His Other Side

Chapter 4

"So Yani, you must be wondering right now why you are here?" King Gabi asked me.

Actually, I am still asking that question ever since I came here. Well, I met a numb and scary guy with companions who kidnapped me and then they turned out to be princes, then they introduced me to the king their father then... what? Why am I here?

"I was just forced to come here in the first place," I replied instead.

"I see. Having a hard time to convince her, my sons?” King Gabi asked them.

“Yeah. She's hardheaded I should say,” answered the water guy... water prince… what's his name again? Isn't he the French one? His name has a difficult pronunciation, then the spelling is different.

Well sorry for that. It’s because your ice prince who is lazy and numb to speak doesn't even explain anything to me then I could have understood situation and you know, came right away with you guys in no time and did not try to run away in the first place.

"Anyways, right now you have observed these past few years of your life something strange," King Gabi told me.

“Uhm uhh…” I paused. "I can control elements?" I answered in a question.

“That's right. The answer is already clear. You are here because of your gift… ”

Gift? More like a curse. Every day, bad luck follows me.

“...our kinds are too many in that world. We are spread from country to country and so our mission is to take them here with us where we created a world that is meant for us. We have our own world here. We don't belong out there.”

I was surprised by what he said because he seemed to understand how I felt. But I can't really believe it,

"Wait does that mean that our kinds are not just hundreds, but thousands?" I asked.

“Yes. And each person has their own element to control…” he replied. Ah, that's why their hair colors are different. Nice.

“... but there are some more than special than us.”


"Like you, dear," he replied.

I'm surprised. “Huh? Special? Me? What's with me?” I asked confused.

"Can I ask then, what element can you control?" he asked me.

"Uhm actually..." I started counting. “…Eight. 8 elements, I think,” I replied.

All the princes suddenly looked at me. Did I say something wrong? Didn’t they already saw it back then, right? When white haired dude and I were still fighting? I'll count it again…

"She can control all?" metal guy asked... uhh metal prince... the robot. His name again?

But wait, what did he say? There are only eight elements I can control so why did he say— wait. I counted the princes. They are eight… so what?

"Yes she can control all eight elements," replied King Gabi. Ah okay. There are only eight elements so there are only eight of them.

“Wow. You must be really special, I mean just like what father said, more than special than us,” said nature guy. Hmm... friendly, cheerful, art-loving, what is his name again? Is F the beginning of his name?

Not that I really care to be honest. I never wanted to have this power but because of what they said, okay fine. Special it is then.

"Don't you know Yani that of all the people coming here, you are the only one who is able to control all?" said King Gabi.

I was slightly surprised by what the king said. “Really? Like I'm the only one who had this ability?” I asked back.

"Yes," he replied. Wow. Okay. I am really special.

"Well then, since you can control all elements, you get to sleep here in the Main Cabin," said King Gabi. “And since you will be living here, we will tour you around the nation for you to know this place better.”

"Okay," I answered sparingly.

"I will be your tour guide here in this cabin and my sons..." he pointed out the princes at the same time. “…will tour you in the other cabins. This is a big nation and you will get lost easily unless you are not familiar with it,” added King Gabi.

“Uhm okay. That's great,” I replied while smiling.

"Aren't you excited?" King Gabi asked.

“Oh uhh…” A little bit. “I don't know. Maybe.”

“Don't worry, dear. Sooner or later, everything will be clear to you,” King Gabi replied and gave me a reassuring smile. I just returned him with a smile as a reply.

“Okay so everything is in order. Thank you all for your time. Everyone is dismissed.” And they started going out of the room while I watch them go.

"Uhm so, I will sleep here?" I asked King Gabi.

"Oh right," he replied. "Anyone would like to take Yani to her room?"

…okay, he’s talking to the wind. They have all left... well except for—

"Jethro, do you mind?" King Gabi asked the sitting pretty prince.

Waahh! No King Gabi! It would be better if it would be you, please! I don't want to be with him anymore! He might do something really bad to me.

He looked back at his father while sitting and then he suddenly looked at me. His looks are really cold. But what do you expect from an ice prince?

Suddenly he stood up and walked towards the door and stopped in front of me who was also next to the door. He stared at me in the face.

"Uhm yes or no?" I asked him. Cross fingers. Please say 'no'. He closed his eyes.

"Follow me," and he went out at once.

I got depressed by his answer. Cross fingers do not work. He seems to be thinking something new about how to calm me down again. Don’t worry man, I mean your majesty. I will not be naughty anymore because now I understand. I followed him.

Oh right. I don’t remember the name of the seven princes. All I remembered is this white haired dude who I am following now and King Gabi. It seems like a lot will happen now that I am here in this place. What do you call this place again?

