Meet the Princes

Chapter 3

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around me. Where am I? I turned to my right and saw a white-haired guy sitting next to me. Why do I feel cold now? I’m covered in a blanket.

I was already having a good dream. I closed my eyes again and a few minutes passed but I could not go back to sleep not only because of the cold but because something was bothering my mind. I sat down on the bed and even scratched my eyes.

"You're awake."

I looked again to my right where that voice came from and saw the white-haired dude sitting in a chair wearing no emotion on his face. Weird. He looks like the guy in my dream. Why is he here inside my house?

Loading… wait… I turned my gaze around me. Wait, my house? Loading… I looked back at him…

Loading complete. My eyes widen in shock. I feel like I know what HAPPENED!

"KYAAHH!" I shouted and at the same time, I left the bed and ran to a corner.

"Wait—" he said lifelessly.

“What am I doing here?! Why are you there?! What did you do to me?!” I panicked.

He just looked at me and it’s traced on his face as if he did not care what was happening and added in that he closed his eyes.

“Why is that?! Why are you still so calm even though I'm in a panic here?! What did you do to me?!"

He still did not speak. Seriously?! Even though I am panicking, he still managed not to speak? Is he really that numb? I know I still have clothes on when I woke up but who wouldn't panic when you wake up, there is a guy sitting next to you and you are in a place where you don’t know?!

Suddenly he stood up and approached me. “ISA! Do not come near me!” I warned him.

Good thing he stopped about a meter away from me and stared back at me. Suddenly, he handed me something that I wondered.

"W-what is that?" I asked him.

"Change into this," he answered sparingly. Clothes Yani.

“Huh? Wait, is that mine?”

He did not reply. That’s why he’s handing it to you, isn’t it Yani?

"Someone is waiting for you," he said.

"What?!" I am still shouting. “Wait a minute! I just dreamed earlier that we were even fighting and then suddenly you are here in front of me now?! What's happening?! Am I still dreaming?!”

"Just change first," was his sparing answer.

In his answer, I completely lost my patience. "Are you crazy?! I'm asking here and that is your answer?! Are you really like that COLD HEARTED?! ”

He was surprised by what I said and suddenly bowed his head. I don't know if I was just imagining it but he was suddenly surrounded by a black aura.

He raised his head and gave me a serious look. "I’ll explain later" was what he said, in a menancing tone.

I do not know why but I was startled because of that. So I immediately just picked up the dress and boots he reached for.

“O-okay. I’m on my to the CR,” and I immediately ran to CR to change.

He seems to be the weirdest guy I have ever met: numb and scary and I don’t understand him. But rather than be troubled by that guy… where am I?! What place is this?!

This is not possible. I am still just dreaming. Promise, I am still dreaming. I pinched my arm while closing my eyes and immediately opened them and… nothing changed. Oh my God! I am not dreaming! It's all true! I mean, did I really fight him before?!

Life, what's going on? Why do I even need to meet this guy? Is this another kind of punishment? Aren't you still satisfied that I'm having a hard time back there? What else do you want to happen?

I just came back to the reality when I felt the cold so I changed my clothes in no time. In fairness, I felt warm when I wore this thick long sleeves shirt and thick pants and boots.

After I changed, I first stared at the door. Will I go out of this CR and talk to that guy? Can I just find a way to get out of here? I even looked out the window of the CR but… something seemed to be holding me back.

It was as if someone was saying that I should go meet that guy and went with him. I don't even know why. Maybe I hit my head a while ago so I went crazy.

But whatever. I just got out of the CR and saw him looking out the window.

I don't want to talk to him because I was really scared earlier when he got angry. It is as if you have seen a monster and he’s ready to swallow me up in no time.

Shacks. I suddenly remembered his scary look so I shivered for a while. I really need to get out of here! I looked at the door and slowly walked towards it...

"Don't try to run away," he threatened so I stiffened immediately and turned to him.

He looked back at me with a serious face but he was no longer surrounded by a black aura, but he was still scary.

“Ru-run away? N-no ah. I-I was just looking for something,” I’m really a bad liar.

He did not say a word after that and silence intervened between us. So uhm what? What is he thinking? Shacks, is he planning to do something to me?!

"A sleeping medicine pierced you..." he said suddenly so I went back to reality.

I looked at him with surprise. "Hah?"

“ you got here. You were pierced with a sleeping medicine,” he said coldly again.

“Huh? When? ”

“When my companions arrived.”

“Companions? Oh the blue, red, brown haired guys?” I asked.

"Yes," he answered sparingly.

Does that mean that those foreigners are really with him? Are they really kidnappers?

