Chapter 8:A shocking discovery

~~~~~At the harbour~~~~~

☆☆☆☆Alexa's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

We are now at the harbour,getting the speedboat ready to leave. Me and Clawd are loading our backpack with weapons and gadgets for the mission. "Luckily we got the alert when we did. Otherwise who knows were the conversation might have lead."I thought to myself as I was busy picking out weapons for myself.

☆☆☆☆Clawd's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Everything ready?"I asked her from on the boat. "Yes. I'm coming."she shouted back in response. She then climbed abroad, and we headed towards Geraldine's location.

"Alexa,are you ready to put Geraldine behind bars for good?"I asked her in a commanding tone. "Yes sir."she answered sternly with a nod,and then smiled. "Off we go."I said as I started the boat,then jetted in the direction of the island.

~~~~~On the speedboat~~~~~

"So Alexa, what gadgets did you pack?"I asked while checking the GPS to see how much farther away we are from the island and how long it will take us to reach it. Also trying to avoid eye contact with her. But I think she noticed that and let out a sigh.

☆☆☆☆Alexa's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

I could obviously see he was trying not to make eye contact with me. Lucky me. I don't even have time for that now. Now I have to focus on the mission. "Ahem. Alexa do you want me to repeat that"he asked. "Repeat what?"I asked,then noticed him rolling his eyes. "Would you please tell me what gadgets you packed for the mission."

"Oh right. Sorry. Well,I packed some smoke bombs,laser lipstick and mosquito surveillance cameras.

☆☆☆☆Clawd's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Is that all?"I asked her without showing emotion. I then saw her hang her head and said sorry softly in a sweet voice. I felt so bad as I could she that she was really sorry. "No. It's alright. That will do."I turned towards her and stated with a smile on my face. And I could see she was blushing.

So I decided to make the best with what we have. We are now approaching the island at a fast paste. But there is something I need to tell Alexa. "Hey, Alexa...."I was about to finish just before she answered in sweet voice. "Yes? What is it?"she looked up at me. "Hmmm...,can we talk after the mission please.

"Huh..."I saw she then turn her head. "Sure...,no problem." I could see that she was concerned from how she looked at the floor, a pain shot in my stomach . "Now I feel like a villain." I thought to myself.

☆☆☆☆Alexa's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"He's been acting weird to me all day, maybe it's about that. Oh no, I hope he doesn't want to talk about what happened today at school."I hoped as I started to fold my hands. "Please let him not ask about what. Oh please not."

☆☆☆☆Clawd's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Look Alexa. We have the island in our sight. Make sure to..."I was interrupted by seeing her hands folded. It looks like she praying,and blushing. She's so cute.

"Hmmm...,Alexa?"I said as she snapped out of whatever she was doing. "Yes?"she answered with her face still a bit red. "Its looks like you were praying or something?" I asked with a smirk.

☆☆☆☆Alexa's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

I then turned to him with a surprised look on my face. "Let me guess,I was right. Right?"he asked with a look on his face that shouts out 'I got you'. "No...,I was so not doing that."I answered with my cheeks a bit blown up and with my arms folded.

☆☆☆☆Clawd's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Sure you were not."I started a sarcastic tone of voice. "But anyway, get ready. Thirty seconds before we reach the island. Do you have our back packs?"I asked. "Yes. We're all set."she stated while she raised her fist in the air.

"Good."I said with a smile on my face. "Let's just get this over with so I can talk to Alexa."

☆☆☆☆Speedboat's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Approaching the island. We'll reach the target in ten seconds. Eight,seven,six,five,four,three,two,one. You have reached your destination."

~~~~~On the island~~~~~

☆☆☆☆Alexa's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

The Island wasn't that big, it had a small forrest in the center and a rocky shoreline. I'd bet it was probably five kilometers in radius. in a distance toward the north we could see a warehouse like building, it reminded me of old spy movies...very accurate, I know. There was also a tunnel leading under the warehouse. " You have arrived at your destination." said the speed boat. "D..did the speedboat just say something?"I asked in surprising tone. "Yes. It's is the latest model. And that's not even the best part." I asked still in a surprising tone,"There is more?"

☆☆☆☆Clawd's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Obviously. They got cup holders."I said as I let out a small laugh,but she just rolled her eyes at me. "But let's get on with the mission." She then nodded and went run in the direction of Geraldine's HQ.

So we grabbed our backpacks and sprinted towards the tunnel and entered it.

