Chapter 1: Genie? x First Phase? x What?

"strawberry is red" - talking

'strawberry is red' - thinking

"STRAWBERRY IS RED" - shouting from anything /angry

*swish* - sounds




On a Saturday morning, the month of April, where it's the month of summer, a port of a certain island. The mass of land is thriving with life. Honest people at best. Happy in their simple lives.




The noise of a typical day for these people, now let's go to our two protagonists. On a certain house where it was quiet and the cool breeze flow through. The two bums were currently lying in the living room. The ravenette is wearing a yellow T-shirt with three stacked up kittens on the front side, black denim shorts that reach mid-thigh, and a pair of blue rubber shoes with ankle socks. The brunette is wearing a one-piece blue sleeveless dress that reaches the knees, with white lily flower designs on it and white sneakers and short socks.

"Ugh... It's sooooo~ hoooot~" a black-haired girl complains to the other girl beside her, with a fan at her right hand trying to fan her face trying to cool down the heat of April.

"We can't do anything about global warming.." The curly brunette simply smiles helplessly at the black-haired girl, putting her curly locks in a bun atop her head.

"Oh God, I wish my hair was easy to tie up just like yours..." The black-haired girl looks at her best friend, admiring how effortlessly that bun came to be. Wishing her hair is as tame as hers.

The brunette snorted while smiling at the ravenette's compliment. She clicked her tongue and honestly told her about her hair struggles. "Be glad about your straight hair, mine is already frizzy no matter what I do, when I wake up it's all over my face, hard to detangle and hard to style"

"My, the struggle is real huh?" The ravenette just looks ahead, her mind already been fried from the heat. "Want something cool to drink?" She asked and gets up, going to the kitchen with the brunette in tow. While the two are mindlessly chatting the most mundane to the weirdest topic in all mankind, they finally got their cold drink of cola. The ravenette thanking the heavens for creating the bubbly masterpiece with her drink in her left hand and her right reaching upwards, the brunette, however, saw a beautiful bottle in a corner of the table while drinking her share of bubbly goodness, the bottle is seemingly misplaced by the owner, the glass is crystal pink, the cork is round in shape and a shade darker than the body with gold linings to the neck of the bottle and the cork itself. Curious about the said bottle, she picked it up from the corner.

"Hey, Avery... Did your grandma buy an antique?" The brunette turned her head to her right and asked the ravenette, Avery, about the pink bottle.

"What??" After drinking to the last drop, satisfied with the cold drink, she saw a pink bottle in her best friend's left hand. "Oh dear ghad... This one is more beautiful than what she normally buys, did her level go up now??" She low-keyed praise and highlighted her doubt for her grandma. Looking at the pink bottle that hurt her eyes more than giving comfort, she can proudly say that it is much better than before.

"That's not very nice, Avs, your grandma likes this beautiful stuff!" Chided the very Angel of the duo. She pouted at her way, displeased by Avery's comment to her relative, and try to defend the said old lady.

"Can you honestly say that while looking around the place Ellie??" Avery put her right hand in a circular motion, trying to make her look around and say it again to her face.

".....What I'm saying is you can't just judge people based on their taste or looks!" The poor Ellie can't make a comeback and thus gave the don't judge card.

"Yeah, right! You like a certain dancer because he looks HOT!!" Avery snorted at the angel's hypocrisy while laughing at Ellie's face that quickly blooms red, combined with heat and embarrassment.

While the brunette can't say anything, the ravenette giggles and take the bottle away from her hands, she looks at it closely and being a little curious if it stores perfume inside, and if it does, then she's a little curious about what it smells like and thus deciding to open the bottle. She looks at her best friend to inform her about her decision.

"Hey Ellie, I'm a little curious about the scent of this perfume bottle.." she asked while shaking the bottle, trying to make it slosh but it doesn't. 'Weird' she thought.

"You wanna open it??" The brunette already knew what was going through her best friend's head but still asked.


"Sure, do it then!!" with that comment Avery tried to pull out the cork, keyword: tried. She can't pull out the fragile-looking cork.

"ngiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~!!!! THIS BOTTLE IS TOO TIGHT!!" With gritted teeth, she pulls, pulls, and pulled, but to no avail. It's stuck.

"Okay, let's pull at the same time, on three!" The brunette told her plans to the ravenette, they both agreed and put both of their hands on the bottle, the base is where Ellie's hands are and Avery's on the cork and neck, their drinks were long forgotten on the table beside them.



