
Si Ban looked at the tall figure, only he knows the amount of willpower he sustained, to not pounce on him, and kill him. ZouMi's life was single-handedly destroyed by him, he turned her into a devil, yet here he is standing strong, while ZouMi is at her end.

"Tina, help Mr. Sid to the lounge." Si Ban turned towards Tina and winked at her. Tina has been working with Father Sid, and now with ZouMi, she was aware of the things Sid Bao did. Of course, she wasn't going to show respect to him, he doesn't deserve respect!

Tina nodded, "This way Mr. Sid."

Sid Bao, rude, arrogant Young Master of Sid family, and CEO of Sid Corporation. Whom everyone fears, and never was treated the way he was today! He knew ZouMi was inside, but she would never show up. That night, when he went there to let her sign the papers, to emerge Me&U with Sid Corporation, from that night, till date, he never saw her.

But today he would meet her and invite her to his birthday party, for sure.

Tina guided him to a shabby place, which definitely wasn't a waiting lounge.

"Have a seat, Mr. Sid. I'll send someone to server you." Tina didn't give a single glance to him, and walked out.

Sid Bao scanned his surrounding, dark, a single

damaged couch, an old stool and dust lingering in the air.

'ZouMing, you have to pay for this!' Sid Bao swear to make ZouMi pay for this humiliation.

"Sir, this is pure humiliation. Let's get out of here, and make them pay." His underlying suggested.

Sid Bao merely glanced at him, and the underlying instantly shut his mouth.

Hour passed.

Two hours passed.

Three hours passed.

Like that, four hours passed, but not a single human came to look for him. Sid Bao was made to wait for four hours, this was utter humiliation. If words go out, his reputation would be damped.

"ZOUMING" Sid Bao pushed the stool which feel on the ground. By the time he moved out, the moon stood still, the place was empty. Not a single leaving being was found. Sid Bao sat in his car, "What was she doing?" He asked him underlying to find out what was ZouMi doing while making him wait.

"She was in her office, only once, Si Ban went in. She recently left."

With a cigarette in his hand, he puffed a shot and exhaled, the smoke couldn't hide his evil face.

"Let's go."


Few hours ago,

Si Ban went in her cabin, to inform Sid Bao's arrival. But here he was greeted with a scene, of ZouMi sleeping on the couch, and Gu Huan on the floor, while his head on the couch. Snacks spread near them, the game was still on, ZouMi clung on to the joystick in her deep slumber. Not wanting to disturb them, Si Ban slowly and quickly retreated.

The moment he closed the door, Gu Huan's eyes opened, sleep woken, he scanned his surrounding and remembered he was playing games with ZouMi. Gu Huan moved his head to the right, ZouMi's pretty face was to close to his, he could feel her warm breath. Supporting his head with his hand, he shifted his position to right side, totally facing ZouMi. He leaned on his biceps and looked at her pretty face, not knowing why was he feeling, so good while watching her sleep.

ZouMi's flat forehead moved, she started to frown, she shook her head and mumbled painfully, "Dad.... Dad.... Please... No"

Gu Huan felt his heart squeezed by someone, when he heard her painful cry. He instantly moved towards her, placed his one hand on her hair and other on her cheek. Softly, he caressed her cheek, and also her hairs.

"Nothing is wrong. Don't worry. Everything is alright, hm. You're a strong girl. I'm here nothing is going to be wrong." In his low voice, he whispered soothing words near her ear. ZouMi grabbed on the warmth she felt, that was Gu Huan's hand, she brought his hand near her face and hugged his hand. Gu Huan smiled.

'Ah! She is acting like a little kitten' Looking at her face, he again leaned on his hand, gradually closing his eyes, he fell asleep.




"NO! DAD" In her deep sleep, ZouMi dream about her father's accident right in front of her. She screamed, wailed wanting to stop the accident, but she could do nothing.

She felt a soft thing on her face and head, soon she heard some soothing words in low voice. ZouMi tightly grabbed on to the warmth sensation, which calmed her.

Scene changed, a girl setting on the same swing near the lake. Her legs floating in air, emitting younger vibes. ZouMi could feel the smile, but her face was blurred, she moved closer towards the girl, when she heard some voice.

"Little thing, you're here again. Why do you want to tire your old women, hm."

"Grandma, isn't this place, beautiful." The girl looked at the old lady, while pointing at the lake, covered with flowers.

"It is. Come hurry up, lets have lunch." The old lady nagged her granddaughter.

Scene changed, the young girl sat near the same lake, she wasn't sitting on the swing, but on the edge of the land. Her legs buried in water, she looked sad.

"RuinRuin" Hearing the sudden voice, the girl turned her head, the sadness within her was wiped off, she was happy again.

She quickly got up and leaned into a warm embrace.

"I thought, you won't be coming." She hit his broad chest, which was steal like, with her soft hands.

"I promised my RuinRuin, how can I go back from my words?"

"Don't call me that, RuinRuin isn't my name!"

"Yes, RuinRuin."


Its was a lighthearted scene, filled with love, the firefly surrounded the couple, mingling together.