(General POV)
"Wow...! How exactly does a low level Hyperion Programmer pull something like this off?" Radar asked, a little baffled as she took in the place around them. "This place is almost as advanced as Paradise!" She added with a hint of anger.
It was a little understandable. Radar had helped design and create Paradise using the best technology the universe had, with almost an unlimited amount of funds and resources in the form of Kane, and yet some Hyperion grunt somehow managed to get a place like this. It was a little mind boggling.
"As Tannis would say, those with brains can do whatever they want... this guy just took it to another level." Kane said, already working his way around the place, taking everything that he could, though he was stopped a few times as Radar had to get some scans in to add to her system.
There were some designs that were better than even hers, and she would use these to give Paradise and the Arcadia a bit of an upgrade. With these specs, plus with the stuff she had gathered from Malliwan engineers and Atlas executives, she would be able to design a system that would trump all three of them!
The place they were in was a massive satellite orbiting Pandora, and funny enough, it was given the code name, 'Angel', giving Kane a few hunches on what could be in here, or more precisely, who.
The satellite was bigger than most, being about three times bigger than the Arcadia, but it was still nowhere near the size of a space station or anything.
One of the biggest signs that this place was different from the others was the security. Kane had chosen the stealth approach, so after teleporting hundreds of times in quick succession while cloaked, they made it through the blind spots without being seen, and before long they were inside one of the viewing rooms.
Fortunately for them, their arrival had gone unnoticed and there was a console inside the room, which Radar used to gather some more information, and to learn a little bit about the place.
Only then did they learn about the turrets, laser doors, oxygen deprivation rooms, airlocks, more turrets, and a million other tiny things that would be terrible for someone's health.
Most everything required a specific DNA to access, but Radar wasn't the greatest A.I in the universe for nothing, and after a bit of hacking, she managed to add both her and Kane into the system, though hers was just the DNA of the corpse she was currently occupying.
It wouldn't last much longer, though she didn't think this satellite would be lasting very long either. The record of their DNA was more like a bug, that way they couldn't be linked later, as that was kind of stupid for any assassin.
"I understand a bit better why you're so obsessed with this guy! He's a fucking lunatic, but he's also brilliant!" Radar exclaimed, pocketing a few little gizmos for herself.
"We'll kill him soon enough. This is one guy I don't want to become friends with. I get the feeling he'd shoot me in the back the first chance he got!" Kane said, wondering when it would be a good time to actually go and kill Jack.
Him opening the vault of the Warrior on Pandora was almost no longer possible anymore, considering the fact that Kane had the Vault Key, and had put Hyperion back in their tech department by at least 5 years at the minimum.
This wasn't even taking into account how he was, or at least would be robbing Hyperion's Eridium mines in the future, something that he surprisingly didn't think of right away.
Hopefully with his interference, Maya wouldn't be stupid enough to get suckered into going on the train that would blow up, and if he was lucky, Kane would keep her out of the picture long before Jack had the chance to find out about her.
The other Vault Hunters were still a bit of an unknown at the moment, but if things went well here, then hopefully they should be just fine.
Kane was still banking on Jack going to Pandora to find the Vault, as he really didn't want to worry about getting to it, but if he needed to, he was sure that Tannis could use the key to find it's location with the whole map function of the key, something Tannis actually didn't know about yet, but would find out in due time.
Kane was keeping that little fact from her, as he had no doubt she would get even more obsessive over the fucking alien trouble magnet, which he honestly didn't think was even possible, but didn't want to test.
Working their way through a bunch of rooms and down corridors, they finally got to a completely sealed door that required a bio-scan, password, and voice recognition.
(A.N. Copied right from the Bunker, but Jack was smart enough to have that shit at the time, and I don't see him not being this protective of her.)
"I... I actually can't get into this room!" Radar said, puzzled as she fiddled with the coding on a console on the adjacent wall.
"How's that even possible?" Kane asked in confusion, knowing full well how Radar could rewrite the coding of almost any piece of technology.
"The system is literally changing every second, like it knows that I'm trying to gain entry and wants to keep me out! I love it!!" Radar answered, sounding as though she was going to break out in dance for how excited she was.
While she did that, Kane walked over to the door, then pulled out one of his molecular bladed swords from his inventory. He wasn't sure how thick the door was, so rather than just the blade itself, Kane added a little bit of spatial magic to the tip.
This was something he had been experimenting with for months, and though it wasn't very big, he could in fact cut a hole in space. It would almost implode in on itself after less than a second, but the damage it would cause in that instant was a bit terrifying even for him.