"THREE!!" with a satisfying *POP!* they both manage to open the bottle, then Ellie quickly turns the bottle upwards for fear that whatever perfume inside might get wasted on the floor. All of a sudden a red smoke came out of the fragile bottle.

"I AM FINALLY BACK BABY! hohooooo~ it's been FOREVER since I last saw some humans!! hey! hey! hey! Do you have any wishes? Right? I know ya do! Now tell this genie and I'll make it come true!!! ONLY THREE, JUST THE LUCKY NUMBER OF THREE!!" What jumps out of it aside from smoke is a girl from waist downwards is smoke and upwards is with red hair, pink skin and blue eyes with too much energy, grinning, staring at them.

The two girls are dumbfounded and look at each other, silently communicating if whatever they're looking at is real and not some hallucination from the heat or god forbid, whatever in their drinks, that gives them this fantasy setting.

"The hell..." the ravenette is dumbfounded her brown eyes wide with confusion and shock.

"uhhh--- you're a genie?" the brunette with uncertainty asks the genie.

"YES! YES, I AM!!" with a bright smile, she answers the brunette honestly.

The duo once again looked at each other.

'This shitte isn't real right?'

' Doubt it's real'

And with a nod from them both, they concluded, that they both hit their head while trying to open the bottle and fainted, thus this is a dream, their bodies on the floor, maybe with a bump if lucky, withdrawing blood is the worst-case scenario, but this dream is too freaking real and they both gonna enjoy it!

"Then, then... I wish to have devil fruit powers! Logia Wind-wind fruit without the disadvantage!" Avery said with a sparkle in her eyes, looking forward to flying around and pretend to be a fairy. Even as a comatose patient, she cringes at the thought.

"Oh! then please I want to have Orihime's power, well without the flying little people part, If I am aware that they have thoughts of their own I might not use them.. hehehe..." the shy brunette said while looking at her hands and feet, the both of them already knew what the third wish is going to be, after all, they both imagined it countless of times and they're proud of the said fantasy, it's the anime that inspires them to leave their shell and depression far behind, and they did it after years of struggle.

"OUR LAST WISH! WE WANT TO GO ON HUNTER X HUNTER WORLD!!" They shouted their third wish with a smile on their faces, they thought it's not real anyway so why bother thinking if it's true? just enjoy!!

"Sure thing! Although that's four wishes, not three I'll just do it because it's been a millennium since I was released! Consider that three wishes granted!!" with a swish of her hands and a pink magical orb suddenly forming on her palms, she hit them both, and with a burst of light and a loud yelp, they found themselves sitting in a descending dining room, they stand up and look around pinching themselves and hurt themselves in the process, they saw a note in the table, with two canvas bag at the side, one is brown and the other is dark green.

["HELLO, former mistresses! I made some adjustments so people would know you both and have some identifications! Oh! The information is on your phone so please check it out!! As for the bags on the table, it is filled with things all you need, it's unique only to the both of you so it's anti-theft and clusterfuck proof!! You don't have to worry about getting it lost either because it'll come back to you after 3 seconds!"]


Name: Avery Bello (pic here)

Age: 18

Birthdate: April 6, XXXX

Homeland: Yorknew City / United States of Saherta

Nen: -NA-

Power: Wind-wind fruit (without the disadvantages)

Likes: Sarcasm, Comedy, Ice cream, sweets, food, breezy place, lazing around, cloud watching, books, novels, and art.

Dislikes: too much heat or too much cold, creeps.

Appearance: Black straight hair up to mid-back, droopy looking brown eyes, cute button nose, small pink lips, 5ft tall, average physic.

Genie's Gift: Healthy Body, Infinity Storage Bag


Name: Ellie Nael (pic here)

Age: 19

Birthdate: July 27, XXXX

Homeland: Yorknew City / United States of Saherta

Nen: -NA-

Power: Six Flowers (without free thoughts of oneself)

Likes: Curiosity, coffee, sweets, novels, books, horror movies, gore, art, and music.

Dislikes: Assholes and jerks.

Appearance: Short curly brown hair, light brown eyes, slim nose, thin lips, 5'5ft tall, slender physic.