“Okay? So, uhm what do you want to happen now?” I just asked. Just go with the flow Yani. Something bad might happen to you if you make him angry again.

He walked closer to me so I started to get nervous and when he was a bit close to me he turned to the door.

I stiffened in my place before I sighed in relief. I thought he was going to do something to me. He opened the door and looked at me.

"Follow me," he demanded and at the same time, he left the room.

Should I follow him? Loading… he’s saying to me to follow him! Waahh! Should I follow him or not?! Pssh. Why am I still thinking twice about this? I think that he is the only person in this room that I somehow know.

But even so! He's scary so I'm sure he's planning something bad! When I get out of here, I will run away! Must Escape No Matter What!

I opened the door to peek and saw him not far from the room but he turned around.

Now's my chance. I immediately ran in the other direction. I turned around and when I got a little tired, I stopped for a moment.

Wait, something is wrong. Where am I going? I looked all around me.

Oh right, I'm in a place that I don’t know! I even planned to run away but I don’t know where I am going.

No! I will not give up now! Whatever happens I have to escape. I will find my way out of here. I turned my gaze to the path just to see a door where I can get out of here. Before I will get caught by—

BOOGSH! I bumped into something and sat on the floor because of the force on bumping into him. I wasn’t looking at my path that’s why.

“I'm sorry. Sorry—"

I was stunned and stiffened in my seat when I saw who I bumped into.

SHACKS! THIS IS THE LAST DAY YOU’LL EVER SEE ME! He is standing right in front of me, with his head bowed down. I swallowed up my own nervousness out of fear.

"Didn't I say..." he said as he raised his head and looked at me with a deadly look. "...don't try to run away?"

I was speechless. He approached me and I just closed my eyes.

To all of you who are reading this today, thank you that at least for a moment, you came to know my life up to this point. Even if it was just a little time, thank you that you let me know how it is to live. Huhu. Goodbye World.

"Stand up!"

I opened my eyes and could still see the guy's face. Is this heaven? Why is he here? Or maybe... this is Hell?! Waahh! Then it just so happens that that guy looks like Satan?!

"I said stand up," he ordered. I looked at my handcuffed hand made of ice and with a strap attached to it. OMG! I got up immediately.

“Uhm wait, just a moment! I was a good kid when I was still alive. Have mercy on me! Do not punish me!”

He looked at me coldly with surprise. "What are you saying?" he asked.

“Are you not Satan? I'm in hell, right? Because he killed me—”

"You are not dead yet," he cut me off.

Huh? What? I'm still alive?

“Really? Are you not Satan? ”

"Tss," at the same time he avoided looking at me. I touched my face and chest. I still have a beating heart. I am still alive. I gasped. I thought I was dead, but wait...

"Why do I have handcuffs?" I wondered and questioned him.

"So you can't escape," he replied coldly.

"Ahh," as I nodded. Wow, I even managed to nod.

He turned around and pulled me suddenly. Ouch hah. I didn’t die, but it looks like something bad will happen to me. I feel like a victim of a torture. Huhu.

Wait a minute. I have powers. Fortunately, it’s useful now. I made a small ball of fire and threw it behind him but he immediately avoided it without even looking which surprised me.

Shacks he really has eyes on the back! But besides that, he turned his head to me. Uh-oh. Another trouble.

"I-it's not me," at the same time looking in the other direction. He looked at me for a moment before he pulled me closer to him until my face was only a few inches away from his face with a venomous look in his eyes.

"I will only say this once," he intimidately said. “I have no plans to harm you so can you calm down? You will also understand why we brought you here so settle down.”

Because of what he did, I nodded in no time. He also walked away from me and again started walking while dragging me. I calmed down and let him pull me.

He is really scary but I noticed that I was too naughty. All right. I calmed down. Imitate him Yani how he’s so calm that even though I am panicking here, he’s still has the guts to be cold and without even making a way TO CONVICT ME TO JUST CALM DOWN! Sheesh!

I just sighed to calm down and looked around. I just noticed that the windows in this place are really big. It was like I am living in a mansion right now. I looked outside of it.

Wow, there is snow. Wait, there is snow? So it is impossible for me to be in the Philippines because there is snow? Maybe another nation... I suddenly thought. He mentioned something before we fought.

The place where I belong... is he referring to this place?

Of course ah Yani. Will he bring you here if it is not so? But it seems unbelievable. I feel like I'm still dreaming. And besides, I never thought I would stand in a place like this.

Oops. Just a moment Yani. Maybe later, he’s actually a criminal... or maybe he’s a member of a mafia?! And this place is supposed to be where they take their victims! Maybe my death is just waiting for me at our destination!

