Sacred Kylin

Despite being suspicious at Wei Kangnuan for being so suggestive, Han Shuchun still decided that the better idea was to wake Peng Mingzhu up. 

'Anyways, we're about to leave, better early than late,' Han Shuchun told herself.

However, just when Wei Kangnuan was excited to see the scene that he could already imagine, a sound came from the tent.

As they saw the door to the tent slowly open up, they both thought they would see a person who just barely woke up - full of bedhead. Unlike their expectations though, Peng Mingzhu appeared extremely beautiful and well-kept just like the previous day.

At the same time, the dress she was wearing was the same color as the previous dress she wore, but in a different style - much more elegant, fancy, and gorgeous. In fact, her dress made her look as though she was not out on a journey but going to a banquet.