The challenge

The three people in the CEO's office stared at each other in complete silence. The women were contemplating their doom while the man was just confused at what was happening. He didn't know whether he should shout at them for burging into his office or let them off since they already look terrified. If someone walked into the room now then they would think that he had said something bad to them judging by the looks on their faces.

"Please come in and take a seat," said Adam in a friendly manner and the girls complied and did as he asked. "So what brings you both to my office?" he asked them and they shook there heads.

"It was my fault," Chelsea began to say." I didn't believe her when she told me that she worked for you and I burged into your office. You can punish me but please don't fire Chloe." she added feeling guilty for costing her friend her job. She was very happy that her friend got such an amazing job and she and her childish ways had to go and ruin it for her. Tears of disbelief flowed down her cheeks and she wiped them, she tried to compare herself but the tears wouldn't stop.

Chloe tried to calm her down but it did the opposite, she burst out and started crying in her hands. Chloe panicked, if she wasn't being fired for before she was definitely getting fired for this. She cursed her friend for being such a drama queen. Adam got up from his seat and moved to Chloe's side. He took to the side and held her against the wall. "Do you know that this is my office?" he asked.

"Ye..yes," she replied nervously.

"Then what are you doing here with this girl? She is not just interrupting my work but also annoying me, did Helena not explain to you that I do not like it when people come into my office."

"She did," she replied tearing up, it was her mistake and she really wished he would forgive her. She has broken the one rule that he has and on the first day of work, she wouldn't blame him of he decided to fire her. Though the mistake was not exactly hers she is an employee here and she should have stopped Chelsea from coming to his office.

"Why are you crying now, I haven't even done anything to you and you are already crying. You are not a child so stop with the tears right now or else I will hit you."


"Don't look so surprised, people cry when they are hit so to help you cry for a reason then I must hit you. It is that simple." he said.

"What kind of logic is that?" she asked and he shrugged. He folded his hand into a fist and got ready to hit her and she cried even more. He sighed and did something that he didn't imagine he was going to do with her or anyone for that matter. He kissed her on the lips.The kiss wasn't long but it hot and passionate. Her mind became chaotic after the kiss and she dropped to the ground.

He left her and went to Chelsea who was so busy crying that she missed the kissing show. He stroked her back and asked her to calm down and if she doesn't stop her crying he was going to fire Chloe. When she heard what he said she wiped her tears immediately and stopped crying. She smiled when he told her that her friend can keep her job. Her eyes searched the room for her friend until she found her on the floor with her hand on her lip.

"OMG, Chloe you look horrible. Were you that scared of loosing your job? Need not worry about it as you are not getting fired." she said and picked up her dazed friend, bid goodbye to Adam and left the room. She took Chloe back to her office and dropped her on the couch. The poor girl was still seeing fireworks on her head from the kiss that she just received. The disbelief of what just happened was written all over her face.

Chelsea tried all that she could to get the girl back to her senses but all her efforts were in vain. She couldn't understand the joy that was surging through her friends body, getting kissed by the man that she has loved since forever was not something simple. She was floating on cloud nine far away from reality. Her heart leaped with joy inside her chest and as her mind replayed that scene in her head over and over again. The more she thought about it the more unreal it seemed that ADAM ROSS KISSED HER.

Chelsea gave up on her and busied herself with work on her phone, she found amazing things online that were being sold 50% off their normal prices at the mall. She wanted so badly to go and buy them but she had no cash on her and she couldn't ask her friend either cause even she was broke. She sulked in the chair and cried silently in her heart.

Adam finished all his work for day and got bored, he couldn't think of a way to kill his boredom he decided it best to leave the office. As he locked his door he saw his wife staring into nothing as the door to her office was wide open. 'I wonder how this girl remains sane from all the thinking she does, every time I see her she is lost in her mind.' he thought and went to her. He was walking so softly that one could hardly hear his footsteps approaching.

"You didn't come to work just to stare at the ceiling did you?" he asked in a whisper in her ear, he loved whispering things to her since he arrived. He just found himself saying whatever was in his mind in her ear as he loved how she reacted afterwards. Chloe came out of her stance and held her breath out of shock. Seeing Adam so close to her after that kiss was sending the poor girl into a chaotic state. Her mind was imagining so many different things that he could do to her at such close proximity.

