
"If you really want to gossip, then go out to find a group of oldies, this is not the place where you belong." Tina glared at the bunch of girls angrily. She has seen the good side of ZouMi, working with her and her father she knew both father-daughter are same, keeping professional and personal life different. ZouMi just want her work to be done by hook or crook on time, rest she is least bothered, and these silly humans thinks work place is for gossip, which she and ZouMing hated the most.

She was about to continue scolding when the phone kept on the desk ringed, it was from ZouMi, "A cappuccino and Latte" and she hanged up.

In the office,

"How did you recognise me?" A familiar sweet voice fell in her ear, ZouMi raised her head and looked at the source of the voice, who settled on the couch with a faint smile.

She got up from her chair and walked towards him, handing him a glass of water she sat across him.

"Your scent." She answered unhurriedly. The man across her chuckled, with a raised eyebrow, a hint of mischievousness could be seen.

"So, now you know my scent too, huh?" He asked in a teasing tone.

ZouMi rolled her eyes at him, "You already knew what I meant." Recently they have been with each other and knew a little about each other, like both had sharp sense of hearing and also smell.

He chuckled, "Okay, fine you win."

"So, how come you're here? Didn't you have a shooting today? And you look....happy." ZouMi asked, while making a call to Tina, without asking him she just ordered.

Gu Huan nodded, "Indeed, I'm." He smiled which was as bright as sun.

"May your smile be the same for the rest of your life." She blessed him.

"Aren't you going to ask why am I happy?"

"No. What matters is the smile, not the reason behind it. Smiling decrease stress and increases your life span for a year."

"Had anyone ever said to you, how good of a person you are?"


Few hour's back,

Gu Huan left the house after consoling his grandpa for a long that he would return soon. All the way back to the shoot, his mind was blank with only one thing going in his mind,

'How did I sleep? This is the second time, that too with ZouMing. Is it just a coincidence...or something else?' His mind was a mess with all the tension with his manager and now was this. After he reached the set, he went to the makeup room assigned to him as usual, on the way he heard someone saying something, he stopped in front of them and asked.

"What were you saying just now?" His tone wasn't friendly nor rude, mild with no emotions. The guys who were discussing were confused at first, because this is the first time Gu Huan talked to someone. Whole set fell in silence and just looked at him in disbelieve, he didn't care, he just wanted to confirm what he heard was true or not.

"The movie 'I'm all yours' had chosen their ML, Bin Juning."

Gu Huan was surprised and also happy he nodded at the boy, said 'Thank you' and left. He was genuinely happy, he had an urge to make a call or text ZouMing... as for why, he too didn't know. May be because she was his only friend? Or.....

His good mood didn't last long, when he was done with his shoot his manager bragged in.

"So, now you're happy? Your wish is fulfilled." Rude, full of sarcasm and taunting tone of his manager irritated him, yet he just ignored her as he usually did.

"Can you stop being like this, all this is because of me that you're here where you're now. If not you would just be a mere human." She announced proudly.

For a long Gu Huan didn't say anything, he just didn't want to spoil his mood. But now he was really fed up and triggered by her rude attitude.

"Oh, is it? That's better than, if it is all because of you, find someone else, I'm done with all the sh*t you've been spouting. I've long back applied for change of manager, but guess what, you didn't let that happen. So, who is leaching on whom is clearly visible. Goodbye." He said, and walked towards the changing room, after five minutes he came back, changed into the old one he wore in the morning. He crossed her, who was still in a daze, in the past he just used to hear and not react this was the first time he did, she could hardly handle his harsh words.

"The one who always hear doesn't mean that they don't have a mouth nor mean that they are sacred, they just don't want to get down on your level, that would be really disrespect for themselves." He said and walked out, without care of the hundred of shocked eyes on him.

The old saying, 'never trigger a silent tiger, that to a wounded one. You won't be able to handle the attack.' Looks like the saying is true, and Gu Huan is a good example.

He was angry and boarded his car, he was ignored his ringing phone, and now it was irritating him, he grumpy answered the call.

"Xiao Hu, if your free attend the board meeting for me, I'm tired after traveling. I'll send you the address. Okay, bye" He didn't even say anything and his grandpa just hang up. At first, he wanted to reject him, but after seeing the address he stopped. His face showed a light smile, the driver at front was really amused by just a call he changed from a fuming man to this adorable creature.

Gu Huan instructed the driver to the address, and he covered himself with a hoodie and a mask. After reaching the office, he was instructed to the meeting room. He was late, when he arrived except of ZouMing everyone had arrived, he sat on the empty chair.