Genie's Gift: Healthy Body, Infinity Storage Bag





After reading the note and grabbing a bag each, the green one goes to Avery while the brown to Ellie, they also both found a weird fruit with swirls around it and a pair of blue flower clip, Avery ate it and tasted the rancid fruit, nearly hurling her guts out, after she takes the first bite the fruit suddenly vanish in a pink sparkle, while Ellie clipped the two hair clip in either side of her brown locks, their hands are moving but the facial expression of the two screams 'Oh ghad fudge... We are royally screwed'.

"What the hell??" Avery for the first time in this day is whispering, she's too confused to panic, the situation isn't going through her brain.

"uh--it seems like the genie is real..? What?... What?.." Ellie is without a doubt trying to think and to say anything that makes sense, whether it's part of a dream or its actual reality.

".....oh fuck so this is real? Ellie slap me hard! NOW!" The ravenette finally panicked, her hands waving around, and finally settled on slapping herself because her best friend can't process what's going on too, while Avery lightly slapped herself, with continuous light slapping, her cheeks become pinkish in the end.

"Wha-ah-- eh?!" The brunette just looks dumbfounded at the situation, panicking on the inside too, too shocked to hyperventilate. But the two of them didn't get to properly panic and question their sanity, when the sound *Ding* finally came, the elevator doors opened themselves and saw few people inside, 'Ahh... good we have some ducking time to panic and think, great!' The ravenette sarcastically thought, but it's also a good sign, it means she's calming down somehow. While they're walking inside a blur of green and blue flash and they saw Mr. Bean... The hxh version of it without the actual comedic scripts.

"Hello there, please put this on, this will be your number while on the exam, it's important to have these at all times" a small green bean goes to them and now labeled by Mr. Bean of the two, he hands over a white circle tag with number 19 for Avery and 20 for Ellie, they were instructed to pin it to their clothes and they smile saying "Thank You Sir" while leaving the cute bean.

The duo then walks on the side, looking at the wall where they plan to talk and think what in the world is going on. When they finally got a chance to lean their backs at a wall, on the right is Avery, on the left is Ellie, a short man with brown hair comes up to them with a number #16 as their tag. The two scowled at the man, not trusting him a bit, it's Tonpa after all, the rookie crusher. Too bad his timing sucks.

"Hello there you two, both of you are new here right?" With a smile that looks real enough, he asked the girls.

Before Avery could retort to the man Ellie smile at him, clearly pissed but trying to be polite, "Yes we are, and can you please leave us alone? We have something to talk about.." Her tone of voice is so cold it'll make the ice witch proud and probably take Ellie in as a disciple if ever that happens. Tonpa just chuckled nervously and slowly retreated, brave as he is for trying to scam them and make them poop to kingdom come but not enough to face two girl's wrath from another dimension, confused, and royally pissed.

The moment he walks away the ravenette sigh while leaning her head on the right side, while the brunette is leaning on the back touching the wall. The two looked at each other and sits on the floor with ease, not bothered by the dirt and a bit of mud, they don't care at the moment, because the situation at hand is much more confusing.

"So, let's skip the fucking whats we have, we're clearly on this world, hxh right? Tonpa and beans are here..." Avery whispers to Ellie, seriously stated it's not time to panic and lose their heads or it might come true literally.

"Oh dear goodness... I thought it wasn't real... What's the plan then? befriend the four protagonists??" Ellie groans while her hands sliding down her face, exasperated with the situation.

"We could but we will look suspicious, heck we both look so casual right now!" Now Avery groans and hits her forehead with her left palm. Trying to make sense of whatever is going on. That genie is sure real.....

"That's true... How about trying to live?" The brunette while chewing her right-hand nails suggests to her friend.

"It's not like we have any other choice right? That sounds like a plan...." Avery sigh and thoughtlessly comment to her friend.

"You think we'll see another genie so both of us could go home??" The sudden question that Ellie ask surprise the ravenette but the smile that's forming on her face quickly fades when she thought of the upcoming exams.

"We could find one, it's a damn world where nen is possible, I don't think we won't find one if we became hunters.." Avery muttered lowly but enough for her friend to hear her.

"Now we need to do this huh?" The brunette asked with worry and nervousness thinking about the future events and their family they left behind.

"Hell yeah..." the two words Avery said are enough for the duo to get their asses on the move, they have to find a way back home, and they WILL find it. The two finally realize their storage bag and they both take a look at what's inside.


Storage Bag Contents:

Clothes: Shirts / shorts / pants / socks / underwear.