With a few quick swings of his sword, there were a number of alarms that seemed to go off before a small explosion happened.
The alarms barely had the chance to turn on some red lights before they were deactivated, but even then Kane wasn't super sure everything was okay, though that had more to do with the fact that his tear in space had caused a bit more damage than he intended.
Where there once stood a door, was now a mangled mess of metal that looked like it had been on the receiving end of Freddy Kruger!!
"That's so weird..." Radar said, pulling out of the console and walking over towards the doors. "What is?" Kane asked before he teleported them both through the mangled doorway.
"I didn't shut the alarms off, and the signal was stopped from leaving the satellite, like whatever was stopping me before was trying to keep us from being found out. Also, once the door was breached, it disappeared from the system entirely." Radar answered, for once completely unsure as to what was going on.
"That is weird." Kane said, agreeing with her, though he did have a theory about who was keeping Radar out, which only seemed to confirm a bit of his thoughts and excite him even more.
Walking further into the room, Kane was somewhat surprised to see a, for a lack of a better word, throne. It was a massive chair, decked out to the nines in padding and technology.
Unsurprisingly to Kane, the chair was currently being occupied by a beautiful young woman with pale skin, black hair with the right side of her head almost completely shaved off, and piercing blue eyes.
The woman was staring at both Kane and Radar with a somewhat sad expression on her face, but a hint of a smile as well.
"It's going to end... finally." The woman whispered, and Kane had to do a little mental check. It was true that Jack pretty much enslaved Angel, but he couldn't have been that bad of a father, right? Turns out he could.
"Do you really want to die so badly?" Kane asked, drawing the attention of the woman, who looked to be maybe 18 or 19 years old.
"Yes. Death has to be better than my life right now." Angel answered honestly, not seeing a reason to hide the truth.
"And what if we didn't kill you? Why not just leave here and go out on your own?" Kane asked, wondering if it even occurred to Angel that she could go out and live a life of her own.
His question seemed to make tears she had obviously been holding back slide down her cheeks, her pitiful smile only looking worse, though her eyes looked like something was slowly dying inside them, if that makes sense.
"I'm a slave..." Angel said, lifting her head to expose the collar on her neck. "It's impossible to remove this, and even if I could, he'd just find me." She added, letting out small sobs in the end.
"Were you the one keeping me out of the system?!" Radar asked, brushing away the depressing subject of being a slave, and onto one that she actually cared about, not caring about the depressed state that Angel was currently in.
"*Sniff* Yeah..." Angel answered, clearly not wanting to talk about her powers, if the uncomfortable expression was anything to go by. Or it could be that she just wasn't used to all the attention, or she just really had to go take a piss, who knows.
"Can I keep her, please?!! I'll take good care of her!!" Radar begged, looking at Kane with the biggest puppy dog eyes her body could muster, which was outright nightmare inducing! The eyes were a mixture of machine and flesh, but mostly flesh, and it did not in fact look good at all.
Ignoring Radar and her horrifying eyes, Kane walked towards the woman sitting on the chair, who was now looking at them like they were monsters, thinking they were terrible people for even thinking about owning another person.
Standing right up against the chair, Kane reached down and grabbed Angel's hand, then pulled her to her feet.
"Before you go off and kill yourself, maybe just try and let yourself live a little." He said, pulling her in close before he wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace.
He stayed like that for almost a minute before he pulled away, much to her disappointment. However her sadness quickly turned to confusion, surprise, then elation in a matter of a second as she realized the collar around her neck was gone, or more precisely, in Kane's hand.
He studied the collar for a few seconds, wondering how the hell this thing worked.
"It has tracking tech built into it, so it would be wise to leave that here." Radar informed him, and Kane could only agree, though not before he scanned the thing, hoping to do his own research on this thing in the future.
Once it was scanned, Kane pulled the corpse of some random woman from his inventory, then put the collar on her before putting her in the chair that Angel was sitting in previously.
Turning back to the woman in question, Kane noticed how she was staring intently at him, a look of curiosity and hope on her face.
"You didn't think you were the only Siren out there, did you?" Kane asked, making her eyes widen in shock as realization dawned on her.
(A.N. For those of you who are thinking, 'Wouldn't she know about them already at this point?!!' Well, it's quite simple. Kane has been making sure that he watches what he says outside of Paradise, knowing he could be watched. Also, Angel is not omniscient, and I can write whatever I want!!)
"You're a Siren!!" Angel exclaimed, not even bothering to try and refute what Kane said. She couldn't see his tattoos due to the mask and bodysuit he was wearing, but she could more or less assume they were there.
