The Reason

Chapter 5

I am here in my room, lying on the bed and resting my arm on my forehead while thinking about what happened earlier.

"Look whatever Jethro did to you, please forget it," said the water prince to me.

Forget it? What happened earlier is so traumatic. He’s asking me for something difficult to do. What if he is in my situation, can he forget? I just kept quiet and remained seated because I could not get rid of the fear in me.

"He's not thinking straight back then."

He got my attention of what he said. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"I-I mean it''s something…uhm just…it's a long story," he stammered in response.

"Something hidden?" I whispered saying enough for him to hear.

“Yes. More like a secret that only a few must know.”

I just nodded in response. Looks like something so deep.

“I know it's traumatizing to witness that but please forget it. Fuego told him already that you were his victim so Jethro will do something about it so act normal in front of him,” he said.

I sighed to release the fear. "I'll try," and smiled at him but a little strained. I'm not sure, but I hope I can forget about that.

"That's good," and then he stood up, when he suddenly stopped at the door. “Oh and by the way, please stop calling him a coldhearted guy. He hates it,” and he finally left my room .

Coldhearted? Numb? He doesn't want to be called that? He's really a weirdo. Doesn't he already know how he speaks and his actions are so numb? Or maybe he doesn't know what numb means?

Heh! It keeps getting confusing. I no longer understand what is happening in this nation.

Knock, knock. Oh and who is this again?

"Uhm come in?" I answered in a question.

Gradually, the door opened. "Am I disturbing?" said the...uhh earth guy, earth prince... wait... his name starts with letter 'E'. Why do almost all of their names start with E? And why is he here?

“No. Uhm is there something wrong?” I asked .

“Nothing. I'll just deliver this to you,” and he opened the door showing a large box right in front of him.

"Oh..." Okay. What is that? I just arrived in this place and I already have a delivery? Wow.

"Uhm sure," I got up and went to him. “Let me help you.”

“No. It's okay. I can do this,” and he pulled the cart inside.

When he entered, "So what's in there?" I asked .

"Clothes for all seasons," he replied. “Spring, summer, autumn, winter and I think 4 pairs for each season. There are also for different occasions such as parties, birthdays and other more. Also, you have pajamas too and I made some of them thicker because every winter, it's really cold here. There are also some pairs of shoes designed perfectly for your clothes.”

Oh right. He's uhm... what white haired dude said... sigh. Jethro said that he will be delivering clothes and thereby, I remember his name.

Thank you so much, Prince Edmondo. So unbelievable that a guy would do this. The best part is, he’s a prince. Where did you see a prince sewing?! Of all stories that I have read, I have never seen such character. Unless, of course, he's gay. That’s of course a joke.

“Wait, I think that's too much. Should I pay you or anything?” I asked shyly.

“No it's okay. That is what we do for first comers. But if ever you need to, do you have any money?” he asked. Oh of course. I’m already in another nation and then I was kidnapped here. What are you, Yani. Think through to your situation first from time to time.

"Well then uhm maybe I'll find something to make money to pay you," I insisted.

“No please. I love doing this. You're our new visitor here and you're even special because you get to live here in the Main Cabin because you can control all elements,” he said and smiled. There’s that killer smile again. Yes, beloved prince. You 're so handsome and yes, I know I'm special. Charot.

"So I hope you'll like the clothes," he said.

"Of course," I replied with a smile .

“That's nice to hear. So I guess I should be going because you need to rest.”

“Uhm yes. Bye,” I said.

He was about to leave when, "Oh wait..." then he took out a plastic with a dress in it with a pair of shoes. "," and handed to me.

“What is this for?” I took it.

"Please wear that tomorrow once we eat breakfast."

"Oh," I replied. “Wait, what? Breakfast? 'We'?”

“Yes. You will eat with us since you're new here and live here in the Main Cabin”

Wow. The priveledge of being a first timer; having 'breakfast with them'.

"Uhm okay," I replied. .

“So that's all. I should be going. Addio! ("Goodbye!" in Italian)" and went to him.

When he closed the door, I looked again at my new room and the clothes and shoes I am holding.