Necessities: All hygiene products

Phone: (What they currently have)

Bottled Water: infinity water inside.

Food: Apples / Breads/ cupcakes / ice creams / muffins / bento boxes.

Money: 100,000 Jenny


"That's a lot..." the angel is in awe, 'That genie sure is generous' is what she thought

"Considering we both might die, I say this is good already..." but the ravenette is, yes thankful but still in a bad mood for their stupidity. Rolled her eyes and sigh at the content, both of them zip their respective bags and stand up while slinging it to their backs and dusting their clothes. The both of them started to calm down and finally be able to use their heads. They both try to plan ahead or at least attempt it, they don't know if their plans would work anyway, as long as the goal GET A LICENSE to achieve it'll be fine, they didn't realize some time has passed, the two of them are in the world of their own, they didn't realize the exam is nearly beginning. When they both heard a scream coming from somewhere, and pink petals flying in the direction where the scream was heard, the two-dimensional travelers begin to tensed up, they knew... The story is starting...

The two didn't walk up to the clown, but Ellie's curiosity won over her, she walks up to the crowd that's forming a circle around a certain clown, with Avery whispering behind her and questioning her sanity at the moment, they were both in time to saw the man's arms slowly becoming pink petals, the flesh is gone and Hisoka saying his famous dialogue they watch in anime, "Oh~ How peculiar.., His arms suddenly become flower petals..." Avery looked at the clown with a frown her droopy eyes are without a doubt on guard against this creep. The clown continues his monologue and in the end, warned the other candidates. "No smoke or mirrors here ❤️. Do be careful when you bump into someone you apologize to them🖤". The mob becomes tense at his words and afraid to cross the freaky clown. Avery dragged Ellie at the back and hit her friend lightly, but her voice isn't light, "Are you out of your goddamn mind?! Ya have a deathwish?!" she gritted the words to her friend, trying to instill some commonsense inside her brain.

"Bu-but... I was curious how Hisoka looked like! Don't you dare say you aren't curious!" Ellie tried to defend her case to her best friend but Avery wasn't having any of it. So she scolded Ellie again. "Yes I am but we can just do that without grabbing some attention ya know!"

With a huff and puff, the brunette crossed her arms across her chest and directly said to Avery about their get-up. "We look already out of place, I look like I came from a summer house vacation and you look like going to a swimming pool!", The ravenette just face-palm herself, already tired from the conversation 'How the hell my lazy ass can take this shitte?'. She just sighs and looks away from her pouting friend.

The ground started to shake and the wall pulled up, at the other side is a man with long limbs in a purple suit, his hair is divided at the center, the tips of his hair is flying up, with mustache and the freaky thing about him, he doesn't have a mouth, yet, he can talk. "I'm sorry for the wait, the entry period for hunter applicants has ended, now then the hunter exams will begin now!" after he announced that, all of the applicants started to ready themselves, either bored out of their minds from the wait or excited it's finally starting. Expressions vary from one individual to another.

"As a final caution, if you lack the ability and luck, you could end up seriously injured or dead. Those who accept the risk please follow me, otherwise please leave through the elevator behind you" even with all that caution, no one backs out from the exam, no one would, they finally get to the exam site, they can't back out now. All of them are prepared to die.

"Alright, all 404 applicants, please follow me", With that he turns around and walks away from everyone, the mob slowly walking behind the man, slowly the walk becomes a jog then a full run.

"What about the first phase?" one of the examine asked the examiner. The hunter looked back for a second before he said the following words that shock most of the examinees.

"First phase? We're already in the first phase, ah! Where are my manners? I apologize, I am Satotz the examiner in the first phase, I'll guide you all to the next exam site so please keep up with me" after he said that he continues the phase and gradually increase his speed.

"What? It began?"


"This is it?"

The murmur of doubt rose silently but steadily behind the examiner. At the center of the mob were Avery and Ellie, the two were nervous and excited at the same time, both of them are running without words, trying to conserve as much energy as possible, they knew it's gonna be hell.




==2 Hours Later==




Even after 2 hours of running, the examinees can't see the other end of the tunnel, nor a sign that the examiner will stop. Most of the applicants already dropped out, giving up from exhaustion and mental fatigue. Some of the men around the two girls are having ridiculous expressions on their faces, for the two-dimensional travelers are having a conversation without breaking a sweat.

