

ZouMi instantly got up, alert, she scanned her surrounding, only to find herself alone, in her vast office room. ZouMi laid back on the floor, she probably had fallen down, while rolling. The dream played in her mind again, it was unfamiliar, yet familiar. With one hand on her forehead, ZouMi gazed at the roof. Why was she having these dreams? What are these? Why such an unfamiliar place, felt as if a part of her memory?

ZouMi's eyes fell on the clock, astonished she stared at the clock and then at the window, it was dark outside. How did she fell asleep? Wasn't she playing games with Gu Huan? How long has she been sleeping?


Her stomach started to make noise, its nine' o clock, and it's demanding food. ZouMi sighed and got up. She left her office after locking it, drove away on her motorbike. Not knowing she offended, Sid Bao, even if she knew, she would have done something worst then just letting him wait for hours.


An hour ago, Gu Huan woke up again, this was the best ever sleep he had in his life. The moment he opened his eyes, ZouMi's face was in front of his eyes. Her closed eyes, to her little nose, he wanted to pinch her nose. His figures roamed on her face lightly, touching every feature of her face, as if his fingers wanted to memorize that face.

Smiling, he leaned closer and moved his lips towards her forehead. ZouMi moved a little, making him stop in his track. Realisation drawn over him, he felt as if someone poured a tub of cold water over his head.

What was he going to do? Why was he kissing her on her forehead? His heart wanted to, but his brain stopped, that isn't what a gentleman would do. Gu Huan slowly retreated he removed his hands and slowly got up, taking the secret exist, he went away.

While driving, his mind drifted to the changes within him, since he met ZouMi. Usually with strangers, specially a girl, he would be arrogant, rude. But, why does he don't treat ZouMi that way? Yes, he admires her capabilities, but hasn't he met a lot more like her, why didn't he feel anything like this for them? Why making her smile, or seeing her smile, puts a smile on his face?

All his feeling were in turmoil, his personality, his attitude, his behavior changes when he is with ZouMi.

No! He can't let this happen, he can't let his feeling play games with, he can't let his emotions fall out that has been locked for ages. He needs to do something, this can't be continued, this shouldn't!


ZouMi came back, everyone was seated on the dinner table, laughing talking and eating.

"Hello lovelies!" ZouMi happily greeted.

Everyone reacted, but... Gu Huan didn't, as if he didn't hear. Neither did he greeted her, nor looked at her. ZouMi blinked, being a sensitive one, she could feel some changes in Gu Huan, but couldn't pinpoint, what was wrong. They all had a happy meal, and settled back into their rooms. ZouMi as usual, took a shower, settle her snacks and took out her phone to play games with Yun.

Chai: Husband! You're up?

Yun: Hm.

Chai: Bad day?

Yun: ...

Chai: Hey! Don't ignore me, what's the matter? Are you dumped by that girl, or she realised you're a retard?

Yun: First, I'm not ignoring you. Second, I don't have a girlfriend, so being dumped isn't in the question. Lastly, I'm NOT A RETARD.

Chai: Oh! So, you're PMSing.

Yun: What? PMSing?

Chai: Premenstrual syndrome!

Yun: Is your last brain cells dead? I know the literal meaning, but how can a guy have PMS?

Chai: Well, who knows? Okay, just kidding, why are you sulking, or specifically, what are you sulking at.

Yun: Will you be serious for once, if I say what's on my mind.

Chai: I'm serious all the time, its just you who don't take me serious.

Yun: ...please.

Chai: Fine, spit it out.

Yun: Are feeling real?

Chai: Mm… Bro, you ain't human, if you don't have feeling.

Yun: Be serious!

Chai: I answered your question, I'm serious. Without feeling, how can someone survive?

Yun: No, I mean, feelings that bring changes to our self. Feelings that disturbs your internal system.

Chai: Look, every feeling disturb your internal system, let it be haterate, love or any other feelings. It's on you, if you feel good with those feelings or the person attached, be there. If not, try to make some distance, or take a break. Is that clear now?

Yun: Hm.


Gu Huan bid goodbye to Chai, because he wasn't in a mood to play. He stood near the window, gazing into nothingness. Thinking of the things he did with ZouMi, for ZouMi and to ZouMi, those made him smile. But the smile faded at an instant, thinking of how he had changed, from being stone-hearted to caring for someone.

It shouldn't be like this, no way!


Next morning, at dinner table.

ZouMi sat at her usual seat, but the seat next to her was empty, where Gu Huan used to sit. Today, Gu Huan sat far away at the other end of the table, ZouMi was puzzled. Why was he suddenly behaving like this? Later, after breakfast, everyone left to their respective work. ZouMi had a long day, filled with only meetings, at lunchtime, ZouMi sat in her office, her fingers dancing on the keyboard.

"ZouMi time for lunch." Si Ban knocked on the table, with a tray in her hand.

ZouMi didn't even raise her head, "I've work to do."

Si Ban raised a brow, he texted Gu Huan, usually, Gu Huan would call her or either, directly barge in and make her eat her meals. Si Ban waited for fifteen minutes after texting Gu Huan, yet, there wasn't any call from him. Puzzled, Si Ban looked at her phone, the message was delivered and also seen, yet, he didn't reply. Was he busy? But, wouldn't he still give her a call even in between his shoots?