Seriously, I feel different now. I am no longer nervous and scared. Nor I’m home sick because I didn’t really felt 'home' back there. They are so kind and friendly, well except for one.

I opened the box and hung the others on hangers, while I folded the others. I put the shoes on the shoe rack. The clothes are beautiful in fairness. Will they ever fit me? How did he measure my body size? Oh well. At least there are clothes.

After I did that, I went to bed again. A lot happened today. I felt like a new life is waiting for me but for now, I don’t know what lies ahead. Just what if yes they are friendly at first, but later on, they turned out to be like the white-haired dude. They are even siblings.

I sat down suddenly. Oh no! I suddenly remembered my journal. Shacks, I left in the Philippines.

I let out a sigh. Let it go. Let's just make a new journal. Maybe there’s a pencil and paper lying around here. I searched every corner but found nothing.

Great. I just want to write down what is happening to me right now. I hope at least before they kidnapped me, they also thought of taking my belongings. Of course, that's just a joke. As if they know the things that they should take. I'm just crazy because I don’t have anything to do right now. I sighed again and lied down on the bed again .

But what if…

I slowly closed my eyes.

…this is all just a dream again?

Until they are completely shut and slept.

If so, I don’t want to wake up anymore.


When I woke up, I sat on my soft bed and scratched my eye. I looked around me again.

I'm not really dreaming. I was actually kidnapped by eight princes and I now, I live in a palace. If so, it is also true that I still have a breakfast to go to.

I got out of bed and went to the CR. It’s good that there are free towels, soap and shampoo here. Also a toothbrush and a toothpaste. I immediately took a bath because I’ll be late at that breakfast, it would be embarrassing. After I took a bath, I put on the dress that Prince Edmondo gave me and I also fixed my dark and straight hair with just a clip. I wore a doll shoes with a ribbon on the front but with heels that were not too high.

Shacks there’s heels. This is the first time I will be wearing shoes with heels, promise! I'm not used to such things yet.

Knock, knock. I was a little surprised about that and looked at the door. Wait, who is this? I opened the door and a maid appeared.

"Ma'am, are you ready?" she asked me.

"Uhm, who are you?" I asked back. Just making sure. You’ll never know who she is even if she wears a maid uniform later on, she’ll turn out to be a princess. Wait, it's impossible for someone to pick me up who is a princess right? Are there any princesses here?

“I'm a maid in this cabin. I will take you to the dining room said the king,” she replied politely.

There you go Yani. She said she’s a maid, okay? Not a princess. But wow hah. Someone is going to pick me up from my room. I felt priviledged. But really, I don’t even know where the dining room is.

"Oh uhm right," and I went out and at the same time I closed the door of my room.

"This way ma'am," she walked at the same time to guide me as I followed her.

As we walk… eish. This shoes. I already told you, I'm not used to heels. I stop and try to fix it and then walk again but even if I do that a few times, it’s still not working. Huhu. I can't walk straight. Why is it that Prince Edmondo's matching shoes in this dress are like this?

"Ma'am, are you okay?" asked the maid who stopped and turned to me.

“Ah yes, yes. I'm fine,” I said with a fake smile because the truth is, no. I am not okay.

"Are you sure Ma'am?"

“Yes. Please don't mind me,” I assured her and we continued walking.

When we arrived in front of a large door, the maid was about to open it,

"Wait!" says I for her to stop. “Uhm…” Shacks. I was suddenly nervous. Who would be there inside that room? Is it true that I heard yesterday that the eight princes and the king are there? Does that mean he's there too?! Shacks. I haven’t been able to get-over what happened yesterday.

Waah! I don't want to go anymore. I changed my mind. I want to go back to my room. I will eat later.

"Ma'am, can I now open the door?" she asked.

I went back to reality after. Of course she’s still here. Okay Yani. Deep breaths…

"Yes," and she opened it.

There were seven of them with the king. "Oh Yani," King Gabi greeted with a smile.

I was speechless. It really is a dining room because there’s a really long table enough for ten people to fit, and all eyes are looking at where I’m standing.

Embarrassing. Why are they looking at me for that long? What, there’s something on my face?