They are extremely bored, having to run for two hours already and still no sign of stopping, and since the two are nut jobs themselves, they don't find the monotonous running a hard task, instead, they play games and chatter endlessly.

"Oh yeah! I remember now! You almost cry that time hahaha that's a good one!"

"Geez Avery! You don't have to laugh at that!"

"How come? Even though I tried to forget it, it's so funny it's memorable!" with that said the ravenette laughed loudly, holding her stomach. Ellie can't do anything about it, poor angel is too good to retaliate to her best friend's antics. They finally realize that the space around them is mostly cleared, the number of applicants was slowly decreasing. Then a chubby guy with shiny hair and a laptop at hand smugly runs past them. The duo just shrugged and continue their conversation.

"Hey did you inspect what kind of snacks you got in your bag?" Avery asked the girl beside her with a casual tone.

"Yeah! It's great we have some sweets inside!" the excited voice Ellie sounded out and bounce around the tunnel.

"Ooohh what is the color of your bottled water?" Avery still asked common questions like they were in a school and not around men and women running for 2 hours straight in 30 kilometers or so.

"Blue, what's yours?" smiled the brunette to the ravenette.

"Ugh Pink!!" pouted the ravenette with a face that was so sour.

"You hate that color huh?" Ellie is helpless to the other's predicament.

"It's not I hate it, more like I can only stand it if the pink color stays as nothing but food that can be eaten!" Avery reasoned to her best friend, saying as long as the color pink stays as a portion of food then it's fine, but not as an object she'll be using.

"Hahaha, strawberry-flavored frosting then?"

"Ya bet!!"

"Oohhh strawberries are delicious especially if it's on the cake!"

Someone suddenly barges into their conversation, the two interdimensional travelers didn't realize that they were so close to the protagonists of hunter x hunter, both of them are having fun already. They both look back and see Gon, in his straight-up hairdo with green tips, green shorts and coat, and brown boots with a brown bag, just like in the anime.

The boy looked at them with a smile, "Hello! Sorry for butting in, I can't help myself to say it, the two of you are having fun so I thought I wanna join.. Is that okay?" even though he smiling he knows how awkward and rude of his actions are, the two girls just laugh and say it was okay, but in the inside, both are squealing and shouting their fangirling,

'Ahhhhh ohmyghadohmyghadohmyghad it's Gon!! IT'S GON IN REAL-LIFE AHHHHH!!'. 'Oh dear, oh dear my goodness!!'

then they proceeded to introduce themselves.

"I'm Gon"

"I'm Avery"

"I'm Ellie..."

Gon started to question us about something but stopped when he heard his friend Leorio shout at someone. "HEY! THAT'S CHEATING!" and that someone is a white-haired kid.

"Huh? Why?" the kid looked back at Leorio, no concern and neutral if there's an emotion on his face then a bit of curiosity towards the other's logic.

"Why....? Because it's an endurance test of course!" the enrage Leorio continues his rant. But got stopped by Gon.

"No, it isn't"

"Huh? Gon what are you saying?!" The enraged teenager shouted at his friend, while the white-haired kid just stares at the other kid, his eyes wandering from him to the two girls on the right side, the two of them looked at him too.

"The examiner said to follow him" Gon answered his friend Leorio.

"Yep!" Avery pipes in.

"That's true.." Ellie said softly but clearly.

"Whose side are you on?! And who the hell are you two brats??" he asked the first one to Gon and the latter to the two girls.

"We're power rangers, here to save the world!" Avery said with sarcasm dripping to her words. Ellie just laughed quietly, she doesn't want to get in trouble with one of the main characters. On the inside of these two, they're both shouting and pounding their fists on the floor while shouting 'HALLELUJAH!'

The white-haired kid slowly goes up to Gon with his skateboard, Avery and Ellie just give him some space for the two to talk, they slowly move up ahead, just a few steps, maybe three or four.

"Hey, how old are you?" they heard the kid ask Gon, and he replied "I'm 12 years old"



*ka click-fwosh*

They heard that killua would run too, the two-dimensional travelers just snickers silently, it's quite cute, to be honest. And so they waited for the famous lines...

"Guess I'll run too"

"Woah! That's so cool!"

"I'm killua"

"I'm gon! Ah! And those two are Avery and Ellie" the two were grinning by themselves that they were shocked to be mentioned by the black-haired boy, the two just share a look between themselves and turn their glance back for a bit to greet them. "Yo!" Avery called out, but Ellie opted to be polite as usual. "Hello".