I immediately shook my head. I told you Yani, calm down. You have powers. Oh right, it turns out that he also has a power me so probably, those guys with him also have powers. He was even strong when I fought him. Huhu. I am really in a hopeless situation.

He stopped in front of a big door so I stopped. Wait a minute, is this the room where they will torture me and where their torturing devices are hidde?! Waah! Is this really the end for me?!

"Do you understand other language?" he asked coldly without looking at me.

"Huh?" a lot is in my mind right now so that's all I could say.

"You are going to talk to people who speak different languages," he looked at me at the same time.

“Huh? No. I-I mean only English and Filipino,” I stammered.

He looked at me from head to toe before facing the door. Suddenly the handcuffs and leash on my hand disappeared like snow which surprised me but at the same time the door in front of us opened.

This is it. This is my chance to escape but when the door opens and I see what’s inside...

I stopped what I was planning. I think my guess was right.

"Oh Jethro, you are here and so as our lovely visitor," said a guy who is a bit older than the others who are around in his 40 years of age, smiling at me.

Shacks. My body stiffened. There are a lot of people in the room and they are all men looking at me seriously. Shacks. Shacks! One by one they seem to have torturing devices hidden behind their backs! I swallowed. Also, what if that old guy is their leader?!

"Please come in young lady," he offered. Waahh! He's talking to me! What to do?! What to do?!

The old man started to wonder. "Uhm are you alright, dear?" he asked me.

I still did not speak and avoided looking at him. Shacks, my face is sweating.

"Jethro, can she understand me?" he asked the white haired dude.

The white haired dude also didn't say a word and looked at me.

"Uhm so uhh nine haha you are all nine haha," I stuttered.

I'm going crazy. I'm really crazy about everything I am seeing right now. Who won’t get insane that by the moment that you opened a door to a room then suddenly, nine men are in it and what’s worse, they are all foreigners?! What if they have bad intentions?! I even noticed that some of them were with the white-haired dude who had kidnapped me earlier.

"Jethro, what's wrong with her?"

"She must be nervous to see us," said one of them and I don’t know who.

Jethro approached me staring straight into my eyes. I did not expect what he would do next because he suddenly flicked my forehead.

"Aray! (Ouch!)" I cried in pain once I rubbed my forehead. "What is that for?"

He just looked back at me and walked away. The old man approached me.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked me full of worry.

“Uhm…” wait. It was as if my nervousness suddenly disappeared. Is that because of him flicking? Weird.

"Are you okay?" he asked again with sincerity and tapped me on the shoulder.

"Uhm yes… I think," I answered in doubt.

“That's good. Come then. Don't be afraid,” and we walked into the room together.

“I cannot blame you for being nervous because this is your first time here but don't worry because my eight sons won't hurt you. They are friendly anyways,” said the old man.

I just nodded and somehow he calmed me down. So it looks like they have no bad intentions Yani.

“Okay looks like she’s okay now. Let's proceed to our introduction. So what's your name young lady?”

What's my name? "Uhm uhh ako po si Yani Elcarte— (I'm Yani Elcarte—)"

"Erhmm excuse me dear…" he suddenly cut me off. "…but kindly speak english?"

Oh right. They are foreigners. “Uhm I mean, my name is Yani Elcarte and I'm 17 and I live in the Philippines specifically in a forest near a river in the uhh province of—”

"Uhm that will do dear," he cut me off again. “So nice to meet you, Yani. My name is Gabriel but you can call me Gabi and I want you to meet my eight princes.”

“Wait princes? Sila? (Them?)” at the same time pointing at them. “Tapos sabi mo anak mo sila? Kung ganun ibig sabihin King ka? (Then you said they are your children? So that means you are a King?)”

"Uhm to answer all your questions, yes dear," he replied.

"Wow," I said in amazement. "Ang galing pero bakit wala kayong mga korona? (Great but why are you not wearing any crowns?)"

I stopped for a moment because I could hear the guys around me, I mean these princes whispering. Oh why? Did I say something wrong?

"My dear Yani, again please speak in english because they can't understand you."

I was surprised. Oh no wonder. “Right. Sorry. I didn't notice.”

But wait. "Uhm I actually asked you in Filipino and you answered me right?"

He smiled to me, the King I mean. "Yes."

“Huh? Wait naintindihan mo ako? (Wait you understand me?)”

“Yep. Jethro always talk to me in Filipino that's why I have to study his language just only to understand him.”

I looked at him leaning against the wall. "Uhm can't he speak in English?" I questioned.

