
A few days later, Kane was standing on an asteroid in space overlooking the Helios Space Station with Radar, while the Arcadia was stored safely away in his inventory.

Luna and Maya were still on Pandora with Tannis in Paradise, as they would bring nothing to the table in the infiltration, and only hamper Kane in what he wanted to do.

"What's happening in there right now?" Kane asked, looking through some binoculars that enhanced any heat signatures.

"Dhal is currently in command of the space station. They're killing all the civilians and workers they can find. All defenses are under their control." Radar informed, giving Kane somewhat of an idea of what was kind of going on.

Right now, Jack should have Athena and the rest of his vault hunters trying to find and shut down a jamming signal on Elpis, Pandora's moon. He wasn't too sure how long that would take in real time, but he figured it would take a bit more than it took him to do in the game, hopefully giving him a bit of time to get in and do whatever he wanted to do.

"Can you get a map of Helios?" Kane asked, to which Radar only scoffed in response before showing a 3D image of Helios, which allowed Kane to twist and maneuver, showing real time footage of everything that was going on inside.

It even showed where everyone inside was, though rather than show descriptions, it just showed a red dot, as no one inside was considered friendly.

Kane scrolled around for a while until he found a few places on the map that he marked out, one in particular being quite close to their position. Grabbing hold of Radar, Kane teleported them a few times in quick succession until they were at the Moonshot Cannon, a weapon so big, they loaded crates full of supplies and shot them down onto planets at their bases.

"Can you remove some of these panels?" Kane asked, pointing to a few sheets of metal on the wall. Without saying anything, Radar made a small laser form on her hand, then began to cut a perfect square piece of the wall off.

Once it was fully removed, Kane looked inside the hole, and seeing it was big enough, he proceeded to fill it up full of explosives that he could remotely detonate later. With the explosives placed, Kane had Radar put the metal back onto the spot, then made it look exactly like it was before.

Kane proceeded to cut and place a total of 56 bombs around the Moonshot cannon before he proceeded to somewhere else, though he did help himself to a few pieces of equipment lying around.

"Couldn't we have taken the whole cannon?" Radar asked once they were gone, making Kane frown. Honestly it never really occurred to him to steal the cannon, which was a waste on his part, but he wasn't about to go back now.

Plus he would need to build a whole new system to be able to use the damn thing, and it's not like he had anything he wanted launched anywhere. He also thought it would be way the fuck funnier this way, so he didn't feel too bad about not getting it.

After placing the bombs around the Moonshot Cannon, Kane and Radar made their way to seemingly random areas of Helios and placed bomb after bomb, enough that they could take out a good portion of the station when it came time to detonate the charges.

One of the things Kane had Radar looking out for, was any information regarding professor Nakayama, so when Radar informed him that Nakayama's lab was just up ahead, Kane got a little giddy inside.

He was honestly surprised that his influence hadn't affected Nakayama getting the job, and he wondered if it was some sort of fate that he was here at all. Didn't matter now though, he wouldn't be living much longer after today.

Bypassing the Dhal soldiers around the area, Kane managed to get inside the lab, but he was pleasantly surprised by what he found. The room was full of dead Dhal soldiers laying around the place, but the best thing of all was a headless corpse of a little tiny scientist pinned to the wall, with 'I WIN' painted in blood right above it.

This would have been a little puzzling, but Kane could make a good guess on who beat him to the punch. His assumption was confirmed when he got a little closer, and he found a picture taped to Nakayama's corpse. It was Zane holding Nakayama's head with a big smile. He even autographed it.

"This is why I like this guy!! He's got a better sense of humor than I do!" Kane said, storing the picture away inside his inventory, not even a little bit mad that Zane had beat him in the little challenge.

"To be fair, sir, you don't really have much of a sense of humor." Radar commented as she stuck her finger inside a terminal, no doubt ripping information from the Hyperion network.

"That's your opinion!" Kane stated, to which Radar ignored, choosing instead to hum to herself.

"This guy is obsessed with Jack." Radar said, finally done with browsing through the information. "Yeah, that's one of the main reasons I wanted him dead. The creepy little fuck!" Kane said, smiling at the headless corpse.

"Should I delete all of the information he has? None of it looks like it would be useful, unless you want to kill Jack in his home." Radar said, not concerned at all about the situation.

"Delet-!" Kane said, only stopping mid-speech once his mind registered what Radar just said. "You know where he lives?!" Kane almost shouted, a thought coming to mind.