Gon suddenly remembered his question for the two of them and asked while they're still up ahead a bit. "Avery! How old are you?"

"Ah? I'm 18... Why?" asked the ravenette girl and looked at them, she slightly slow down, same with Ellie, so the two kids could catch up.

"Eh? So small... What about you Ellie-san?" the ravenette boy thought out loud, he turns to the brunette. "Oh, I'm 19, gon" is the answer he got. Killua then muttered under his breath, but loud enough for them to hear. "old hag...", Ellie just smile politely, not at all pissed at his comment but not can't say the same with Avery, "I'm 18 ya know and I'm perfectly young!". She shouted at the kid. Pissed but not enough to pummel the kid. "For someone with droopy eyes, yours looks the most pathetic" Killua unabashedly commented and snickers at the ravenette girl's response. "Why youuu!!", she's tempted to act like Sakura from naruto and just dish out a good punch that could design some new holes.

After a while of running, applicants started to drop out once more. Ellie looked back and saw Leorio wheezing for breath, the two boys heard Leorio's briefcase hitting the ground. Ellie immediately stops and goes back, so Avery also goes back with her, the two boys also stop when they saw the two girls walking back. The two boys looked back.

The dimensional travelers were worried but formed their lips in a thin line, not saying anything. They know it's hard for anyone to run for four hours, then the ravenette opened up her bag, dish out her water bottle, twist the cap and gave him the opened bottle, Leorio look at them with gratitude and chug down the drink after he's done with it he gave it back to Avery. While Ellie is at the side, trying to motivate him, they know he wants to be a doctor and he's a damn fine one, they both know he could make it, but it feels great finally getting their voice across.

"Come on you could do it!"

"You'll get to the next phase!"

"Thank you both" Leorio chuckles a bit and straighten up more and not slouching like before, then he shouted "DAMN IT ALLLLLL!!!!" while he runs for the other applicants, the two girls smile at his determination but he left his briefcase, Avery picked it up and runs towards Gon and Killua, Ellie has the same smile while catching up to them.

They entered the place where a flight of stairs was the next they need to run up to, the examiner once more picked up his phase and the examinees tried to catch up, when the two boys saw the stairs they started a game who can run-up to the top first.

"Wanna race with us?" Gon asked the two girls with a smile.

"Nah, I'm good..." Avery replied with a bored look on her face, the ravenette quickly get over fangirling after running too much, she's just pissed off that she needed to move.

"You're too old for the race hag, just stay put" Killua made a snide comment to the older teen. And as expected she erupted in rage.

"I'm fucking lazy to race brat!" she spat with an irritated voice.

Ellie chuckles a bit and answered Gon with a smile "We'll be alright here, go on". The boy just smiles brightly at the brunette and turns to the white-haired kid. "Okay then!"

"Ready... Go!" they both shouted and runs up the flight of stairs, grinning all the way.

As the two finally left, the two-dimensional travelers, looked at each other, a silent communication 'I'm as small as Gon...'. 'You are small....', they both smile and chuckle a bit, they look up ahead and run up, catching up with the rest of the applicants. As they run with the rest of the applicants, they dodge the ones who dropped out and lying on the floor, it's a sad view in real life than in the one in anime. But the two of them run forward, they can't stop now, they need to find a way back home, no matter how otherworldly they are, they're still humans.

When they reach the top and the door are closing behind the two, they spotted their new-made friends, Avery walked up to them with a wave and smile "Hey there gon! So who won?"

"Both of us! I'm gonna buy Killua lunch and he'll buy me my lunch!" Gon replied with a huge smile thinking about what to order for lunch, while killua had a deadpan stare at the boy. "Like I said that didn't make any sense!" while the two are bickering, Leorio turn to the two girls with a grateful smile and said."Thanks for the water earlier, ...and the motivation boost...". A blonde male then chuckles and smiles at the girls while commenting to his friend. "Ah, so these two are responsible for you to be so hyped up".

The girls chuckle at the blonde's comment and the older teen's snide remark, the blonde proceeds to greet the two with a polite smile, "Nice to meet you two, my name is Kurapika, and the two of you are?" When he asked, he put out his right hand for a handshake, unlike how Avery does it, somehow it looks formal on Kurapika, very formal indeed.

