The Kidnappers

Chapter 2

The white-haired guy just watched the girl flew away until he completely lost sight of her.

“Bzzzt Jethro where are you? Over,” a voice coming from a device attached to his ear.

The guy put his index finger to his ear and pressed a button. “Bzzzt at the back of the school. Over,” he coldly answered.

“Bzzzt have you found her? Over.”

“Bzzzt Yes. She escaped. Over.”

"Bzzzt...(no reply)...bzzzt"

“Bzzzt everyone assemble to where Jethro is. Over.”

Later six guy came to the very place where the white-haired guy named Jethro was standing.

"So what happened?" a guy with blue hair asked him.

"I found her classroom and trapped everybody inside including her," Jethro replied coldly.

"And you are telling us that she escaped?!" irritated, a red-haired guy asked.

"Because she is strong," Jethro answered without emotion on his face to the red-haired guy. “She followed me until here and I tried to convince her but it was no use. She attacked me but I was able to shield myself.”

"I see," said the guy with blue hair while holding his chin to think.

"Well, there must be another way," said a guy with green hair.

"Well, you saw how she escaped?" the blonde-haired guy asked.

"She flew away," Jethro replied.

"That's a good thing," said the gray-haired guy so everyone looked at him. "I can track her up the sky."

"Go ahead Turuki," said the man with blue hair.

The gray-haired man controlled the wind, whose name was Turuki and made a cloud to fly up and looked far to find out where the girl they are referring to went to. Soon, he came down immediately.

"She went that way," while pointing to where.

“Okay Turuki, lead the way. Everyone, Bouger! ('Move!' In French)” the blue-haired guy ordered and they followed Turuki.

Because they have powers, Jethro makes a road made of ice while skating. Eaux (pronounced as “Lou”), the blue-haired guy, made a big wave on his back and was riding on a surfing board while surfing.

Edmondo, the brown-haired guy, jumps too high and then makes a small hill where he will land and jump again and Feesy, the green-haired guy, jumps on every branch of the tree.

The remaining three are in the air, Turuki, riding on a cloud, Zoltar, the blonde-haired guy riding on a platform and Fuego, the red-haired guy emitting fire from his hand to fly.

Soon, Turuki stopped and went down.

“Arret! ('Stop!' In French)” Eaux raised his hand at the same time and they all stopped.

"We're here," said Turuki, at the same time he removed the branches that were blocking in front of them and saw a small house on the side of the river.

“Is this where she lived? Such a lonely place,” Feesy said.

"Yup, you said it," Edmondo agreed.

"So Eaux, anything in mind?" Fuego asked.

He didn’t reply and began to think.

“Well, I suggest that we knock and talk to her nicely. Maybe that will convince her,” Feesy suggested happily.

"That could be," Eaux agreed. “What do you think Zoltar? You must have an idea.”

"Well, what Feesy said could be," Zoltar replied. "But still, if she refuses to come with us, I suggest we should fight her back because just like what Jethro said, she is hard-headed."

“I think that will do. So, who will knock and talk to her? ” Eaux asked.

“Me! Me!” Feesy happily raised his right hand.

“Uhm wait. I suggest Jethro,” Fuego said suddenly that surprised them and looked at him with a face and at the same time, Eaux sighed.

"What is it that you want to say, Fuego?" asked Eaux.

"Since Jethro knows their language, he can talk straight to that girl and maybe he can convince her," Fuego replied.

"But he already tried it earlier," said Edmondo.

"Then just like what Zoltar said, we are going to fight her back if she is that hard," said Fuego.

"He has a point," Turuki agreed.

"Well, what do you say Jethro?" asked Eaux.

Jethro just stared at the house with cold stern eyes. He did not say a word and just stared back at those who were talking to him before walking towards the house.

"You know what, that guy is really weird no matter what the situation is," said Fuego.

“You said that so many times, Fuego. Right now, you should have adopted that attitude of his for how many years we have been together,” said Eaux.

"I will never."


Finally, I'm already here at my home. I immediately sat on the chair due to fatigue. Grabe. Much has happened today.

What am I going to do now that they know about this curse? I sighed because of that. And also, that guy. He ruined my day. I hope I never see him again.

