Anniversary/Announcement 5

Caleb and Aiden took it upon themselves to act like Audriana’s parents, giving him tips and telling him to treat her with care and all, he was getting bored of the talks and didn’t know when he was looking at Audriana as she talked to Sofia.

Sofia said something to Audriana then to the man she came with before kissing him on the cheek and leaving with Audriana. His brow furrowed at that.

‘Where is she taking her to?’ his eyes followed them till they left the hall.

“Are you even listening to me?” Aiden said, shaking his shoulder lightly. “You have been looking at Audri, are you really sure she hasn’t charmed you?” Aiden wriggled his brow at him.

He just rolled his eyes at him, Aiden snickered.

“I totally understand why you will be smitten by her, like who wouldn’t? I remember when we used to date, man! She got me at the tip of her finger” Dimitri looked at Aiden and frowned at the new revelation.

“You were a couple?” Aiden nods and Dimitri doesn't like it one bit.