But I have noticed, I counted the princes and... they’re just 7 of them. Shouldn't they be eight? Who’s missing? I looked closely and realized who.

Ah… that guy, I mean prince. Good.

“Come here. Your seat is opposite of mine,"offered King Gabi. Although I was surprised at what I am seeing today, I walked to my sit but because of my shoes, there is no doubt that at any moment I will trip.

No. Not I won’t let that be because I'm in front of them. You can do it Yani. It's just balance .

"Ay shacks!" And that, instead of tripping, I slipped. I closed my eyes because of that.

Wait, where is the painful hurt on my butt upon falling on the floor? Why did I not land? The dress I am wearing is not even that thick. I opened my eyes and they immediately widened. Oh no...

"Oh Jethro, you're here," said King Gabi.

It’s... it’s... it’s Jethro who got to me?! He immediately supported me so I can stand up straight. Oh shacks! Shacks, shacks! Why is it all my blood are rising on my face?

"Brother, you are late but great moves," said guy…fire guy prince... well whatever his name is, who just got out from the kitchen and carrying two plates with food on it. He smirked looking at us. Also, the other princes are looking at us. Jethro just continued to walk on to his seat without a care in his surrounding as I stiffened on my place before I decided to go to the last vacant seat as well.

Shacks. That was so embarrassing. Tell me that I was just dreaming?! Waahh! You wake me up now! I thought this happens only in a story? Isn't this the start of the new 'love story' of every main girl and boy there is?

No. A big NO! It’s impossible that I will end up with him, a coldhearted prince?! Never gonna happen! Other princes would be okay as long as not him! Charot. I know I’m being choosy.

Well, we do not know because in some stories, suddenly, a unique event will happen that would cause for—WAAAHH!! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT YANI?!

I don't know why but I watched him as he ate and every minute he puts his spoon on his mouth. Maybe indeed he was not normal at that time. But he’s the guy that I will end up with?! WHAT?! THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN! I will die before I even like him.

“Why Yani? Is there something wrong with Jethro?” says the uhm... I looked at who.

Wait air guy... air prince. Anyways, whatever your name is. Jethro didn’t noticed me looking at him, but his brothers noticed it. I swallowed what I was eating first.

“Huh? I-I mean uhm… no. Nothing,” I stammered in response.

"Then why are you staring at him for a long time?" question of metal prince. Sorry if that's what I call them. I weakly memorize names.

"Uhm well... just uhh..." I looked at them all and the only ones looking at me right now are the air prince, metal prince and fire prince. The others are busy with their food.

Shacks. Even with just the three of the , I could feel my cheeks warming with embarrassment.

“You’re blushing. Are you in love with him?” asked by fire prince next to me. What? IN LOVE IMMEDIATELY?! He’s even smirking.

He heard, I think, what we are talking because he suddenly stopped to eat, put down his spoon and looked at me with his cold eyes. Waaahh! He’s looing at us!

“N-no, no. I'm not in love with him. It's just... uhh...” I still stuttered.

I paused at that time but they all stopped suddenly in eating and looked at me as if waiting for my answer. Oh my GASH! Do they hear us talking?! Also you King Gabi?!

I don’t know what I am feeling right not. It's like I want to explode with shame!

"Wh-why are you all looking at me?" I asked shyly .

"Just what is Jethro to you?" asked Prince Eaux. Yes, I already know his name but…

WHAAAATT?! What is Jethro to m ?! What kind of question is that?! I WILL TELL YOU WHO JETHRO IS TO ME... wait, who is he indeed to me?

“Boys, boys, let's stop this and continue eating. We are making her nervous again,” Yes! Thank you King Gabi!

“Sorry. We just want to hear the answer,” and they continued to eat.

I sighed deeply and eat as well. It seems like a big deal to them that I was just staring at him... but I also wonder, why am I staring at his every move? Why is it that in every cold face he is weearing, it’s full of loneliness?

Heh! I shook my head. God! What am I thinking?

A moment later, Jethro suddenly stood up and walked straight to the door.

"Jethro, you're not done yet," said his father.

"I'm not in the mood," he replied coldly and left the dining room.

