
11 months later (After last chapter time!)

(Brick POV)


"HAHAHAHAHA!! SHOW ME SOME BLOOD!!" Brick shouted enthusiastically to no one in particular, but everyone around him as explosions went off behind him, destroying a bandit hideout to kingdom come, while he literally punched a man's head off.

Blood sprayed into the air like a fountain before raining down on Brick and 3 other people, none of them reacting to it right away.

"Clear!" Morty shouted as he surveyed the surroundings through the scope of his rifle, giving the all clear that all the threats had been neutralized.

"Was all of this really necessary, Brick?" Roland asked, looking around at the dozens of bodies laying on the ground, it being only a small fraction compared to the number of people that were killed in the explosions.

"Hell yeah!! You and Lil are leaving tomorrow, and what better way to make sure you want to come back then to know that you ain't gonna find fun like this on the fucking moon!" Brick said, smiling at the carnage he had caused for shits and giggles.

He knew both Roland and Lilith didn't like violence on the same level as he did, but they were trouble magnets, and Pandora was the best place in the world to solve all of your problems. Simply blow something up, and presto! problem solved!

"We're gonna be back in like 2 months, Brick. Just take the time we're away to relax and chill out, and we'll be back before you know it." Lilith said, hoping Pandora would still be here when she and Roland got back from their little 'vacation'.

Brick was a little emotional about them leaving. Kane had left without telling anyone, and it had hit Brick the hardest. Pandora had gone through a bit of a purge for a whole month after Kane left, and Brick had been the cause of it all.

Now Lilith and Roland were leaving, though they were kind enough to tell Brick about them leaving, hoping there wouldn't be a repeat of the catastrophe.

"You better hurry back! Who knows what cool thing you're gonna miss when you're gone!" Brick said happily, slapping Roland on the back hard enough to knock the wind out of him.

'I can't wait to go!' Roland thought, wondering if he could bribe the shuttle to depart a day early. He liked Brick, but it would be nice to not have to deal with the consequences of Brick's actions, or the mountain of dead bodies that were usually left behind in his wake.

"We'll do our best." Lilith said, her eyes darting to Roland, both of them knowing full well they wouldn't be rushing to come back here. Or so they thought at least. They had no idea what shit they would get into while they were gone, or that they couldn't get back to Pandora soon enough.

All four of them walked around the area, claiming any loot worth a damn before getting back to New Haven to sell their ill gotten gains to Marcus. It never hurts to have a bit more cash on hand out in the galaxy, and for the right stuff, Marcus would be more than happy to help you out.

The man was loaded beyond reason, and if his Eridium mines were doing anything, then he was far richer than anyone could dare comprehend.

It wasn't long before they were walking inside Marcus' shop, the man a lot more chipper than they had seen him in weeks.

"Hey, Marcus. What's got you so excited?" Brick asked, wondering what could make the money loving arms dealer so happy.

Marcus could barely contain himself as he answered, "Kane will be here in 3 days!!" That surprised all of them, as none of them had seen or heard anything about Kane for months.

Ever since he left a year ago, the only thing that anyone had ever seen of him was a blurry picture of a man dressed exactly like Kane on a WANTED poster.

Malliwan had written an article on the ECHO.net, asking for any information regarding the location of the GHOST, as Kane had been dubbed, with no one having any clue about his actual name.

Apparently, Kane had gone to Isolus and wreaked havoc on some Malliwan executives and their families, killing very few people, but he did rob most of them blind.

There was never an exact number of how much money he stole, but add in the technology, resources, information, and of course cash, then Kane had stolen well over 300 Billion dollars.

His bounty showed just how badly Malliwan wanted him, though they specified, 'ALIVE'. Brick had laughed himself silly at the thought of anyone being able to capture Kane alive.

Most people in the universe also thought that way, as no one wanted to even try going after a man worth 300 Billion dollars, despite the huge payout. That and no one even knew where to even start looking, or what to ask, as there was literally nothing to go on, other than he could vanish into thin air.

"HELL YEAH!!" Brick shouted out in joy. With Kane coming back, he didn't need to worry about the fact that Lilith and Roland were going to be gone. With Kane here, they could party like it was going out of style!!

"I know what you mean. I ran out of Bourbon a month ago! With him finally coming back, I can restock my alcohol!" Marcus said, quite relieved that Kane was soon to arrive. It was true he did have a bit more of his other alcohol, but it was miniscule at best, and it just wasn't nearly as good as the bourbon.