If I asked this guy, he might just ignore me. He stopped in front of a door so I stopped as well.

"So uhm is this it?" I asked as I pointed to the door where he was standing.

"Is it not obvious?" he replied coldly.

Well, I'm sorry, dear prince. You’re not even saying anything. I just opened the door and as soon as the door opened, my eyes glimmered.

Oh Em Gee! The room is majestic! It is even bigger than the house I used to live in!

I immediately jumped on the bed and rolled over. The bed is so big and it’s so soft. I also stood up and looked at the CR of the room. Wow. The CR is also wonderful. There is a cabinet on the left side of the room but it has no clothes and then a lampshade on a small table. Oh my gash! Am I really going to live here? I feel like I'm rich.

"Edmondo will bring clothes here soon," he said as I looked at the cabinet so I looked at him.

"Uhm, is there a charge?" I asked.

"I don’t know," he replied coldly.

“Ah. Okay,” I smiled at him.

He ignored that and gave me back a cold look. It didn't take long for him to walk away.

"Uhm, wait a minute Jethro, I mean Prince Jethro..." I called as I left the room. "...just a question."

He stopped at his place without looking at me.

“Don't be offended by it but why are you numb? Wait, I mean not just numb, but very numb actually. In every situation, it seems obvious on your face that you do not care what is happening around you and then you always wear that poker face of yours, not even smiling as if you always have a problem. What is it about you?”

Just really curious. There is nothing wrong with asking, right? He did not speak and there was silence between us.

Of course. Why am I not used to the fact that he doesn’t answer back? Why did I still asked?

But I was a little surprised when he turned around that I could only see the right side of his face and he looked angry. But actually, the real word to describe it, it’s venomous, like the one earlier back at the other room.

I started to get scared. Wa-wait a minute, is it really bad that I asked him a question?

He turned to me and smiled wickedly. Shacks. It was as if he had transformed. Suddenly the window next to him opened which surprised me as the very cold air entered.

Waaahh! What's happening?! I THINK IT’S REALLY WRONG THAT I ASKED HIM A QUESTION! I backed away but I bumped into something. What? How did he arrive at my back that fast? He’s right behind me! He patted my shoulder with his freezing hands and brought his mouth close to my ear.

"Why won’t you just die?" he whispered.

OH SH*T! Death seems to whisper in my ear! I could not move from where I was standing as if ice was covering my feet. I just closed my eyes and at the same time my body trembled not only because of the cold but also because of fear.

I wanted to shout but my lips seemed to stiffen. Looks like I was right earlier. Today is really my end! Lord, please not now. I already have a reason to live because I have found the place I have been looking for, for a long time. Whoever is there...


Thug! I heard something fall so I opened my eyes and slowly turned around. Jethro was lying on the floor.

"Bull's eye," said a voice from behind me.

Suddenly the water prince approached me. "Etes-vous d’accord?" he asked.

"Ha-hah?" I stuttered.

"Are you ok?" he asked again.

"U-uhm..." and looked at the guy lying on the floor and swallowed my fear just to get the strength to speak. "U-u-um... Je-Jethro..." I closed my eyes. "...h-he’s sc-scary..."

“Eaux, just take her inside her room. Would you think what Jethro had done to her was okay?” said the electric prince.

“Right. Come in Yani. Have a seat first,” and we entered my room. What happened to him?


I slowly opened my eyes, sat down, and held my head.

"Hey Jethro, do you want to play?"

I was surprised to be called so I looked at them. There were children standing looking at me but suddenly my eyes narrowed at their faces because their faces looks familiar.

"Yeah," replied a child. I looked at who and was surprised because I saw the little child as me. I was sitting and was about to stand up...

“Don’t be absurd. Who wants to play with someone like you?” said one of the other kids.

"Yeah. Weak and looks blind.”

“And your hair is so white. Why don't you just leave? You don’t belong here,” and the children finally left.

The little me just stood there and bowed his head. I stood up and tried to approach him when,

"I want revenge," the little me whispered.

I was surprised by what he said and I walked closer to him but,

“Yes, that’s right. Take revenge. Kill them,” whispered a frightening voice to me. I looked around and tried to find the owner of that voice but I did not find anyone.

"Wh-who are you?" I trembled as I questioned the emptiness.

“Jethro, they hurt you so you hurt them too. You must take revenge,” continued the whisper of that same voice.

"Yeah." I turned to the speaker and the boy slowly raised his head and smiled wickedly.

"Revenge..." the boy said over and over again and I seemed to be surrounded by a voice telling me to take revenge. I immediately covered my ears.