"What do you keep thinking about all the time."

"Nothing, I was just planning a bir... birthday surprise for my friend. It is soon." she said the first thing that came into her mind.

"Okay you can continue planning this bir...birthday surprise later for now let's go somewhere." he said making her blush.

"Where do you want to go?" she asked trying to change the subject.

"Anywhere just pick a place and we will go there." he said. "I know a place we can go to," they both heard from behind them and turned around. Chelsea was all smiles and why shouldn't she be going shopping with mr. Ross a guarantee that she will get to buy everything she wanted and it won't even cost the guy much. Adam had forgotten her presence until she spoke, Chloe on the other hand wanted so much to run up to the girl and shut her up before she blurts whatever nonsense she has cooked up now. But Adam was present so she stopped herself from doing that.

"Where would that be?"she asked her to try and end the silence in the room.

"Shopping, where else and it will be so much fun even for you mr. A." she replied with full confidence. Chloe didn't know what to say and looked at Adam to see If the idea interests him. Adam just sat there emotionless and looked at her, whether or not he liked the idea was unknown to her. "Shopping sounds fun, right Adam?" she asked him directly when he didn't say anything, he just looked at her and remained silent.

His silence was killing her, she thought that Chelsea's suggestion had upset and wanted to refuse her friend when, "Sure." he said and got up.

"Let's go shopping then."

They all left the office together and entered Adam's personal lift, he pressed the button for the first floor and they waited. The elevator ride was very awkward with Chloe stuck between her friend and her husband. She was lost on what to say to start a conversation between them so that they can get along but failed. The ride was ended and the left the elevator and walked out of the building. The employees bowed their heads as Adam passed but he didn't bother to spare any of them a glance. They got into his car and the driver drove off.

The car ride wasn't as awkward with the music playing in the background but no one said anything the whole time. They arrived at the mall five minutes later and got off the car. They entered the mall and before they knew it Chloe and Adam were running around after Chelsea. She went from shop to shop buying everything that caught her attention leaving Adam to pay the bill. The two newly weds went around carrying the shopping bags other than actually shopping as they had gone there to do. Adam was so irritated that it took all the gentleman in his not to strangle that girl.

Adam's irritation was oozing out of him that Chloe could feel it walking beside him. She couldn't stop Chelsea from doing whatever she wanted and now it was going to interfere with her relationship with Adam. She has only one chance at making her marrige successful and she can't risk it. She tried thinking of ways to save their trip to a positive one. She needs to make it memorable for him.

"Can you please hold these bags for me, I will be right back." she said to Adam and didn't wait for him to accept or decline her and dumped the bags on him and walked away. Adam felt like dumping all those bags in the sewer, she was going to go crazy if she keeps on "shopping" with this two crazy women.

He sat down with the bags and wished that he remained in the office instead. Looking at the files would have been much more fun that shopping. It wasn't even shopping that crazy girl has turned her into her Shaffer and made him carry all her bags. His so called wife also abandoned him to suffer alone.

"Give me the bags," she said and took all the bags from him and gave them to the driver. She asked the driver to help Chelsea with her shopping. She took Adam by the hand and forced him to go with her. She took him out of the mall and they went for a walk. "What kinds of food do you like to eat?" she asked him.

"You can order anything you want, I can eat anything."

"Are you sure because once I order, you will have to eat it no matter what it is that I order." she teased him.

"If that is a challenge then I accept. Order whatever you want and I promise that I will eat it." he said with confidence.

She smiled with mischief and kept walking on, she saw a street vendor selling rice and chicken. She pulled him and took him to the vendor and ordered food for them and sat him down on one of the stools. Adam was shocked at her choice of eatery, he has never eaten street food before in his life and he wasn't sure he wanted to try. He felt dirty sitting on that stool that wasn't even disinfected.

"What happened are scared to see your challenge through to the end?"she asked him with a sly smile on her face. He swallowed the lump in his throat, he wanted to back down from the challenge but could not give her the gloating rights to mock him. He braced himself and when the food arrived he ate a bite and forced it down his throat. One bite after another he ate the whole plate full of food.

"You are eating the food as though it is poison." she said as she laughed at him wholeheartedly, Adam for the first time in his life blushed and turned red on the face.