"I mean, that was when he was young," replied the old man, I mean King Gabi.

"Ah okay."

“So let’s move on. Yani, I want you to meet my first son,” at the same time the blue haired guy suddenly stood up and walked towards me.

I was suddenly taken aback in no time because of what that and it's because I remember this guy clearly. I don't even know his name but…

"Ay!" Boogsh. Because I kept moving backwards, I tripped and fell to the floor.

“Oh no. Are you okay?” he asked.

I didn’t answer him and just looked at him with nervous in my eyes. If I remember correctly earlier, he came after I was hit on my arm with water.

"Looks like she's scared of you Eaux," said the King.

"But I didn't do anything," he replied.

“You did, Eaux. Remember, you shot her by her arm?” said one of them.

What? He was the one who controlled that water?

"Oh that," he said. He looked back at me that startled me but he sat on his knees so he’s in the same level as me and looked at me.

"About what happened back at the Philippines, please forgive me," he apologized. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

After he said that, somehow, I calmed down. He stretched out his hand.

“Je m’appelle Eaux. Je suis désolé à ce sujet,” he said but I was stunned.

"Huh?" I wondered that made him chuckle. Oh shacks. I blushed after he did that.

"Please stand up," he sincerely said and smiled. My mind is out of this world when I took his hand so I could stand.

“By the way, what I said awhile ago is that ‘My name is Eaux. I'm sorry about that’”

He was still holding my hand so he kissed the back of it. For some unknown reason, I immediately withdrew my hand. What is he doing?

"Okay uhm nice to meet you uhm prince…"

“Eaux, spelled as E-A-U-X but pronounced as “Lou””(A / N: This is his pronounciation in French because that was what I heard in google translate but if it’s not, just bear with it.)

"Right, Eaux," I said. His name is weird. “My arm is fine, in case you need to know.”

"Oh good," he replied with a smile. I looked away again. God, this man is attractive. He was about to leave when,

"Wait," I stopped him so he turned back to me. "Uhm I have a question."

"Yes, what is it?"

“Your hair and eyes. Why is it blue?” It’s out of curiosity.

"Oh so you noticed," he said. "Well it's actually because I can control water."

"Oh okay so uhm..." I looked at the hair of others at the same time. "...does that mean that in this place, the color of your hair will tell what element you can control?"

“Oui. ('Yes' pronounced as “wee”) Very clever .”

“Oui? That means you're French?” I asked.

“Oui. I grew up in France.”

"Ah okay," and he walked away.

Next, a gray-haired guy approached me. So that means, he can control the air… or something else?

He suddenly bowed in front of me which surprised me. “Ohayōgozaimasu! Watashinonamaeha Turuki des.”

Great. I am not a multi-lingual dictionary. Besides, why is he bowing? I'm just a girl who they just kidnapped, unlike him who is a prince.

"Uhm you don't need to bow," I said shyly. He immediately stood up straight.

"I bowed because that's how we respect in Japan," he replied. Ah okay.

“By the way, what I said is 'Good morning! My name is Turuki'”

"Ah Turuki uhm nice to meet you," I greeted back. "So uhm you can control the air?"

“Hai! (Yes) I'm Japanese.”

"Yes, you are," and once again, he left while smiling.

Next up is a brown-haired guy. He just stood in front of me and smiled.

“Buongiorno mi chiamo Edmondo,” and lend his hand. Why are they insisting? I already said I'm a Filipino. Do they even know what that means? But what can I do. Just go with the flow Yani. I shook his hands.

"So uhm you are an earth controller?" I just asked while shaking hands.

“Si! (Yes) I'm Italian. By the way, what I said is 'Good morning, my name is Edmondo'”

“Yes, uhm good morning too. Nice to meet you uhm Prince Edmondo.”

When he let go of my hand, he looked at me from head to toe. "So do you like your clothes?" he asked me which surprised me.

“Oh uhm it's uhh warm. Why did you ask?” I answered.

“Good thing because I made those. I'm glad you liked it.”

I was surprised at what he said. “You made them ?!”

“Si. I like making clothes,” and he smiled before leaving in front of me.

Like wow. Fashion designer dude who is not gay. Oops. Sorry. I only know gay men who love fashion.

Next up was a red-haired guy. Hmm, I think he can control fire.

"Hola!" at once he reached out his hand for a hand shake. Ah this, I know the word ‘hola’. It’s ‘Hello’ in Spanish. Of course. I learned that in school. I immediately grabbed his hand. Shacks. It's hot!

"Aray!" at once, I withdrew my hand immediately.

“Oh lo siento! (Oh I'm sorry!) I didn't mean to hurt you.”