Knock, knock.

I was startled and turned to the door. Wait, is there a knock on the door? Really?! As in?!

Knock, knock. This is impossible. No one knows this place. I stayed on my seat first and wondered if I should open the door or not.

Knock, Knock.

Okay, it looks like he keeps on persisting. Breathe in deeply first… before I walked to the door. Whoever you are, you are unlucky today.

I opened the door and was completely surprised because ofhte person standing in front of me.

Not this guy again. How did he find me?

"You again!" I shouted while pointing at him.

You know the answer of this man. He will not reply and will just look back at you with that same cold stern face. I don't even know why I'm still talking to him.

"Bakit ka nandyan? (Why are you there?)" I asked him seriously.

"To convince you," was his cold answer. Wow. He replied.

“Huh? Convince me? ”

"Para kumbinsehin ka. (To convince you.)" Okay, he just translated it in Filipino. Very nice.

“I know English kuya. Convince me to what?”

"To come with me," was his poker face answer.

See what I told you? He never replies to some of my questions but when he answers, he says the same thing over and over again. I just want to punch him.

“Kuya, how many times have you told me that and I will ask you again, where will you take me?”

I thought he would answer but, he suddenly avoided his look at me. The HELL! If he is here to convince me, why does he act like this? Does he know what "convince" means? Does he think I am convinced by what he is saying and doing? Is this guy even crazy?

"All right, white haired dude—"

"Jethro," he cut me off so I stopped and raised an eyebrow at him.

“Uhm okay, Jethro. Answer me first before I come with you,” I crossed my arms right in front of him. "Where will we go?"

He paused for a moment before,

"In a place where people like us belong."

I was ready to answer back, but I was suddenly stopped by what he said and was surprised while looking at him.

"Where we belong?" I whispered enough for him to hear.

"It is a place full of people who can control various elements and you are one of them ..." he replied.

I was speechless after that. " come along because that place is where you belong," he added.

Look, he can actually explain. What's so hard about that? But wait. There are many more people like me on this world besides him?

"All this time..." I whispered to myself.

All this time, I thought I am alone and this is the world where I will really live, in this place that I don’t belong to.

I turned my gaze back to his poker face staring back at me. Oh wait Yani. Looks like something is wrong with his face.

"Wait. Maybe you are just fooling me,” I told him and raised an eyebrow at him again.

He just gave me a cold look. "In the few years I have been through, I have never heard of that" I explained. "All my life, I thought that someone like me is the only one in this world and here you are now, a person that can control ice who is also a Filipino who offers me to go with the place you say… I don’t understand."

He looked away from me again.

“And your face, you don't show that much emotions. Who can be convinced by that?” I added.

He looked back at me and we just stared at each other after that. What is this? Staring contest? I just sighed that broke the silence.

"Maybe you'd better just leave—"

"In that case, I want to say something," he cut me off again so I stopped.

I was shocked by what he said next but it looked like I didn’t heard it clearly and a few minutes passed before I asked. "Uhm what was that again?"

"Fight me."

I was completely surprised. “Huh? Wait, wait, do you hear what you are saying? ”

"This is a challenge," he replied. "If I win, you will come with me without any complaints but if you win, I will not interfere with you for the rest of your life."

What? Where did he get that? And it looks to me, he has so much confidence on himself that he will win. Does he know who he will fight with?

"Deal?" he asked.

“Wait, wait. Dahan-dahan lang— (Wait, wait. Take it slowly—)"

"If you dare to quit, you lose," he replied. Great, he spoke in English. This guy is good. He caught me there.

"Yes or no?" he asked again.

Hayst, he’s persistent. “Uhm uhh su-sure. Game!” I answered confidently.

After he heard my answer, he walked to the open space lawn. Grabe. Why does it have to reach this point? I am getting nervous of what is about to happen.

I stood a few meters away from him. Okay. Breathe deeply again. Just calm down Yani.

"Just tell me when it starts," he said.

“Okay. Uhm, I'm ready,” but honestly, I'm still a little nervous and I don't know what to do.

“Ladies first.”