"I'm Avery, nice to meet you too"

"My name is Ellie, likewise to you" with a shake from them both they finally acquainted with each other.

A shout suddenly broke out saying the current examiner is an impostor, then before the man could say more cards suddenly fly through, for the new intruder and the current 'fake' examiner. The result is just like in anime but there's a lone card that flies above someone's head, missing by an inch because they duck unknowingly.




(Enter Avery's POV)

I ducked down because I saw a coin, heh, my luck today sure is great! Free money! After clutching the penny something fly above my head, I turn around and saw a card, curiosity took me so I walked over and SCREW YOU CURIOSITY!

In my hand is without a doubt a card from a common deck of cards, the joker is drawn over it. Normally I would just toss it over or pocket it as a souvenir from this world, but like hell I am today!! The only f*beep*ker who owns a deck of cards in this show is that creepy clown! I shivered from my morbid thoughts of him chasing after the cute cinnamon roll.

I quickly toss it aside and walked back to the others that are slowly running to the wetlands with a scowl on my face, when Ellie saw my expression, she became worried and opened her mouth to ask "What's wrong?" but I shook my head and replied as "It's nothing, just a bad thought of a creep", she just nods and looked away from me, her eyes not straying away from the mob.

We're currently running on wet dirt, so of course, there'll be mud and any annoying thoughts about it. I sigh and suddenly a gust of wind flows through us, and a greater gust of wind blows me up... oh dear ghad WHAT?!

"Oh dear ghad?! What now? @93@#&%+!" with my voice sounding like a dying walrus I shouted profanities one after another, while my Ellie is running after my floaty ass.

"AVERY! WAIT UP!!" I saw her jumping and running after me, thank God we're still on the right track! I sigh once again and it blew me upwards once again, higher and higher, and I started to see white bright lights covering my body, it feels like I'm in heaven... "LIKE HELL IT IS!! AHHH!!"

My body quickly got swept away by the wind, but it wasn't too bad about it, I mean after calming down and being upside-down, and seeing the view from up here, it wasn't that bad... With my panicking mind finally calms down, I try searching for my best friend, I mean with all this fog it'll be a hard task searching for me while running through that muddy ground.

In that thought on my mind and still, my world is upside down, I quickly or tried to fly to whatever place she runs to, keyword: Tried. I'm honestly at a loss how the hell I could fly over or even search for her being like this, ghad am I a freaking balloon now?? A yellow balloon huh, that's nice, LIKE HELL IT IS!!

My face would probably be red from self-inflicted anger, okay I've probably lost my marbles even before this exam, and genie business, so let's try again! I close my eyes and relaxed my body, I could feel the air around me, I just consumed the devil fruit so my body is still in the process of change. Plus the genie's gift of a healthy body, then it's possible the change would speed up.

After reaching that conclusion, I smiled to myself, I tried slowly moving my legs downward, so I could turn upright, I could feel my body slowly but surely moving, not bad progress since I'm a first-timer. Then once I'm fully am turn upwards again I opened my eyes and smile, "HELL YEAH!! I DID IT! So I just need to be one with the wind or more like think of myself as the wind... Yes! Let's goooo" and I burst one small wind at my feet like iron man and fly through the sky. My flight wasn't smooth, NO IT WASN'T! I somehow became akin to a roller coaster, fast but going through loops, ups and downs, sometimes spin in the air like what I often see on a game that my brother likes to play! "AAHHH SCREW THIS POWER!!!! oh, it's Ellie! AHHHHH!!!" I quickly calm down for a second to rely on my thoughts that Ellie is on the ground with the four protagonists.

"INCOMING!!!" A lot from the ground looked up and saw my grand entrance, which lands perfectly on the ground with stunning grace! Let the girl dream, would you?


My friends run up to me, worried at my reckless self. "Avery! Oh goodness, I thought you wouldn't make it!" Ellie gushed out her worries, next is the pretty blonde, "Are you alright?", the cinnamon roll, "How did you fly?", the white-haired brat, "That's some landing there" and the soon to be doctor, "It's a great thing none of your bones broke from your fall.."

"Yeah same here, I didn't know a human body could create a small crater," I said with a small smile on my face, I quickly replied to Ellie that I'm okay, and sass about it to Gon and killua, what can I say? I'm a charmer.





Author's Note: Work in progress, my other fanfic, One Piece: OP & Lucky is the priority atm

Status: Edited

The next chapter would be: no definite time.