Chapter 9:The reason

☆☆☆☆Heath's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"You really don't remember, do you? That's a shame. Now I must waste my time."I signed as I check my watch. "Oh well, it can't be helped."I said as I moved my face closer to the girl beside Clawd. "Plus, I bet your really curious. Am I right cutie?"I said with a devilish smirk across my face.

☆☆☆☆Alexa's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Plus, I bet your really curious. Am I right cutie?"he asked as if he was amused with the situation. "Well I am curious to know what happened to him. I mean his brother was so kind and sweet and... Alexa snap out of it!" I shouted to myself in my head.

☆☆☆☆Heath's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Well,I guess I should start with the story."I said as I went to find a crate to sit on.

The Story:

It was the summer vacation. I was about 13 at the time and Clawd was yet to turn 15. For summer vacation we usually go to a holiday resort of some sort,but for that day we went camping in the woods. Our father had this old log cabin which smelled like old corpses. Well to me it smelled like that,but it stinked.

Everything was good however, we were together. We had barbeque every second night for dinner,star gazing,river rafting and hiking. All though the hiking was the the worst.

"Now I know you wondering how can hiking be the worst. Well let me explain further."I stated as I stood up to stretch me legs. Soon after that,I sat down again and continued with the story.

One night around 11:30 our parents were in bed already because that was a long day filled with activity. I to was about to fall asleep when I heard someone calling my name lightly while trying to shake me awake.

I ignored as I did not want to open my eyes. Then I was shook a little more rougher then before. Next thing I knew I was pulled off the bed. Upon hitting the floor I decided to look up and see who pulled me out of bed.

To my surprise it was my brother. I was so irritated that I asked him why he pulled me out of bed. He said he wanted to go on a hike,so I looked at him with a really confused face.

So I asked him why he wants to go on a hike at this time,but he said it's better if I see it for myself. I was still not interested. He tried to tell me that everything will be okay since he is older,but I told him to go on his own. So he left.

Around about 10 minutes have past and I felt like I should have went with him. So I took about 5 minute to get dressed and immediately went after him.

It then took me another 15 minutes to catch up to him. Once I reached him,he was busy climbing up a tree for some reason. So I naturally shouted to ask him what he was doing,but that was a huge mistake. Next thing I knew he was so surprised that he accidentally knocked a wasp hive.

They were aiming for his face while he was still up there. He tried to protect his face with is one arm while using his other hand to swot them away. By doing so he lost his balance and fell to the ground, 10 meters high I think. He fell from much higher heights before though.

When he fell,he landed on his feet but instantly fell backwards not landing on his butt but hitting his back hard against the ground. The wasps flew down towards him. I then quickly rushed to help him up.

We then ran for shelter from the wasps in a nearby cave. The cave was dark and damp but it worked to shelter us from the wasps. Soon after finding shelter,it began to rain heavily. So we decided to wait until the rain lightens. Later decided to go a bit deeper in the cave.

While walking around in the cave,we came across two tunnels. We then decided to each take a tunnel and then meet back where the tunnels begin. While I was walking I came to the end of the tunnel where I saw a litter of grizzly bears.

Knowing it would be dangerous if I stayed,I decided to head back. When I turned I saw the mother bear right behind me. I quickly ran around it but it was chasing me. When I made it to the beginning of the tunnel I saw Clawd. We then both ran out of the cave and into the woods. We were running for a while until we decided to check if the bear was still chasing us.

Luckily not. We then continued to walk until we found a landmark which would be able to pinpoint our location. Which was really hard since it was dark. Then I thought I saw the camp site where our cabin was. I was so excited that I was not looking where I was going.

I slipped down a hill and knocked my head. I couldn't move at all. The only thing a heard was someone calling my name,but I think that was Clawd.

When I woke up I looked around and saw that I was in a bed and there was a picture that I never saw before on the wall. That is when I realised that I was not in my dad's cabin.

When I tried to stand up,the bed made a creaking sound which caused this lady to walk in. She told me that I need to take it easy and continue to rest,but before she left I asked her the date. She said it was already 5 days since she found me.

As soon as I got better that lady gave me a lift to the cabin which was empty. She then took me to our house,but when we got there the house was empty. I asked the neighbours but they said you guys moved but they don't know where to.

From that day on my anger for you grew stronger each passing day. I then went to live with that lady in the woods and everyday I would plan on how I would destroy your life.

End of story.

☆☆☆☆Clawd's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"I'm sorry,I had no idea."I said as I was sad to hear what he had gone through. "Well I have to go. I'll leave you here for your organization to pick you up. See you soon. Mostly you cutie."He said to Alexa before taking off with the aircraft.

☆☆☆☆Alexa's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Hey Clawd,are you okay?"I asked him as I felt a bit worried. "You know you can tell me anything,don't you?"as I asked him that question,he looked at me and for a second he looked really sad. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Promise."He said suddenly changing his frown into a smile.

☆☆☆☆Clawd's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

A few minutes later the organization sent a a rescue squad to help us out.

~~~~~At WOOHP's HQ~~~~~

"My apologies Boss. We were not able to complete the mission."I said as I was looking down.

☆☆☆☆Gorge's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Can you tell me if you you found out anything important. Anything at all?"I asked as I turned to face them. I saw how nerves they were when I asked them. "I asked if you found out anything important."I stated in a stern voice.

☆☆☆☆Alexa's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"There was nothing really to find out sir."I said quickly as I didn't want to put to much pressure on Clawd. "Okay. You are dismissed."He said as he turn his back towards us and sat back down.

☆☆☆☆Clawd's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

~~~~In Clawd's car~~~~

"Thanks so much for not telling the boss about my brother. I owe you."I said as I put my hand on her then turned towards her,"You are the best." I then suddenly realised that my hand was on hers for a while so I took it off and face the front. I felt as my face turned red.

☆☆☆☆Alaxa's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

I quickly turned to face the front also,"There is no need to thank me. You done so much for me." Suddenly my face turned red so I used my hands to cover. I heard a small laugh from Clawd which made me blush even more.

~~~~•time skip•At the front door•~~~~

"Well thanks for dropping off and walking me to the front door."I said as I smiled towards the ground. "Sleep tight."Clawd said and then he lifted my head and placed a kiss on my forehead.

☆☆☆☆Clawd's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Good night."he said. Suddenly coming closer to my ear and whispered "Your cheeks are really red. Bye see you later."I said as a walked back towards the car. I waved bye and watched her walk in before I drove off.

*Chapter end*