Leaving Athenas!

Maya stared intently at Kane as she waited to hear his explanation, but she was surprised when Kane's look of annoyance changed to one of a beast looking down at prey.

"I take it, you want to stay here?" Kane asked seriously, completely derailing Maya's whole train of thought, and puzzling her.

"No... What does- I don't understand! What does this have to do with me staying here?" Maya asked, her anger from before completely gone now.

"Why would I take you with me when you can't even respect my rules before we even leave the ground?! You don't question my actions!! Besides, I didn't take anything that belonged to you or anyone else on this planet. As far as I'm concerned, I was the first one to get inside the vault, therefore it's contents are mine! You can either accept that and keep your mouth shut, or you can stay here and bitch, because I don't fucking care!" Kane said, startling Maya for a second before she reined in her emotions.

It was true, Kane had been the only person to gain access to the vault before, and with no one knowing what the hell was inside, no one could say he stole anything.

Letting Maya figure out her own problems, Kane went inside the ship and sat in his captain's chair, pulling up the star system for the planets nearest to Athenas.

"Do we know where Akihiko Katagawa is?" Kane asked Radar, who was always listening to him.

"Most of the information that has an mention of the Katagawa family comes from either Isolus or Honus. As for Malliwan itself, the majority of their forces are stationed on Themis, where the planet is divided between Malliwan and Dahl." Radar informed him, making Kane think back to what he remembered from the game.

Katagawa Jr. was a spoiled little rich kid, and Will figured most of his brothers and sisters were the same way, so he doubted that they would be near any fighting, eliminating Themis from the list.

"Between Isolus and Honus, which one has more technology?" Kane asked, thinking children of Malliwan executives would want to be where all the cool toys were.

"Isolus is where more of the new Malliwan tech originate, while Honus is a battleground where they do all of the testing." Radar answered, giving Kane all he needed to settle on their next destination.

"Set a course for Isolus!" Kane said, looking up a few things about the planet on the ECHO.net.

Isolus was a high tech planet with a massive population. It was one of the richest planets in the solar system, and had a grand military supporting it, which pretty much told Kane that this place was most definitely where the Katagawa brats were camping out.

"Sir, I don't mean to ruin your plans, but how do you know if the third fragment is even on Isolus? And if it is, there is no way to track it or the Katagawa siblings. Not to mention they are almost certainly guarded by a small army. I don't think even you could take them unseen, and even if you do, it will no doubt cause Malliwan to go in a lockdown." Radar informed him, making Kane frown at the information.

It was true. He wasn't immortal or indestructible. All it would take was timing an explosion just right or a good enough trap and Kane would be done for.

"FUCK!!" Kane cursed as he sat back in his chair. If he couldn't get access to the Promethea vault, it would ruin a number of his plans that would now have to be put on hold, though he would still get to them in the future.

Kane sat in his chair thinking about what he could do next, when Luna and Maya walked into the room. They both saw him lost in thought, and rather than interrupt him, both of them took a seat off to the side so as not to make too much noise.

Still lost in thought, Kane was debating on making the trip to Eden-6 sooner then he planned, as all of the Vault Fragments for it's vault were all on the planet. The only obstacle in his path would be Montgomery Jakobs, but he was sure he could find a way to convince the man to let him take the key.

Going to Nekrotafeyo was out of the question. For one, he had no idea where the hell the place was, and neither did any of the systems throughout the universe.

Plus the vault there had already been dealt with by Typhon Deleon, so he didn't need to worry about the Calypso Twins trying to siphon the vault monster's strength.

There was also the fact that the calypso twins were there, though if he managed to find and kill them before they started their little crusade, that could solve a lot of problems for himself in the future, but it would also prevent many of the events that he was quite looking forward too.

After all, what was the point in stopping all of the events where he could kill to his hearts content when he came to this world to do just that? No, he would leave Nekrotafeyo alone for now.

It was too soon to even think of going back to Pandora, but Kane also had zero intention of sitting on his ass here on Athenas. There was absolutely nothing fun going on around here, and aside from like two people, there was no one he could sleep with, or wanted to sleep with.

With his options limited, Kane thought of one option he wasn't too sure of. There was about a year before the events of the Pre-sequel happened, (A.N. If I said otherwise or it actually is different, don't stress about it.) and Kane wanted to make sure he took advantage of it, so whatever he did in the meantime would need to not take up a lot of time.

"Fuck it!" Kane said, setting coordinates into the Arcadia.

When he was done he looked over to Maya, who was quietly staring at him. "You gonna bitch and complain, or are you coming?" Kane asked, hinting this would be the last chance Maya would have to stay here.

If she bitched about his methods out in space, she very well might just get dumped in an asteroid belt, and Kane just might do that for shits and giggles if she kept up her snobby 'I'm better than you!' attitude.

"Coming!" Maya said, relieved that Kane would still let her tag along. "Then buckle in! We're leaving!" Kane said, pushing a button that sealed the doors before the Arcadia began to fire up!

It was time to leave Athenas!