
To the surprise of everyone watching, Peng Mingzhu did indeed manage to finish cooking after one hour and once another hour had passed - a full course meal was prepared, steaming and smelling delicious.

As servants and subordinates, the chance of getting to eat fragrant and fancy foods are almost nonexistent. In fact, even when they do get to eat it is mostly because they were practically scrambling after the leftovers.

Peng Mingzhu took such a short time to prepare over 20 dishes and yet not a single dish was bland in taste or plain looking. Everyone praised her for her skillfulness in cooking.

One of the physicians that came along even asked her, "If Miss Peng is searching for a husband, please consider my son. Though he is unworthy of someone like Miss Peng, I can promise that you will never be mistreated in my house."

Of course, he was immediately scared away by Wei Kangnuan.