"It's awesome that he's coming back! I hope he's still here by the time we get back from our vacation!" Lilith said, truly happy that Kane was alright. She rather enjoyed talking with Kane, and not just because he was a Siren like her, or that he had Luna, who was also a Siren.

No, Kane was just really nice to be around. He could talk shop about almost anything, was very vocal about his views on most things, wasn't insane, (Could be debated) and helped them all out with any problems they might have.

Roland was also happy Kane was coming back to Pandora, though he didn't care as much as Brick, Marcus or Lilith. To him, Kane was a cool guy, strong, and a good guy to have a drink with. There were quite a few men like that on Pandora that Roland knew.

Granted none of them were nearly as WANTED as Kane was, and none of them came close to being as terrifying, but they were all fun to hang out with just the same.

After selling their goods to Marcus, everyone went back to their rooms to do their own thing. Lilith and Roland packed up their shit so they would be ready for the launch tomorrow afternoon, while Brick was going over the map of the surrounding areas to look for the best places to destroy with Kane when he got here. Morty was, of course, getting drunk.


3 days later(General POV)

"Here it is!! The place where murder and buildings exploding are just a regular everyday afternoon fun time, with a friend or two on the side for lunch!! Pandora!" Kane said to Maya, who was arriving here for the first time.

"You're not making this place sound very fun to visit!" Maya said, frowning at Kane's description of the place. "He's not wrong." Luna said from the side as she scrolled through a tablet device, which was connected to the ECHO.net.

Maya ignored Luna's little comment, choosing to look out the window towards the planet in front of her. She expected it to be a dried out desert planet covered in trash based on Luna's description, but there looked to be a few places that were untouched by human kind, as well as quite a bit of greenery, but like Luna had told her, there was large piles of garbage that were visible even from where they were.

There was also a frozen region that stretched on for as far as she could see, and Maya wondered if the stories about this place were true. The climate was a little fucked, but she contributed to the fact that the seasons lasted years or decades instead of months, so things were always changing like crazy.

Some regions were covered in a permanent layer of ice, while others were dessert without a hint of water in the air. It was a bit fucked compared to what she was used to on Athenas, but no one really seemed to care, not that she complained or anything.

Maya knew Kane well enough by now to know that there wasn't too much that he really bothered himself with, unless you tried to get him to do something he didn't want to do, or complained about something he did. She had learned the hard way that Kane was in fact a man of his word when it came to dealing out punishments.

All it had taken was one complaint out in space for Kane to dump her ass on an asteroid for 2 months, though he was generous enough to give her the necessary provisions to last out there. Thankfully he had stopped by and picked her back up thanks to Luna's constant begging, but she had learned her lesson from that day forward, to never question or complain about what he did.

Even after they fucked he still didn't treat her any better, but he never treated her worse either. To Kane, Maya was a way to scratch his sexual itch, and she wasn't above using him in the same regard.

It was solely for their own pleasure, which was why neither voiced any complaints when the other would get with someone else, though it was mostly Kane hooking up with some random woman he happened to encounter rather than anyone important.

(A.N. I know people probably wanted details about how this happened and whatnot, or if Kane would ever date her, but neither he nor Maya have any interest in settling down anytime soon, so don't worry about that shit!)

It wasn't long before the Arcadia was descending slowly into a portion of a mountain that opened up, revealing a hidden base that was tricked out by the nines!

Over the last year, Maya had seen places she could only dream about. The space ports on Isolus, Promethea, Elpis, Themis, and Honus were all truly spectacular, but just a glance at this place and it was obvious which one was better.

Hell, the million and 1 turrets sticking out of the ground with lasers pointing at them was proof enough that it had better security than those other places. The securities at the spaceports alone were a joke, not to mention the people running them.

She had learned the value of bribery, as well as not trusting people just because you paid them. Dealing with space pirates had been quite fun, but it had taken her a while to get a good understanding of who to kill, when to kill, when to run, when to bribe, and so on.

She had thought she was queen bitch at first, but after getting shot a few times, she quickly came to realize that anyone could be her undoing, and Siren or not wouldn't matter if a bullet hit her in the head or something.

Once the Arcadia had landed and everyone had disembarked, Kane had the ship scanned over for any signs of damage, and had Radar begin maintenance right away. He apparently wasn't going to stick around on Pandora for very long, so the ship being in peak condition was a must.

With that done, everyone followed Kane through some hallways until they got to a large set of doors that opened upon their arrival, revealing a room full of small gadgets and gizmos that Kane had never seen before.

Eventually his eyes landed on the woman hunched over a computer in a corner of the room, who was almost hidden by a projection that came out of the table in front of her.