After all, no ordinary person could pull a corpse out of thin air, nor could they remove the collar which had kept her in check for years.
"I am." Kane said, still keeping himself covered to hide the way he looked. "Why do you seem to attract Sirens to you?" Radar asked, looking at Kane with a weird look on her face.
"All Sirens feel some sort of need to find others like them, to learn more about themselves. I know a bit of stuff, and the direction I want to go in to learn more. Maybe they are drawn to me for answers, and I'm drawn to them to help them get the answers." Kane said, though he knew that last part was a load of shit.
If he cared about helping Sirens get answers, he wouldn't have killed Steele, and he wouldn't have felt so good after doing it.
No, he wanted to sleep with beautiful women, and for some reason, Sirens were some of the most beautiful women there were. That wasn't to say he would only help them so he could sleep with them, he wasn't that big of an asshole.
He would help them if they asked, but he wasn't going to go out of his way to make sure they were all happy and well, save for Luna.
Lilith, Maya, and Amara could take care of themselves, but Angel really couldn't in this situation. She was literally a slave to her own father, and with the collar, she couldn't even kill herself, which was a morbid thought all on it's own.
Plus helping her was a major kick in the balls to Jack, and that was something he could get on board with any day of the week.
"So what do you say? Want to be free?" Kane asked Angel, looking intently into her eyes. There was no hesitation on her part, and in a matter of minutes the three of them were walking down another corridor.
"Radar, how much explosives would it take to turn this place into ash?" Kane asked once they got back to the main viewing lobby of the satellite. It took a few seconds before Radar came up with an answer, and after calculating the best positions to place them, Kane got to it.
In less than 20 minutes, there were enough explosives placed to level a small city, much to Kane's delight.
"If anything happens to this place, your dad will know, right?" Kane asked, getting a nod in return from Angel.
"Won't he already have been alerted then? You did take almost every bit of tech in the place." Radar said, halting Kane for a moment.
"Not to worry. I deactivated all the alarms the second you breached the satellite." Angel said, getting puzzled looks from both Kane and Radar.
"Then why were you fighting me when I was trying to hack into the system?" Radar asked, not really making sense of what was going on.
"If I didn't make it look like I was trying to fight a security breach, a lot of worse things would have happened." Angel answered, leaving the topic there.
Both Kane and Radar were a little curious what would have happened had she not fought back, but it was clear she didn't want to think about it.
'What a piece of shit!' Kane thought, thinking about Jack and how he could have done something like that to his daughter. Kane was a fucked up individual sure, but even he couldn't get past this sort of thing.
Once they were all on the Arcadia, Kane thought about what he should do next. He couldn't explode the satellite just yet, not wanting Jack to be alerted of a breach in his system.
Hopefully if things played out right, Jack would think Angel was dead once the place blew up, and wouldn't try to find her, though he no doubt would be seeking to find whoever it was that did it.
Kane welcomed the challenge, not that there was any evidence whatsoever tying him to the place. Both Radar and Angel had gone over everything with a fine tooth comb, making sure any digital footprint relating to him or them was gone, but they did make it look like Angel did try to put up some sort of defense that failed miserably.
"Why can't we just blow it up now? Is there really a point in waiting further?" Radar asked, not sure about Kane's reasoning, after all she didn't know the things Kane did, only that he obsessed over certain people or things, and he gathered information on them constantly.
"Her dad is on Helios right now, currently fending off Dhal so he can go hunt a vault on Elpis. If he gets word of this place blowing up, do you really think he won't abandon the vault to come check on her?" Kane asked, thinking that despite how much of a cunt Jack was, he would at least come to see if Angel was at the very least alive.
"Actually, he'd come to check after he found the vault. He's so close to finding it, I don't think he'd-!" Angel said, but was cut-off as a holographic screen lit up on her wrist.
"Huh... Helios' defenses have come back online. It seems they managed to shut down the jamming signal." Angel said, giving Kane a good idea of where the story was currently at.
Brushing aside the new information for later, Kane said, "Look, we'll wait a few days for Jack and his mercenaries to clear out Helios of Dhal soldiers, then let them get back down on the moon so they can find the vault, then we'll blow it up!"
There was a moment of silence before both Angel and Radar agreed. Angel couldn't delay the signal to Jack if the satellite was destroyed, and though she suspected what he would do in the case something happened to her, she had been surprised by her father's actions before, and trying to predict some of the weird things he did would give most people an aneurysm.
Phaseshift allowed her to almost instantly and effortlessly interact with any technology in a network she was connected to, for various effects depending on the technology she's connected to, but sadly the technology used on the warning signal was of a different make and coding than what she could manipulate, something her dad had purposefully arranged.
