, then I saw you coming out of, gege's[1] room. Why aren't you sleeping?"

"Just done with the work and you came. Anything that matters?"

"N... No, you go and sleep. Good night." And he left in a hurry.


Xau saw his sister, halt near their parent's room, and it gave him an unpleasant feeling, so he came to just check on her, and had nothing to say.

The night for ZouMi was the same, a little sleep along with those dream haunting her. In no less than three hours, ZouMi woke in a pool of her own sweat. ZouMi got up washed her face and look at the sky, all alone with no clouds just a big round moon reflecting its light. All alone just sitting still and shining high above the ground.


A little sound came from outside, ZouMi turned in to high alert mode, and moved towards the door, to sense the number of humans. She thought of the same as the last time, many assassins entered her home at night. Thankfully, they were just C grade assassins, which obviously state, who send them, none other than her uncle, Sid Bao. Her tensed nerves relaxed, when she felt the familiar scent. 'Sigh... This guy!'

She opened her door and stepped out, and saw Gu Huan going into the gym. With light, feather like steps, she walked towards him and before she could tap on her shoulder, her hand was grabbed by a big palm and turned her around. Trying to lock her by the simple, yet complicated move, hands in a cross while holding it from back.

"It's you." When he realised who it was, he quickly left her hand, but ZouMi was still in that state.

Her eyes pressed tightly, she was concentrating on the unfamiliar, yet familiar images. From forest, to deep water, those images got replaced or maybe jumbled, she can't differentiate.


"Zou Ming?" Gu Huan called her several times, getting no response from her, he tapped on her shoulder, ZouMi was jolt awake.

"Are you, okay?" His concern was visible.

She blinked twice to get her vision back on line.

"Mmm... Yes." She nodded and in daze she came back to her room, Gu Huan just looked at her disappearing figure.

'Why did she just behave like this?'

ZouMi's room,

She sat on the hanging chair near the walk through window,

'Those images... Are just not like images, but like a fragment of memory. But, I never visited any place like that. And that drowning in deep water, without any moment... why did I feel the pain. What it is? Why do I recently get those images?' With all the questions in her mind, she had no answers. Searching for answers in her brain, her head started aching, massaging her painful templates with her head down a sudden cup arrived in front of her eyes. She blinked and raised her head and saw Gu Huan standing with two cups in his hand, she turned towards the door and look confused. As if sensing her confusion he said, "You left the door open."

ZouMi's mouth turned 'O' and looked at the cup again in confusion.

"Sigh... It's coffee, I was making for me and thought of you."

She blinked and said, "Thank you." Then took the cup from him and gazed outside the window, totally forgot to offer him a seat. After sometime, when she saw him still standing she looked at him, who was looking at her as well.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked. "Are you feeling unwell?"

"No." She indifferently answered. Pointing at the bean bag she said, "Sit, if you want to."

He stood there and finally moved the bean bag near her and sat.

Both of them sitting in silence, a peaceful one. Technically two unknown humans, who just meet, quite some time ago, should be in awkward position, but both seemed to be old friends knowing each other for years. Even if they don't talk, a good atmosphere would be maintained.

They drank the coffee, this time no one spoke, one loved silence, while the other don't know what to say. He saw her absentmindedly staring at the sky, which was free and clear from clouds, just a big moon emitting its light.

"So... You like sky or moon?"

"None." In an instant, her raspy voice fell on his ears.

"Hmm, so just looking at the things, which you hate?"

"I never said, hate."

"Neither you like nor you hate, then why gazing at it?"


"Hmmm... So in the middle of night. Oh! It's almost morning. Well, so at late night, you aren't sleeping and watching the sky. Not able to sleep or not willing to?"

"Both." Today she wasn't the same as usual.

ZouMi was already saddened from crossing her parents room, all those past dark horrified memories came back to her. Then those images, all together made ZouMi absent-minded. What concerned her the most was the emotions, she felt pain, sadness as if she was the one going through it. It was for a split of a second, but that was so real.

A heavy, yet gentle hand fell on her head, she looked up and saw Gu Huan standing near her, she looked at him saying nothing. Either, that hand was comforting or it fell good, whatever it was at least she wasn't feeling bad, like when others do.

"Whatever it is, never fill yourself, too much of it. You've, your life and one aim or anyone thing can't be your life. Good morning."

As he said that words, the sun raised his face glowed in the dark, when the first light ray fell on him. He was unknown, what impact that words gave ZouMi she was stunted, that was exact same words, her father used to say when she would emerge herself in the problem and make it a life or death situation.

After saying, he left, leaving the stunted ZouMi behind.