The Date

“Hi” Philp greets Audriana just as she opens her apartment door.

He had his hair gelled back, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses was seating on the bridge of his nose since he had chosen not to wear his usual contact lenses. He is wearing a pink dress shirt with the first three buttons opened, it hugged his biceps well and was tucked in a pair of dark blue jean trousers coupled with a pair of sneakers.

He was wearing a bracelet he got from a dollar shop the other day and wore the most important thing, his smile.

Audriana grinned as she assesses his appearance with an impressive look. She asked for a minute as she went in to get her purse before coming back and closing the door. Sofia was in so she didn’t need to lock it from outside.

Philip took her hand in his as they walked to the elevator of her apartment building, he looked at her dress and was happy with what he saw.

She was putting on a hot pink satin bodycon thigh-length dress, coupled with a pair of heels from her favorite brand ‘Jimmy Choo’. Her golden-brown hair was put in a high-slick ponytail with the ends curled to perfection, she had two tendrils at both sides of her face.

“You look good,” he said to her when the elevator dinged and opened at the ground floor. A blush appeared on her cheeks and she nods whilst taking his hand as he leads her out of the building.

“Thank you, you look good yourself,” she said to him and he chuckled.

They walked to his car and he helped her get inside while retrieving a pink rose from the back seat and giving it to her.

“I pink rose for a pink queen,” he told her with a wink and she blushed further.

“We are matching,” she said after a while of not knowing what else to say.

Philip chuckled and closed the door then walked over to the driver’s side he let out a sigh and gave a silent prayer to GOD so that he doesn’t mess this up for them. He really wants things to work for them and would be devastated if something went wrong. He is looking forward to more dates like this for them.

“I have something planned out for us this evening, are you ready?” he asked and she nods her head.

“Always ready” she answered and he chuckled then started the car.

His car was put on start but it wasn’t moving so, she turns to look at him to see that he was staring at her with a smile on his face, he seems to be lost in staring that he didn’t realize that he was staring, not until she snapped her fingers in front of his face and he jumped out of that reverie.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked with a little frown.

“Oh, eh… I… nothing, I just was…” he trailed off as he thought of what he wanted to say. He couldn’t find words to explain to her at all because he still couldn’t believe he was able to take her out after so many trials.

They had lunch together but Sofia was there every time so he felt honored to be able to have this with her.

“I wanted to say you looked so cute in that dress, it suits you” he switched off the engine and fired it up then started their journey.

“Thank you, Sofia has a hand in this though,” she said as she looks at her dress.

Philip glanced at her with a smile “Figured” he said with a shrug.

The car ride was mostly silent, a comforting one except when he asked if he could switch off the radio and when he asked about her dad but she didn’t like it, she wanted them to have a conversation before they get there… keep the mood high and entertaining.

Philip knows himself to be quite chatty and more inquisitive, he thought that if he began a conversation, she might get irritated and not want to go with him again which he is trying to avoid but he feels like he should start a conversation with her.

He kept glancing at her at intervals and sometimes, their eyes would meet and he will give an awkward smile before looking away quickly. He felt nervous as to what to ask if he was going to start a conversation but nothing came to his mind so, he decides to stay quiet.

Audriana could sense how uneasy he feels but she didn’t know why he felt that way.

“You’re okay?” she asked.

He glanced at her and then smiles “Yeah, I am… just thinking”

A naughty smile made its way to her lips as she says “Don’t hurt yourself”

He didn’t grab what she said at first before it sank in and he laughed out loud “Very funny Audriana” he said and she laughed. “Are you happy about this date? What are your expectations?” he asked and she paused for a while before speaking.

“Yes, I am excited about what you have planned for us and I don’t really have any expectations, it should just be good enough for both of us to enjoy ourselves” she shrugged.

“I am really hoping that you like the setting,” he said then the car stopped and Audriana looked outside her side of the window.

“I am guessing that we are there”

Philip opens his side and went around to help Audriana out of his car which she said a ‘thank you’ to.

He nods and took her hand in his after locking his car then leads her to a large black gate, behind the gate is somewhere that looks like a garden.

“Wow, this is beautiful,” she comments as she admired their environment.

He was glad that she was impressed with what was outside and hops she loves the inside.

"Wait till you see the inside," he said and opened the gate so they can enter.

The garden was truly beautiful, it had light decorated on each tree making it look like it was a fairytale, he leads her forward to one part of the garden that had a small table with two chairs facing each other, the table is covered with a white cloth and on top, the table is two plates at both sides with one cabernet and burgundy wine glass beside both plates.

A small flower vase was in the middle and was rounded by three scented candles. It was a perfect combination for a very romantic date, he sure has a romantic bone in him.

They walked towards the table and he held out the chair for her after making sure she was seated well, he went to sit in front of her.

"How do you like it?" he asked.

"Like? I love this, and being my first date this…" she gestured to the table and the surroundings "…is my perfect first date, thank you Philip" she said with a wide smile.

He sighed and put his hand on his chest "Phew, I am glad you loved it, I was contemplating if you would love it but I am glad that I made your first date great"

"I do love it, and thank you," she said and a waiter came to take their order, which impressed her very well.

When the waiter brought their orders and left, they talked about many kinds of stuff, from childhood to adulthood, and anything to get to know each other more.

The evening ended with him taking a fulfilled Audriana back hope as she told him on their way how much she enjoyed herself and might consider another date with him. he left her a kiss on her cheek and waved good night to his house as he went to his car and drove back home.

They had fun and it was indeed memorable.