"Talaga bang ganun ka init kamay mo?" I asked him.

"Pardon?" Oops. I spoke Filipino.

"Ah uhm it's nothing."

"She's asking if your hand is really that hot," said Gabi, I mean again it’s King Gabi. Thank you, your highness.

"Oh yes. This is my normal body temperature. 40 degrees.” My eyes widened. 40?! You're kidding me bro. You are sick.

"Suddenly shocked?" he asked while even smiling.

Shocked? Like hello kuya, normal body temperature is 40 degrees?! That is not normal. Come on, let's ask the doctors.

“Oh uhm no. No I'm not. So what's your name?” I just asked.

“Mi nombre es Fuego. Como estas?” he says.

"Uhm translate?" Sorry. The only Spanish word I know is Hola!

“My name is Fuego. How are you?”

"Uhh I'm fine," I replied. "So uhm you can control the element fire?"

“Yeah. Sorry about your hand. Does it still hurt? ”

“Uhm it's okay now. So you're Spanish? ”

“Si. I came from Spain ”

“Okay. Uhm it's really nice to meet you,” I said.

He suddenly smiled, the type of killer smile so I was surprised at the same time my cheeks got hot. Oh God. I thought I would never see such attractive men but here they are right in front of me. It is true that their smiles melt. Heh! You're crazy again Yani.

Next is the blonde haired guy. I think for this guy, it’s electricity. Because it’s yellow. It's just like what I saw in movies.

“Good morning. I'm Zoltar,” at the same time reaching out. It's good that it's just normal English. I shook hands. I was a little startled when I held his hand but I didn’t remove my hand.

“Wow. Uhm your hand is uhh ... 'electrifying' mine,” and withdrew my hand.

Uhm wait. Is that right? Electrifying is the word right? I'm a little weak in vocabulary so I'm not sure if it's correct.

“Oh sorry about that. Good thing you're not hurt,” he said. He understood it so it was okay.

“Uhm actually, I'm used to it. You see back at my house, I always touch the electric sockets when it got broken,” I replied.

“Oh you fix them? Nice,” he said in amazement with a smile. Hey guys. Stop your killer smiles. Yes, you are all handsome.

"Yeah, it is," I just said and he left.

Next, green-haired guy. It looks very cheerful. The aura is so much fun and he’s skipping up towards me. Is there anything to be happy about?

“To ónomá mou eínai Feesy. Chárika gia ti gnorimía,” he greeted happily.

"Uhh ..."

“My name is Feesy. Nice to meet you.” Good thing he get it.

“Ahh Feesy. Nice to meet you too. So uhm you can control the plants?”

“Yes. I came from Greece so I'm a Greek guy. I love nature so much that I always paint them back at my cabin.”

Am I asking? Kidding. “Ahh I see. So you like arts and anything related to it?” I just asked.

“Yup. You can come by so that I can show you some artworks I made.”

"Uhm maybe next time."

"Okay," and left. That nature prince is friendly.

Next, normal guy. Black hair and onyx eyes so what element does he control? Then his skin... am I just imagining it?

“Salve. Aes est nomen meum,” he said.

“Okay. So uhm your name is? ”

“Aes and I control metal. I speak Latin,” at the same time he reached out his hands. I shook his hand back. Ah so he controls metal, so that means...

“Uhm do you mind if I ask? Are you a robot?” I asked.

“Oh you noticed. Yes I am. My whole body is made of metal.”

So I was not imagining but when a normal person sees him, I'm pretty sure they won't notice the paint on his body. He has the looks and the way he speaks is just like a normal person.

"So uhm nice to meet you Prince Aes," and once again, he walked away.

I looked around the room to find out who is the next person but I was surprised when he suddenly approached.

Shacks, this is it. This is really it. Last but not the least… the white-haired dude is approaching me. He is the last one but does he still need to introduce himself? Although I can't remember his name again because so many people introduced to me so let him be. I wonder how he will greet?

When he approached me, he first gave me a cold look and then closed his eyes. "Ang pangalan ko ay Jethro, (My name is Jethro)" he greeted coldly.

I just looked back at him and waited for him to say something else. I can't say to translate those words because I understand it but after he said that…

…he walked away. That's it?! I haven't even asked about the element he controls but maybe he thinks it's common sense because I found out since we met. But there you go guys, the best example of a coldhearted greeting. Isn't that new? Nice talking to that person. Too numb. The title 'Prince of Ice' really belongs to him. It would be better if we speak it in English - 'Coldhearted Prince' see?

"So, since the introduction is over, Yani, you must be wondering right now why you are here?"