"Hey, Tannis. We're back." Kane said plainly, then walked over to the main console before typing a few commands, which brought up a list of items and their functions. It was a list of every item Tannis had brought into the base since he was last here, and what each thing did.

Nothing really jumped out at him, but there were 4 items that were marked in red, with a vault symbol next to them, which meant they either had something to do with the vault or Eridium, something which the system run by Radar couldn't figure out on it's own.

"What are these for?" Kane asked, pointing to the screen as he looked at Tannis for an answer. She was still banned from using Eridium or Slag in the lab, so the fact that she had made items related to the stuff was a little bit of a red flag to Kane.

"Items I've created that can harness the energy stored inside the Vault Key!!" Tannis answered with more than a little bit of excitement in her voice.

The Vault Key was constantly absorbing Eridium to power the key, but the energy didn't necessarily need to be used to open the vaults themselves, but could be used to power other things.

Hell, in the game, Katagawa Jr. used just a fragment of a key to power a laser that decimated the Atlas forces on Promethea, and that was just the tip of the iceberg of what they could power. No one had ever tried powering a city or space station with one, which could very well be possible.

Tannis went on to explain that one of the devices was like a charging device, so to speak. The Key would be placed inside of it, then would absorb any Eridium placed in the holding chamber in hours, which was a huge boost compared to the days it took to absorb just a small piece of the purple stuff.

"With this device, we will no longer need to wait the 200 years the key would normally require to charge!! As long as we have the required amount of Eridium, we could charge the key in months or even weeks!!" Tannis said, all giddy at the thought.

"That's pretty cool... I guess. What about these?" Kane said, a little amazed at how Tannis could have created something like this in a year. He of course wouldn't tell her that, as she had an ego the size of a planet, and the last thing he wanted to do was feed it and make it bigger.

Thinking about the charger, it would completely remove the wait time to charge the key, while at the same time removing the Sirens from the equation. In Borderlands 2, Handsome Jack would have killed for something like this, and Kane could definitely see the value of this item for anyone else out there who had a key fragment.

Say someone did own a fragment of a key and wanted to use it to power a space station. If the fragment was out of Eridium, it was essentially an empty battery until it naturally charged or a Siren powered it up, which would still take a ridiculous amount of time.

Now that was all not a problem. Kane was going to make sure this was one thing Tannis didn't let get out until he had all of the keys, then he could figure out if this was something he would ever want to release to the universe.

After all, with weapons being powered by key fragments, Kane figured Radar's estimation of the universe destroying itself in 50 years might be sooner than even that, which was already way too soon in his mind. Then again, it was just a guess on Radar's part, but with planet destroying weapons out there in the universe, it wouldn't be all that far fetched.

The other items were pretty cool, but nothing as big as the charger. One of them could harness the power the key generated and basically turn it into an electrical source, allowing for an almost unlimited power source for Paradise.

The other two items were still just models and theories that weren't even close to being ready for any sort of testing, but Tannis theorized that she could use them to create Pearl Crescent items and unlimited shield cores.

Of course, she couldn't just feed Eridium into them and do it, the key fragments were literally the key to the unsolved answer! She still wasn't sure what energy the key produced when it absorbed the Eridium, but it was the most pure energy in the world, and was literally everywhere!

It explained how the Pearl Crescent shields could have an indefinite amount of charges, as they were constantly absorbing that energy out of the air. It was quite ingenious in Kane's opinion, and he couldn't wait to see if the results were like Tannis thought. He was so excited in fact, he had glossed over the fact that she had done Eridium testing despite him telling her no.

After the little demonstration in the lab, Kane brought out three more Vault Fragments to a different key, which left Tannis speechless for a moment, and that was no small task.

"This is the Key for the Vault on Promethea. I need you to put it all together so I can open it in a month or two." Kane said, sliding each of the three fragments to Tannis, who in turn snatched each of them like they were her life line, then looked at Kane with a blank facial expression.

"Is it weird that I'm aroused by this? Of course not, what am I saying?! This is one of the last remnants of the Eridian civilization!! The founders of the universe! Who wouldn't be aroused by this?!!" Tannis said, creeping both Luna and Maya out a little, while at the same time stirring something inside Kane.

He had learned something very important since he was last on Pandora. Sirens didn't get any more pleasure out of sex than normal humans, it just didn't matter. His time with Maya had proved that.