That’s weird but here's the thing guys. While he was walking pass by me, I noticed that for a split second, he looked at me.

When he got out of the room, I began to get nervous. Did I say something wrong again? Is he angry with me again? Does he intend to again use that dark side of him to me later again?!

“Just ignore him Yani. He's always like that," said the fire prince so I returned to reality.

“Yeah. He must have something that is bothering him," said the nature prince. I stopped for a moment. Bothering him? Something is troubling him?

"Like what would that possibly?" metal prince asked to nature prince.

“I don't know. A problem maybe," answered nature prince. Problem... so he has a problem? What could be that problem?

Just what is Jethro to you?

Somehow, because I’m lost in my thoughts, I just suddenly stood up from my seat. It was as if I wanted to leave and follow that guy.

"Yani, what's wrong?" King Gabi questioned me so again, I returned to reality. All of them are already looking at me. Awkward.

"Oh uhm... I-I..." They waited for my answer. I swallowed my nervousness just to speak.

"I uhh... uhm well I need to go—"

"To the comfort room?" King Gabi cut me off.

I stopped for a moment. “Ah yes, yes. Can I? ” I answered, even if that’s not the case.

“Sure my dear. I'll just call someone to escort you—”

“No I'm fine. I know my way to my room,” I instead said and I immediately walked out of the dining room.

After leaving, I took off my shoes and ran. I'm sorry to everyone but honestly, I will not go to my room to go to the CR but…

When I got to the front of my room, I saw him there. His upper body was leaning against the wall and his eyes were closed. I was panting as I looked at him which caused him to open his eyes.

I don't know why but because when he looked at me earlier for just a split second, I had a strong feeling that he wanted to talk to me so I thought he would right in front of my room.

But I also thought, is the reason why I was looking at his cold face earlier was because of wanting to know the reason why he is like this? The reason why he’s this coldhearted.

“Uhm why are you there? Do you need anything from me?” I asked him.

He stared back at me. "I need to talk to you…" he answered seriously. "...about what happened yesterday."

Oh right. They said he would talk to me about that one day. Great. I was thinking of anything else and it turned out he wanted to discuss this.

Wait, what happened again yesterday? Oh right that time he—

I suddenly trembled in fear. I remembered what he meant. When I looked at him, I was even more scared.

He looked at me first before he thought of taking a step forward but even though it was just one step, I was pushed back in no time. I continued to step backwards that I didn’t realize that there is a wall behind me that stopped me from my tracks and leaned on it while he still continued walking towards me until we are just a few inches away from each other. I swallowed again to speak.

“Ju-just a moment. D-do we really need to talk about that? Ca-can we just forget about it?” full of fear that I said while my voice is shaking.

He just looked back at me and raised his hand so I was even more scared and just closed my eyes because of it.

Tick! I was shocked to feel the flick on my forehead. He took a step back away from me and looked back at me coldly while I rubbed my forehead.

"You will forget all about it," he said and turned his back on me and walked away.

I just leaned against the wall and processed what he said and I just came back to reality after a few minutes has passed.

“Wait Jethro—”

"And last of all..." he said that cut me off, stopped from walking away but stayed on his place. "…I will make sure that this is our last conversation and I will try to stay away from you so that you will not be afraid," and he continued to walk away.

I watched him as he walked away. Those words surprised me that somehow erased all the fear I felt towards him.

"I will not let that happen," I said enough for him to hear so he stopped but again he stayed at his place didn’t turned back to me.

“Yes, you are scary but I feel like you need someone to talk to. I will make sure that this is not our last conversation so if you need someone to talk to, you should not be afraid to talk to me,” I added that I knew he heard.

First, silence passed between us before he eventually walked away and I just watched him go.

For me, I want to help him. That time when I slipped my feet, made me suddenly think that if he really is a numb person, he would have let me fall that time but no. He caught me. It may look simple but is that not true?

I don't know if it's true that he’s sad but I felt it every time I saw his cold face.

I think I know the reason why I'm here today. I think, it’s not because I have powers...

This is just my own opinion but I really think... that I might be able to help him erase that sadness he is experiencing.