With the time limit set, the Arcadia shot off to a planet a few thousand miles away. Kane knew Jack and the others still had to go build a robot army, then retake Helios to stop the huge fucking laser which was amplified by the destroyers eye, and finally go down to find the vault.
All of that would take quite a bit of time, at least more than the few hours it took him on a console. Just the going back and forth thing from Helios to Elpis would take a few hours, you know, with Fast Travel not being a thing in this world.
Despite the huge leap in technology, teleporters were not a thing in this world, at least not for other people. Kane was a living teleporter, but he still didn't function anywhere close to a Fast Travel station.
The planet they went to was one run by the Vladof Corporation. There wasn't anything special, or any particular reason for coming here, save for the massive vacation resort it was known for.
The food and drinks looked and smelled like they were pure poison, but thankfully Kane didn't have to worry too much about that. With his almost unlimited supply of proper food and drinks, he just took the time here to relax and enjoy himself.
He wasn't the only one. This being her first time outside of her prison in years, Angel vowed to spend each moment she was here doing something fun.
It only took her about two hours to get completely shitfaced and start swinging her shirt around while she herself was topless, screaming to anyone around her that she was free.
A lot, and I do mean a lot of guys tried to approach her, but for some reason they disappeared before they could ever get even close to her. It took quite awhile for her to catch on to what was happening, at which point she turned her ire to Kane.
His appearance without his mask and body armor took her a bit by surprise at first, but that had more to him looking like a true human than the monster she had imagined. She had thought he was quite handsome at first, but right now she couldn't really think coherently.
"What the fu-?!" She shouted, then paused mid-speech, looking around with a worried look in her eyes, only to deflate and start sobbing.
She had been punished severely for foul language in the past, and despite knowing she was free, she would never be free of the 'lessons' that were ingrained into her.
She also wasn't one to act this way, as she found the idea of getting with just anyone to be a bit revolting, but she was worried this would all come to an end soon, and she would be damned if she didn't at least act out in some memorable way.
She had never been with a guy, hell she had never even kissed a guy, so the fact that all of these men were coming up to her made her feel quite good if she was being honest with herself.
Kane couldn't say that he knew what Angel was going through, but he could somewhat guess the reasons she was acting the way she did due to his past with Luna, and he could only let out a tired sigh.
Appearing next to a sobbing Angel, Kane leaned down before he scooped her up into his arms so she was in a princess carry.
"Listen to me... You are strong, you are smart, and you are brave. The rest of the world can fuck off! You don't take orders from anyone, and you can be whoever it is you want to be. Don't let your past hold you back, but use it as a reminder that life is short, and we must live each moment like it could be our last! If you want to curse, shout it out to the heavens! If you want to party like a teen on spring-break, I'll give you all the alcohol you want! If you want to go get railed by a group of-!" Kane said, but was cut-off by Radar who clamped a hand over his mouth.
"You were doing so good up to that point." Radar said, a touch of disappointment in her voice as she let go of him.
"I know you're hurting, so it probably isn't the best decision to let some random creepy fuckers do whatever they want to you. Just don't worry about your father. I'll kill him soon." Kane said warmly, his eyes still staring intently at the nearly broken woman in his arms.
Angel didn't say anything for a few seconds, but when she finally looked up to return Kane's stare, she could see that he meant everything he said, making her smile a little.
Without any warning, she leaned forward and grabbed Kane's head with both hands, then locked her lips onto his. Kane honestly wasn't quite expecting it, but he didn't try to avoid it.
When they broke the kiss, Angel looked away out of embarrassment like some teenager from an anime, while Kane mentally noted to try it again later.
Radar on the other hand who was still standing beside them dropped her arms and let out what seemed like an exasperated sigh.
"Of course he did! He stole my pet!!" Radar exclaimed to no one in particular, then went off to go and devour any of the robots in the facility.
The stay in the resort lasted a little over a week, the time of which was spent quite well in Kane's opinion.
He took it upon himself to help Angel achieve a number of firsts in her life, most of which said woman, was pretty thrilled about.
After that first kiss, it escalated to first time having sex, which led to first orgasm, which somehow led to their room being destroyed.
There was also swimming, rock climbing, skydiving, racing cars, blowing up a small fleet of soldiers, and drinking to the point where Kane had decided to go off alcohol for a while.
Radar had also learned something unique about Angel, something she had found too good to not test out further, and after only a little bit of asking/begging, Angel gave in, much to Kane's annoyance/curiosity.