Maya was pretty fun to be with, but Tannis was a freak among freaks!! Kane had slept with a few people since coming to this universe, and Tannis was by far the craziest freak in the sheets he had ever had the pleasure of coming across, and apart of him wanted to just grab her and go back to his room, but he didn't really want to do anything like that at the moment.

It had taken the better part of a year, but Kane had managed to finally get his hands on the third piece of the Vault Fragment. It had taken some killing, abduction, torture, and the breaking into a heavily fortified military's base, but Kane had indeed gotten the key fragment.

If he didn't change the future from happening before, he sure as hell did now, though he hoped it would just be a tiny change.

In the game, Katagawa Jr. had killed off his 11 older siblings so he would be next in line to inherit Malliwan, but after Kane had finished with the Katagawa family, he figured Katagawa would only need to kill 6 of his siblings in order to inherit, so he wasn't too worried about the consequences of his actions.

After all, they would only have lived for like a decade longer, and it's not like they actually contributed anything to the mega corporation, so it would still go on without them. Sure he did steal a lot of their resources and technology, but they could get it all back if they worked hard enough.

After a short discussion with Tannis about getting the key ready, and making sure it was charged up, Kane led Maya to where the rooms were, showing her where she would be staying while she was here.

At first he had planned to just dump her in New Haven, but she had asked a few times to stick around him. Honestly, ever since she learned that both he and Luna were Sirens, she had been a little clingy.

Come to think of it, she had only slept with him after she had learned that little tidbit of information, but Kane brushed that aside. He didn't care why she slept with him, only that she did.

"This is your room. That's Luna's room, and this is my room." Kane said, pointing out the rooms before he walked towards his room, touching a scanner before the door opened.

"Where's Tannis' room?" Maya asked before Kane could escape into his room. "We were just there!" Kane answered, not bothering to explain all this shit to her at the moment. He was in dire need of a shower and sleep at the moment, and not even Maya could keep him from that any longer.


Almost 18 hours later, Kane emerged from his room looking like a completely different person compared to the one who went in.

Having been awake for almost 2 days before, and smelling like a carcass would do that to someone, and compared to before, Kane felt like he could take on the world.

Walking down the hall and into the dining room, he found all three women sitting at the table eating what looked to be a failed try at Omelets, and was basically burnt scrambled eggs.

Pulling a five star meal from thin air, Kane began eating without paying any of them another glance. He let them all watch him eat his food until there was nothing left before he pulled out three other meals, then left the room.

He had some things to do before he went into town, and he'd rather get them done sooner than later.

Kane's first stop was the medical room. He felt just fine, but it was still better to get himself checked out and make sure he hadn't picked up anything from his travels. It took about an hour, and after a few blood tests and body scans, he found out he was just fine, aside from a little sleep deprivation.

All play and no sleep was not the way to do things, and he realized he would need to make sure he cut back on the murdering for a bit to make sure he kept up to standards.

Sometime along the way Luna and Maya had shown up to get physicals as well, but there was nothing wrong with them either.

With his health and fitness up to standards, Kane went around the base to make sure everything was on the up and up, then went down to the lower floors where he unloaded the shit ton of stuff he had stolen.

Radar scanned each item as he took it out, and the A.I even set a few things aside to use to upgrade the base in a few key areas. Kane was all for upgrading, even going so far as to reinforce the base completely.

There were a few hundred thousand things that were completely useless to them, and Radar was already marking them to be sold over the ECHO.net, which was good, as more money was always welcome, even if Kane rarely if ever spent it.

Most of the day was spent doing inventory and checking up on the BF.R Project. So far everything was going good, but it would take another year or so a least to set up the foundation for Radar's new form, but that was fine considering they had the MS-18 to 25, and had even gleaned quite a bit of useful information which they could use to improve the BF.R's final model.

After that, Kane hit the gym for a few hours before he went to the pool to relax. Unsurprisingly, Luna and Maya were both there already, though it was surprising to see Tannis there.

Kane didn't expect to see her at the pool at all, but he figured a lot could happen to change her, especially her environment, and Paradise lived up to its name, especially by Pandora standards.

All in all, it was a relaxing first day back home, and Kane was happy to spend it doing nothing. Murdering people was fun and all, but sometimes he just needed to take a me-day and do nothing.

Done with the pool, Kane went back to his own room with Maya in tow, both wanting to get some action before bed. Kane would have preferred Tannis, but she didn't quite need her 'itch' relieved just yet.

She just got a new piece of alien technology, and that was apparently more than enough to keep herself satiated for now.

Come morning/ whenever they woke up, they would all head into town to see what the rest of the planet has been up to since they left.