I was shocked for a moment. Why do you have to lie that you’re ready Yani? Okay. You can do it. Just focus.

I looked at him carefully and because I found out he can control ice, I immediately made a ball of fire and blew it on him but in turn, he made an ice fence to block it. The fence melted but he was not hit. He seems to be used to his power because he’s just standing there and did not even move any part of his body.

If the fire did not work, I punched the ground and one by one the rocks lifted up towards him but he suddenly disappeared from where he was standing.

Oh shacks. Where is he? Where is he going?!

I saw a shadow so I looked up. He was in the air and he suddenly attacked with ice knives so I immediately jumped to avoid it and made a ball made of air and rode on it. I looked up from where he was.

When I saw him, I raised my right arm pointing to the forest and made vines with sharp thorns and followed him. All of it turned into ice once it reached him, without even looking at them. Tsk.

From above, I jumped down and made an enormous wave of water and rode on top of it. I made water knives and attacked him but as they approached him, each turned to ice again and fell next to him without doing anything.

Tsk. I jumped from the top of the wave and controlled it towards him and again when it reached him, the wave also turned to ice.

No wonder he’s confident a while ago. I jumped to the top of the now iced wave and looked at him from the top. He looked at me back coldly.

You know, if he’s not cold and stern like that, I might have gone with him in no time but, it's annoying. From my fingers, I pulled out electricity and focused it on him. He made a barrier made of ice again so using that electricity, I teleported at his back and attacked the electricity again but an ice barrier suddenly shielded him.

What's the meaning of that, he has eyes on his back?! The ice disappeared behind him and he faced me. He just looked back at me with that same cold eyes and face. Seriously, I have never fought someone this good or should I say, he was the first person I fought in my whole life.

"Is that all you can do?" he said.

What the— I let out a huge flame from my arms again because of how annoyed I am. I don't care if he builds an ice barrier again. I will melt that!

There was thick smoke due to what I did then suddenly, water that I don’t know came from hit my right arm.

"Aray! (Ouch!)" I said in pain. As a result, I stopped firing as I sat down and touched my aching arm.

Where did that water come from? Don't tell me he can also control the water?

"Jethro, are you alright?" said a guy with blue hair and ran towards this guy named Jethro supposedly.

Now, who is this guy?

When the smoke finally disappeared, I saw that white-haired dude with a slightly burnt right cheek. I mean, I hit him? Ironic that I hurt him but I smirked thinking about it.

"Jethro, you're hurt," said the blue-haired guy.

He ignored the guy and first gave me a serious cold look while closing his eyes. Suddenly, the burned part on his cheek disappeared as if nothing had happened to his face at the same time the smile of victory disappeared from my face. Tss. So what if I hit him? O di siya na.

“Take a rest Jethro. We will take care of this,” said the blue-haired guy while also looking back at me seriously.

Jethro did not say a word. What is this? Recruitment?! What a trick! We had no rules discussed in the first place but even that, in any fight, is not fair.

"Hey there miss."

I turned to my right where the speaker was. There was a guy with red hair and eyes standing with his arms crossed while looking at me.

“That fire was really intense. Not bad I should say,” said this guy and smirked at me.

Okay and who is this?

"I never expect that you're that strong."

I turned to my left and this time saw a guy with brown hair and eyes with both hands in the pocket of his pants.

"Si-sino kayo? (Wh-who are you?)" I asked them while stammering.

"Pardon?" said the blue haired guy as he approached me. Great. I felt different when they approached. What are they, foreigners? Of all the people he will recruit to, it has to be foreigners? And there are more of them. Wow. Great plan, white-haired dude.

"Look Yani, we are not here to hurt you so calm down," the blue haired guy said gently but I was completely surprised and started to get nervous at what he said.

Who are they really? Why does he know my name? Shacks! So is it’s true? That he recruited these guys? There are really people who will kidnap me, not just the white haired dude?!

I felt scared but I tried resisting it so that I can make sure they do not take me. I no longer care who they are as long as I’m sure that they are with the white-haired dude. I will not let—

Suddenly my body felt heavy and slowly closed my eyes. What’s happening? Why did I suddenly felt like this?

My body finally fell to the ground. What happened?