Anniversary/Announcement 4

“Attention Ladies and Gentlemen,” the M.C of the program said into the microphone and got everyone’s attention. “Thank you guys for coming to this wonderful Anniversary party, it is with great happiness of heart that the Lorenzo’s appreciate your appearance”

Everyone clapped and cheered at that and the couple shared a kiss.

“Yeah, that’s for the first couple of the night, now I would love to make a very exciting announcement, this will clear all doubts you had in the past days,” he said looking at Dimitri and Audriana then to Donald and Patricia. “I am delighted to be announcing the engagement of Dimitri Lorenzo and Audriana Bernard,” he said in a cheerful tone and there was a big round of applause.

Some had confusion written over their faces, some had the look of surprise, some had the look of horror and those were Aiden, Caleb, and Sofia.

“Come up here, let everyone get to see the soon to be married couple”