"I wouldn't call it a home or anything, but he has logged more time in this specific sector than anywhere else, and he has a number of satellites wired right into it, linking it up with the Hyperion system all over the galaxy. If it's not his base of operations, then I don't know what it is." Radar answered, her interest piqued on why Kane would be so interested in this.

"Keep the information for us, but delete it from the system! Delete it all!" Kane said, wanting to do a little villain laugh right then and there.

After everything was done, Kane brought out a big bomb, though this one was set on a timer. Once it was set, he and Radar disappeared from the room and continued on their way towards the Research and Development facilities.

Just before they got there, some dumb cunt began shouting about intruders, and low and behold, it was them. Kane disappeared before everyone's eyes, then began to rip them apart like he was a demon in human skin.

Radar didn't sit idly either, pulling out a pistol from her hip holster, then began to fire away like a professional. With all her programming and aim assists, Radar could hit the hair on a fly's ass from 100 yards, and she wasn't slow either.

She was like a better version of Nisha, and Kane had no doubt in his mind that Radar could outshoot the Lawbringer without much issue.

It took less than a minute for all of the soldiers to be laying lifeless on the floor, at which point Kane and Radar departed without a second thought. About five minutes later they were at the access terminal to get into the R&D facility, at which point Radar plugged herself in.

"Delete any footage or signs of us ever being here, and shut off the cameras in R&D." Kane said, to which Radar responded, "Already done!" God he loved her!!

"Radar, if the day ever comes where you want to leave me, please don't. Whatever it is you want, I'll get it!" Kane said, letting Radar know that he didn't think of her as his property, and that yes, she could leave whenever she wanted. "Of course, sir! For now, I'm more than happy with where I am!" Radar said, all smiles now. It was true too.

Who else in the universe would give her an almost unlimited amount of physical bodies, access to anything she could get her hands on, and the tech to become one of the most dangerous things ever created? Plus she got access to a billionaires bank account, so that was cool.

Once the doors opened, Kane quickly killed the two soldiers who were guarding the door, then pulled out the 3D map Radar had pulled from the system. They were marked with two little blue dots, while there were a few hundred small red dots all over the place.

"It seems the soldiers are releasing the animals throughout the place. I don't know why though. That only hinders them at the moment." Radar said, which got a head shake from Kane.

"They're idiots!" Was all Kane had to say on the matter. After that, Kane marked out the first area he wanted to check out. It was where they did the rocket testing, and Kane always liked a good rocket.

5 minutes later, and Kane was frowning at what he was seeing. The rockets, if they could even be called that, were ticking time bombs waiting to go off! The stupid cunt of a woman in charge of the facility had obviously lost her marbles!!

*BANG!!* *BANG!!* *BANG!!*

Radar put three bullets into her skull, then began to go over the data in the system, only to delete it a second later.

"She was nuts! The only thing this information would be good for is letting someone else use it so they could kill themselves!!" Radar said, wondering how the fuck a woman like that came to work here in Helios.

"Whatever! Leave it for them so they can lose their money trying to fix this shit!" Kane said, a little bummed out at the wasted potential of this place.

Next on the agenda was the location of Doctor Langois. Apparently the guy had a masters degree in Robotics and Engineering, and Kane was looking forward to meeting him. If nothing else, Kane was hoping to get at least some information on robots, if only to build a cool robot suit to fight in.

Every kid growing up fantasized about being in a mech suit and slaying monsters, and Kane was no different. In fact, he, Luna and Radar had talked about it extensively in the past, and they agreed they would have robot battles in the future once they came up with their suits.

They had to kill around a hundred Stalkers that had escaped before they finally got to the guy's lab. (A.N. If you don't know, Stalkers are creepy lizard grasshopper things that can go invisible!)

Surprisingly enough, the guy was inside the place, walking back and forth next to the door. Kane was about to ask him to open the door, but then he remembered this part from the game, and he honestly had no intention of going off to find a picture of this idiot's ugly ass son!

With a quick teleport, Kane was inside the room, both he and Radar standing on either side of the man. "Hello!" Kane said, making the man almost jump out of his boots in fright.

"Get a hold of yourself, man!" *Smack!!* Radar shouted, slapping the guy across the face and sending him sprawling to the floor.

"That wasn't even that hard... how weak are you?" Radar said, looking down at the man who was trying to get onto his knees. "Be nice. It's not his fault that he's a pussy!" Kane said, not making a move to help the man.

"Yes it is! It's called going to the gym! There are even supplements that help grow muscle, and gadgets that literally take away the need to actually do something! Cybernetic limbs for crying out loud!! Ergo, his fault!" Radar said, making so Kane couldn't refute her point.