“Kill them.”

I sat in shock as I gasped and grabbed my chest. I was gasping but I could not feel anything, I could not feel any heartbeat. I looked around. What happened? Why am I here inside the hospital?

The door opened and Zoltar, Feesy and Fuego appeared so I calmed down.

"He's awake," Fuego said so they immediately approached me.

"Brother, how are you feeling?" Feesy asked immediately and at the same time he sat on the bed next to me.

"I'm fine," was my sparing answer.

"Are you sure?" Feesy's assurance.

"I don't need to repeat myself," was my cold answer.

“Oh right. Uhm that's good. Here, drink this,” at the same time he handed me a glass of water. I took it and chilled it with my hand before I drank it. When exhausted, I returned the glass to him.

"So, do you remember anything?" Zoltar asked.

I tried to remember but… “Nothing” was my sparing answer.

"It awakened," Fuego said suddenly.


"I know," I said.

"And do you know who's the victim?" Fuego asked.

I looked at them first. "... who?" I asked back.

They looked at each other after that so I started to wonder, especially when Fuego suddenly went out of the room.

"Who's the victim?" I asked again to the ones who are left in this room.

"Well uhm you see Jethro, now is not the time to talk about that," Feesy replied.

“Yeah. He's right. You should head back to your cabin so you can rest,” Zoltar agreed.


“It's... it's a long story. Maybe you'll soon remember,” Feesy replied hesitantly.

I didn’t speak again and did not intend to force them. I removed my blanket and stood up. I walked to the door but I also stopped.

"By the way, where's Yani?" I asked while looking at the door.

No one spoke so I turned around and saw their shocked faces.

"Oh Yani… uhm well ..."

"She's okay... you know," they both stuttered.

I looked at them both with a serious look before I went out and also stopped, because Fuego is in front of me now.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him in a serious tone. I thought he had left.

"To lead you to the main entrance," he replied.

“I'm not dumb to not know that. I know where—”

"The other way," he cut me off.

I stopped talking after that and there was a build-up of silence between us.

"Why?" I asked.

He turned around. "I'll tell you on the way," and walked at the same time.

It was against my will but I still followed him. No one spoke as we walked.

"So any idea?" he asked which was the reason for breaking the silence. We kept walking and I didn't say a word.

He sighed before speaking. “The victim is none other than our new visitor.”

When he said that, I thought for a moment who he meant before I found out who it was. Yani…

"What happened?" I asked.

“How can I tell. I was not there in the first place. If you want to know, you should go and ask her,” he replied. "But now is not the right time."

"Is she hurt?" I asked coldly.

He stopped so I also stopped and at the same time, he turned to me. "Come again?"

"Is she hurt?" I asked again.

Her eyes widened and I did not know why she would be shocked. What would surprise him?

"You are asking if she is hurt?" he asked back with astonishment.

"Why, is she?" I asked again.

“No. Not really. Not a strand,” he faced the road again and continued walking. "So not you Jethro," he added. I looked at the floor while walking.

I noticed too.

As we walked out the door, we met Edmondo carrying a cart with a large box on it. He stopped and turned to us.

“Oh there you are guys. I just like to ask if any of you had any idea where is Yani right now?” he asked.

Fuego and I looked at each other and waited to see who would answer…

"She's in her room," answered a voice so we looked at the speaker and saw Eaux walking towards us.

“Oh great. Got to deliver this quick so she could change,” Edmondo said while pushing the cart.

When Edmondo was out of our sight, Eaux approached us.

"So you told him?" Eaux asked Fuego.

"A bit of information only," Fuego replied.

“Oh. Well brother, are you doing fine?” Eaux asked me.

"You talked to her?" I asked him.

“Uhm you mean Yani, well yes. Why?” Eaux asked.

"Can I talk to her right now?" I asked him.

“NO!” they said at once.

"Wait, wait, hold your horses, I thought you told him Fuego," Eaux said while looking at Fuego.

"Yes, I told him—"

"I just want to know," I cut him off so they both looked at me.

Eaux sighed. “Look Jethro, she's not in the condition to talk to you now. You know that right?” he says.

“Why? Is it really that bad?” I coldly answered back.

“That bad? Bro, it's her first time to see that. What do you think?” Fuego replied.

I thought for a moment because of their answers. I just sighed.

"When?" my simple question.

“Maybe tomorrow or the other day, I don't know. As long as she is okay?” Eaux replied.

I did not speak again and went out the door next to us.

It has always been like this. I have a victim every day and I can not control it. Until now, there is still no cure for this but…

…I'm still hoping. I hope that someday, it will show up.