~~~~~In the tunnel~~~~~

☆☆☆☆Alexa's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Clawd,my flashlight' s battery died."I said while feeling the walls of the tunnel to find my way. "Don't worry. Here take my hand."he said while offering me his hand. So I accept.

☆☆☆☆Clawd's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Don't worry. Here take my hand."I said while offering her my hand and looking down. "STUPID. Why did I do that? There is no way she will take my hand."I shouted at myself in my head.

Suddenly I felt her hand slid into mine. I then quickly looked up to see her hand in mine. As I looked up,I saw that she was not looking. She was looking to her left. I'm pretty sure she was blushing.

☆☆☆☆Alexa's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

*BEEP* *BEEP*. I looked down and saw my compowder ringing. "It's the boss."I said curiously. "I guess I should answer it."

"What's the matter sir?"

"Our intel had told us that their is a jet approaching the island. It is carrying explosive devices and military grade weapons. You guys should better get moving."

"How much explosive devices and weapons?"

"Enough for an army to take over a small country."

"Are you saying there are more people working with Geraldine?"

"Yes. The council of villains is helping them."

"Council of villains?"

"Clawd can explain things further. Just complete the mission."

"Roger that sir."

☆☆☆☆Clawd's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"We need to hurry if the council of villains is involved."I said grabbing her hand and leading us out of the tunnel. We run for about 3 minutes until we reached the entrance.

~~~~~In Geraldine's HQ~~~~~

As we entered her HQ,I saw a huge jet landing. We hid so we could see what was on the jet. We then saw a man climb out of the jet. He look like the main seat on the council of villains. My eyes widen at the sight of him.

☆☆☆☆Alexa's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Who is that guy?"I thought to myself. "I should ask Clawd." As I turn to ask Clawd,I saw that Clawd's eyes were wide open and staring at him. "Clawd who is that guy? Do you know him?"I asked,but he didn't answer.

So I shook him and asked him again. But this time he answered. "Well...he...his my younger brother."he said. When I heard that I was shocked. "I kinda see the resemblance. But I can't really see well because of the distance."

☆☆☆☆Clawd's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Here."I said handing her a picture that I always kept on me. Her eyes widen then she looked up at me surprised. "Wow. You guys look happy." I sighed "Yes we were. I was 12 then and he was 10. Well that was before he came bad."

"Why did he turn bad?"she asked with a sad but curious face. "Honestly,I have no idea. One day we where close,then the next..."I was stopped by someone pulling us out from behind the bunch of crates.

☆☆☆☆Goon's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Sir,I found these to hiding behind the crates."I said as he turned around. An evil smirk appeared on his face when he saw who I had captured. "Well...well...well... Look what the tide dragged in,my older brother."he said.

☆☆☆☆Jonathan's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"You may leave now."I said and signaled him to leave. "Nice to see you again Clawd."I grimmed. "Wish I could say the same,Heath."he said giving me a nasty look.

☆☆☆☆Heath' s P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Heath? I thought your name was Jonathan."said Geraldine. "Well,it's an alias. But I am legit. So do you want the council's help or not?"I asked in a stern voice. "Yes. Thank you for the support."she answered. I then moved my focus to the pretty girl next to him.

"And what might your name be sweetie?"I asked while cupping her chin. "Don't you touch her."my brother shouted. I looked at him surprised "And why not?". He was just silent.

☆☆☆☆Clawd's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Why did you become evil? We were so close. Why?"I asked him looking down. "So you want to know why? Good,I thought you would never ask."he said looking at me with an evil smile.

☆☆☆☆Alexa's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"I wonder what happened between them."I thought to myself as I turn to Clawd. He had an anxious look on his face,bet he is curious to know what happened.

*Chapter end*