It was true too. Kane always forgot about the fact that this universe had way the fuck more things than he had back in his old one, and one of those things was body enhancements.

They weren't by any means the Super Soldier Serum from Captain America, but they could make a skinny little nerd into a football quarterback in about a year, so long as he had the money and kept to the routine it said to follow. Yeah, being this weak was definitely on this guy.

While they waited for the good Doctor Langois to get his bearings, Radar walked over to a terminal and began digging for more information.

"There are some good theories in here, but his primary research is on the loader bots used for transporting cargo. Nothing super advanced, and nothing we haven't seen before." Radar informed him, making Kane frown. He was hoping for more, but he couldn't always get whatever he wanted.

"Well, when you wake up, if you remember anything about this, just keep it to yourself!" Kane said, then kicked the man right in the temple, knocking him out cold.

"You're not going to kill him?" Radar asked, finding it a little peculiar that Kane was leaving a witness alive.

"He'll be dead within a month, and it's not like he has any information on us. Plus he probably thinks we work for Dhal, so that's not a big deal. Just leave him be." Kane said, walking through another door which led to the Marine Biology facility, which was run by a Doctor Torres.

They had to kill a bunch of weird insect looking things, and go through a number of different rooms, but they eventually found the guy. He looked older than dirt, and was frantically screaming as he ran back and forth in his little lab.

Kane tried to talk with him trying to calm him down, but the guy was having none of it. For some odd reason, Radar seemed to like the guy, though it seemed not for normal reasons.

"Can I keep him?! I'll take good care of him!" Radar asked, but Kane ignored her. It was all pointless if the guy wouldn't shut the fuck up! After nearly 10 minutes of trying and failing, Kane gave up and put a bullet in his head, bringing the room to a pleasant silence.

"That's better!" Kane said, already grabbing a few interesting things that were just lying around the room. Radar was a little disappointed she didn't get to keep the creepy old guy as a pet, but she didn't complain as she did her thing, grabbing a bunch of information off the terminal, only this time they got a bit more than they thought they would.

"This guy figured out a way to use the core of a shield to displace water and allow robots to move around normally in the water, while at the same time solving the circuitry issue!" Radar said, sounding more excited now than she had been this whole trip.

"That's awesome!!" Kane said, genuinely excited for Radar. She didn't eat or swim like humans did, and he wanted her to get more involved with the group, if at least so she didn't look so bored all of the time.

"There is even a way to convert a spaceship to a submarine, and back again in less than a minute! I wish he wasn't dead!" Radar said, getting a pat on the back in response from Kane, who didn't really regret killing the guy. He was annoying as hell, and if he had to listen to him screaming like that for another second, he would have lost his mind as well.

There was a bit more information Radar gleaned, but they could go over it later. For now they still had some shit to sort out. For good measure, Kane stole every bit of equipment in the room, and the marine aquarium! Why not, right?

It took them a little over an hour to exterminate a small army of Dhal soldiers and some of the bug things before they finally found who Kane was really looking for. In the game, this guy gave Jack a pocket watch that could use cloaking technology to turn himself invisible. Kane wanted that technology.

He could already imagine it, teleporting while invisible. Cameras would never be a concern, and he could straight up appear anywhere and kill people without anyone ever being the wiser that it was him that did it.

"Well, hello there!! How you doin?!!" Kane asked, scaring the crap out of the scientist. Quite literally in fact. "AAAHH!! Wh-Who're you?!!" The man shouted, backing up as far as he could to the wall.

"My name is-'' Kane said, but was interrupted when a bullet ripped through Doctor Grayson's head, ending the man instantly. "What the fuck?!!" Kane shouted, looking to Radar for an answer.

"You killed my guy, it's only fair!!" Radar answered, smiling happily at getting even. "Hey, I tried to talk to that nutjob!! You didn't even let me talk to him!!" Kane whined, a little saddened now. Still, there was no point in being mad for too long, and Kane had killed her pet, so it was technically fair.

Radar once again robbed the information while Kane scrounged through the man's pockets. It only took him a minute to find what he was looking for, a pocket watch that sure as fuck wasn't an ordinary pocket watch.

Putting it on his wrist, Kane pushed the face of it down, and the next second he was gone. "YAY!!" Kane shouted as he came back into view, the cloaking deactivated.

"What's that?" Radar asked, looking at Kane's new watch. "It's my birthday present to ME!!" Kane answered, his sadness about Doctor Grayson dead all but gone as he did a few fist pumps.