With her ability of re-writing code and usage of the elements, Angel created a rudimentary spark, or as Radar called it, a robot heart. The spark had been different compared to anything Radar had ever tried, and sadly, Kane wasn't the only one who had been on the receiving end of pleasure from Angel.
Radar was even more determined to get closer to Angel, which said woman, wasn't actually against, much to Kane's annoyance. Thankfully he was a big boy and could share, though there was probably some limit.
Despite him not being bothered about sleeping with other men's wives or girlfriends, or even when Maya shacked up with other guys, he didn't really like it when the men at the resort even got close to Angel.
He wasn't sure if that was him being needy or just being overprotective of her, but he didn't really think too much about it. If she didn't like it, she could just talk to him about it, and seeing as how she hadn't, he would stick to it.
When they finally left the resort, Kane was a bit happier than he expected to be, and it wasn't just because he got to sleep with a totally hot babe. If that was all it took, he had Tannis and Maya already, though they weren't exclusively his.
No, aside from all the cool things he had done with Angel, he had built some contacts within the Vladof Corporation. After taking on the job to kill the small fleet of soldiers turned bandits, an official had lined him up with a few high paying contracts of targets on Vladof's shit list.
Kane originally wasn't all that interested, but when the talk of Eridium technology or Eridium itself came up, Kane was more than willing to accept. Of course he could have just stolen the stuff, but he decided it would be a good time to start building at least some form of alliances.
"So, how are things going on the whole, Helios and Elpis fronts?" Kane asked, prompting both Radar and Angel to begin looking at small monitors.
"WHAT?!!" Angel exclaimed, more than a little bit surprised at what she had found out.
"Interesting..." Was all Radar had to say on the matter.
Kane was about to start shouting at being left in the dark when Angel spoke, "The Eye of Helios was destroyed! By a... a miscalculation of energy? BY THAT MUCH?!" Angel was quite shocked at the invalid energy configuration, and wondered how the hell her dad could have been stupid enough to fuck up that badly.
It took a few minutes of probing around in Hyperion's systems to find out what actually happened, which made a big smile appear on Kane's face.
Roland, Lilith and Moxxi had in fact betrayed Jack after he killed Doctor Gladstone and Doctor Langois, simply by changing the amount of energy they injected into the Eye.
Jack hadn't questioned anything due to his trust in Moxxi, which was plain fucking stupid on his part. Kane didn't trust that woman, even now, despite the fact that she actually had done what she did for somewhat of the right reasons.
Would have been so much better had they just put a bullet in his head, but that was just Kane's opinion on the matter.
He was glad his interference hadn't changed the part about the scientists being airlocked, as that was a bit questionable at this point. However Jack was still an untrusting murdering dickwad, so it was kind of understandable how that happened.
"So what's going on right now on Helios?" Kane asked, getting a weird look in response from Angel.
"They already claimed the contents of the vault, though something appears to have gone wrong. Jack had to get plastic-surgery on his face. Athena and Aurelia Hammerlock have left Jack's employ, their whereabouts unknown. Jack has also become the CEO of Hyperion. No surprise there. Apparently the first thing he did was activate the self-destruct sequence to destroy all Clap-traps." Radar said, getting a whoop and a shout of triumph from Kane.
"YEAH!! Fuck those little bastards are annoying!!" Kane exclaimed, feeling it was entirely worth keeping Jack alive up to this point, if only to do this one thing.
"Well, that takes care of that!" Kane said, pulling out a remote from his inventory and pressing a button. He couldn't see it, but off in the distance a certain satellite with angel wings painted on the side of it damn near vaporized. Being in the vacuum of space did help to leave some of the debris intact, but for the most part, everything was gone.
"Hahaha! I wish I could see that bastard's face when he gets the alert!" Angel said, truly happy about how things had played out for her since meeting Kane. "I'm sure you can imagine what his reaction might be. Anyway, let's go home." Kane said, setting a course for Pandora.
(Jack POV)
'I don't understand... It's gone. SHE'S GONE!' Jack shouted internally as he looked over the scene where the satellite that once contained his daughter resided.
All that was left was chucks of metal floating around in space, none of it showing signs of what it once was. The signal from Angel's collar was gone, but Jack already figured that out.
From the last bit of data that had been recorded, Angel had tried to fight whoever it was that had done this, but had been unsuccessful, and was now dead. Jack wasn't sure who it was, but three individuals did come to mind.
"Filthy BANDITS!! I'll kill them all!!" Jack declared, reaching a new level of anger he hadn't ever felt before.
Not only had they killed his daughter, but they had taken away his key to awakening the Warrior.
It was a good thing he knew just where to go to find another Siren, and he would make her suffer!!