I don't know

He was late, when he arrived except of ZouMing everyone had arrived, he sat on the empty chair. Just in minutes, the door opened and noble, confident Zou Ming came in, then she stopped for a second and frowned, everything was noticed by Gu Huan. He was just staring at her, more like admiring her, the morning innocent ZouMing, either last night lecturer ZouMing, was nowhere, just a confident businesswoman. The way she sat, the way she talked and the way she just declared, was no less than a Queen in her kingdom, or like a soldier, tough and strong, ready to face anything.

At the end of the meeting, Gu Huan became a fan of hers, he got up to leave, when his phone vibrated he took his out and was shocked, but after a few seconds he turned normal. He helplessly shook his head and walked a head, from memory of last time he came here.


ZouMi heard him saying all he did since morning calmly, without interrupting.

"So, what are your plans now?" ZouMi asked.

"Nothing." He answered unhurriedly.

"I'm not talking about today, you said Goodbye to your manager, what are you doing to do with that?"

"Oh, that. Nothing, I've to wait for few more days to end my contract, which I was planning to do for a long. For now, I'll be on leave and won't contact that annoying human."

"Hmm, if you need help, my lawyer can help you. Feel free to go up to her. I'll ask Tina to inform her beforehand. By the way, had you plan for any new company?"

"Not yet, I'll see after the contract ends here." he carelessly slides on the couch in a very uncomfortable position.


Tina came in with a tray in her hand, she kept the tray on the table and turned around to leave, but stopped. Her eyes widened, he gulped a bit, Zou Mi saw that and asked Tina.

"What's wrong?"

Tina hesitated a bit, but then instantly she looked like a fan, a cute little puppy to ZouMi. Her wide eyes looked at Gu Huan, last time she had to control herself, it took her whole willpower for that. Gu Huan looked at her and smiled,

"Oh God!" Tina kept her hand on her heart and sighed. "I'm a big, big, big fan of you, please can you give me your autograph. Last time itself I wanted to ask, but couldn't, and I regretted it. Please…" She took out a note from her pocket and a pen, she sat on one keen, anticipation in her eyes was clear. Gu Huan looked at ZouMi, and the latter just stared at the door. This was the first time he met a fan, he had been too secretive all this long and never showed in public.

Gu Huan smiled and took the note from her and signed his name and then wrote her name as well.

"Thank you, thank you, so much."

"Enough, you can go" The voice startled Tina, she turned and look back at the door, and found the owner of the voice, who didn't look pleased at all. She cleared her throat and stood up, "Thank you. And sorry for behaving like this, best of luck for your future." Her smiled showed, she is going to flaunt this in her friend circle. Her smile was so charming, evident that she was happy, Si Ban who was at the door couldn't help but frowned. She stood in front of him, blinking, he was blocking the door, and she couldn't go out.

Si Ban looked at her for a good few seconds, "Just going to stare at her, not planning to show your true feelings?" ZouMi's voice was clear, her keen eyes observed every reaction of his, three of them turned towards her, Si Ban's eyes wide open, Tina's face red as tomato, while Gu Huan's brow raised. His eyes danced between the two humans at the door, then at ZouMi, he clearly understood the situation and smiled.

"Ahmm... You shouldn't forget that you're at work. Be careful next time." He lectured Tina and made space for her to leave. Tina narrowed her eyes at him, then shrugged her shoulder and hugged the note on which Gu Huan signed and walked out.

By now, Si Ban was burning with jealousy, but he couldn't do anything.

"Just by a single sign, your red dude to anger. What will you do when she gets married? Now is the time, hold on to it, she won't wait for long, Si." ZouMi's voice brought him back to reality and his clenched fit relaxed. He turned towards ZouMi and glared at her, then said, "Stop spouting nonsense"

"She isn't. But you are." This time it was Gu Huan. "It is clearly written on your face, that you love her. Why are you being such a coward?"

"You're a coward, shut up." Si Ban angrily glared at Gu Huan.

ZouMi and Gu Huan trade a glance and chuckled.

"You're going to stay?" ZouMi asked.

"Nah, I'll accompany grandpa. Have your lunch on time, Good day." Gu Huan stood up while saying, and left.

"Zu, the Zung's are here." Tina announced, a firm nod was what she got in reply.

She rapped up with Zung's within an hour and left to have lunch with the Australian client, and now she was heading to the hospital. She massaged her throbbing temples and closed her eyes to rest for a bit. Si Ban was driving, and occasionally he glanced at the rearview mirror.

"What it is, Si?"

"It's better, if you stop what you're doing."

ZouMi's closed eyes instantly opened, "And what am I doing, that need to be stopped?" She asked calmly.

"You know what I'm saying."

"No, I don't know."