"Oh, it's the cloaking watch this guy was working on. Says here that it's for that Jack guy you keep talking about. It's limitations aren't too bad, and it definitely has quite a bit of uses." Radar said, bringing Kane out of his reverie.

"Limitations? Like what?" Kane asked, thinking he might have celebrated a little too soon.

"Well for one thing, it won't let you stay invisible indefinitely. You can run it for a maximum of about 10 minutes continuously, at which point it will need to recharge for a little over an hour, depending on the environment you're in when it's recharging, or you can just swap out the battery if you have one on hand and don't want to wait. If you use it in small increments, like using it for a minute, then waiting a few more minutes before using it again, you could go on for as long as you wanted. Not too bad of a handicap, especially for someone like you." Radar said, giving him all the details on the watch that were in the system.

"Oh..." Kane said, a little less excited about the watch, but not unhappy about it. The watch was still an awesome addition to his repertoire, and he could already see the uses of it in combat or assassinating people.

If he would have had this thing when he was infiltrating the estates of the Malliwan executives, there wouldn't have been that picture of him floating around on the ECHO.net.

Once Radar was done downloading all of the information on the cloaking research, Kane had her wipe it all off the Hyperion servers and data boards. If they wanted cloaking tech in the future, they would have to start from rock bottom.

With everything settled here, Kane once again stole all of the equipment, leaving the place down to just bare walls with wires sticking out of them.

Their next objective was a weapons depot, but they had to kill over 80 Dhal soldiers to get to it, and it wasn't worth it at all. The place was mostly cleaned out, with the exception of like half a dozen rifles and a few boxes of ammo and grenades.

"All in all, not bad for a day's work!" Kane said, quite proud of what they had gotten. Nakayama was dead, the moonshot cannon was rigged so he could blow it up whenever he wanted, the scientists Jack was supposed to kill in the airlock were dead, save for Doctor Gladstone and Doctor Langois, though whether or not Doctor Langois was still capable of doing anything from now on was questionable.

Kane figured Jack would kill both of them anyway, so it wasn't a big deal, and he didn't worry too much about it. Plus he had done them a huge favor by coming here. Every animal or thing being experimented on was dead, as well as every Dhal soldier.

It would take Jack's little group a minute or two to claim the R&D facility now that there was no one alive to guard it, so he just considered all the stuff he stole the payment for a job well done.

"Is there anything else you want to do here?" Radar asked, unsure what Kane's plans were from here on out.

"I don't think so... I mean, we could go around and wipe out Dhal, but we don't really get anything out of it aside from being the ones to kill them." Kane said, mostly to himself as he thought about the future from this point onwards.

"What do you want to do?" Kane finally asked, there not being anything in particular that he wanted or needed to do at the moment.

"If you don't want to head back to Pandora right away, then we could go rob Jack's house or base or whatever it is you want to call it." Radar suggested, reminding Kane of that. "Yes, let's!" He said, then grabbed onto her arm before they both disappeared from view.


A few days before

(Zane Flynt POV)

"I found ya first!! That bastard can suck it!!" Zane shouted triumphantly as he stood over the quivering form of Professor Nakayama, who he had just set free from a holding cell before kicking him to the ground.

"I don't got anything against ya, boyo, but if I don't kill ya, someone else is, and then I won't get the reward. Wouldn't that just be tragic? Of course it is! You wouldn't deny your good buddy Zane access to new toys, would you?" Zane asked, clearly not expecting an answer.

"Pl-please don't k-k-kill me! I'll do anything!!" Nakayama begged, though it didn't seem to have any positive effect on Zane. Quite the contrary in fact. "Your parents are ashamed of ya! Have some respect for yourself!" Zane said, his mood on the matter ruined.


Nakayama didn't even have time to see what happened before clawed blade took his head clean off from his shoulders, killing him instantly, though something in his brain must have still be moving because he blinked his eyes a few times as he looked between Zane and his corpse that was only a few feet away from him.

"Oh, that was just beautiful!! I've got to commemorate this!" Zane said, pulling out a camera then picking up the head. He took a few selfies with it, then put one of them on the corpse itself, as well as writing his name on the wall behind it.

There was no way he wasn't going to get the credit for this, because he really wanted to be able to brag to Ricky boy, and more importantly, not owe him the favor.

Anyway, now that he completed what he came here to do, he decided it was best to leave this Dhal infested shithole. He had some goodies to collect on Pandora, and he couldn't wait to see what he could get!!