Chapter 2: Food x Friends x $h1t

"strawberry is red" - talking

'strawberry is red' - thinking

"STRAWBERRY IS RED" - shouting from anything /angry

*swish* - sounds




Author's Note: The people who write fanfiction are the people who urge me to write one myself. I can say I'm happy when I found some fanfic to my taste while, I know my creation isn't on par with the legendary authors, I still hope you like what's about to go down. 💗💕








"Yeah, same here, I didn't know a human body could create a small crater," I said with a small smile on my face, I quickly replied to Ellie that I'm okay, and sass about it to Gon and Killua, what can I say? I'm a charmer.








(Enter Avery's POV)




"Aside from being a hag, you're also an idiot, huh?" Killua said with his irritating face. I just rolled my eyes at his royal arse and stand up, patting myself to get the dust out, I looked up and as expected. Leorio's face is injured, although not to the point of looking like someone bashed his face in, Ellie must've tried her healing power, remembering what gone down in the wetlands... I shivered at the thought of a psychotic clown on the loose. I just stare at him without saying anything. Leorio's attention wasn't on me anymore for the big gate started to open. He already has his suitcase, I was afraid I lost it somewhere while I was drinking and eating literal air.

"Excellent work everyone! The next phase will be happening, here at the Visca Forrest Park, thus I shall be taking my leave, I wish you all the very best of luck! " After his final speech for us and a bit of introduction on the 2nd phase he walked away with his weird... Walk... I wish I had long legs too...

The huge gates opened and all the applicants looked inside, of course, I do too. Inside there's a huge white mansion with a maroon roof. The girl inside, then said in a loud voice. "Will all the applicants who passed the first phase, please enter" behind him is the huge guy I saw in the anime.

We were asked to get inside the gates and saw, rows upon rows of a portable kitchen, with appliances, from pans to spatulas and knives, complete with everything like what you often saw Master Chef, huh would you look at that, I'm in the show, I joked inside my head while going into one of the stations.

"Welcome all, I'm Menchi and this is Buhara. We're the examiners in the 2nd phase"

A loud growl sounded in the vicinity, the applicants were confused as to what's going on but I just chill cause I know what's gonna go down.

When I glanced beside me on my left, I saw Ellie, she didn't look alright, her face is pale, almost blue, I'll interrogate her later but for now, let's pass this phase.

"There you have it! The 2nd phase will be... COOKING!"

"What? Cooking??"

"You gotta be kidding me!"

"We came here to take the hunter exam! Not to cook!"

"That's right, the 2nd phase will be preparing the meal I and Buhara find satisfactory."


"It's easy because we're Gourmet Hunters"

I cringed inside when the laugh blooms in the mob, dear god she's a hunter, no matter how ridiculous for others her choice is, she is still a human that can kick your ass with a blindfold! Uh-huh!! Stupid muscle, brains! I looked at Menchi and sure enough, she's pissed but she's taking the insult better than I thought. These people are still pro.

"The required ingredient is Pork!"

"You mean, pork, pork?"

"You are free to use any kind of pig in Visca Forrest. As you can see, you can use the facilities here for the exam and must create a dish that is satisfactory in our palettes"

"And taste alone isn't enough for us to judge, we will also be required your creativity here, once we're full, this exam will be over"

I listen intently, I might forget something I had missed when watching the anime. I feel so damn nervous thinking of those pigs!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!

We run outside when the hunters finally gave us the signal, and just like in canon, we got chased by that pink boar who are also carnivores.

How exciting!! Getting eaten by a pig is also under the category of Dumb Ways To Die, but carnivorous pigs might be an exception...?

"AHHHHHH!!!! / MAMA!!" Ellie and I scream at the same time, running away from the horde of pink pigs. Nothing could prepare me for this! While we scream our heads off. Gon yelled to us.

"The forehead is their weakness!"

"Got it!" I responded while Ellie resorts to her usual screams. "Oh dear ghad!!"

All the six of us got our pigs and started cooking, we already planned this while in that tunnel some time ago. She'll be making her famous Adobo dish and I'll be making Spicy Tucino.

I first cooked the rice, then I cut and gutted the pig, I don't know how to clean a freaking chicken, much less a pig this big. I'm just blindingly doing whatever needs to be done, by some miracle I did it, although bloody and messy. It counts!

After I wash all the blood, I chopped and chopped until I have five big bowls of bite-sized pork, uneven cut but it's better than nothing! I was in my zone and not paying attention to anyone. Some pincushion is looking at my work.

I wash the chopped pork once again and put, salt, pepper, paprika, and a lime soda drink from the pantry. I put them all together, one bowl at a time. Ellie is already simmering hers, most likely to get the proper flavor to it. While I was waiting for my marinated pork, I cut some garlic, ginger, and onion leaves. I also mixed honey and that lime soda for later.

After all the preparation I started cooking, dumping all five bowls into one huge ass frying pan, and started frying the pork a bit, when it turns a bit brown I put the garlic, ginger first, then, pepper and paprika, red chili sauce, soy sauce, and oyster sauce, lastly the sweet lime and honey soda I created earlier and let it cooked there.

Once it was coated with the thick reddish-brown sauce and the enticing aroma of all the ingredients and spices. I put it on a small and a big plate, one for Menchi and the other for Buhara. I sprinkle some onion leaves and a bit of sliced red chili. There you have it! I just need the rice I made earlier on the side, just to be ready if they want some rice.

I walked up to the judges in my cart, a nervous wreck. Menchi and Buhara smiled.

"Finally a dish that smells good, hmm, not professional, but aesthetically pleasing" Menchi assessed my plating, looking at it from every angle.

"Oh! Like a home-cooked meal!"

I blushed furiously from the comment, it's not much, but damn I AM HAPPY!! The other applicants behind me were making a fuss as to why I am being praised, there are some leftovers from my frying pan and Ellie's casserole. Kurapika scoops a bit of both of our food, shocked at how good it is. A warm meal, delicious, but didn't have any extravagant taste, just a plain warm meal. The other applicants tasted it too and were speechless, then they looked at their 'dish'.

"It tastes good" Menchi then put up a sign that I passed, so does Buhara.

"Earlier #20 also passed, is she your friend? She also cooked a homemade meal, this is kinda peculiar though... Which country is this from?"

I smiled and nod when I heard Ellie also passed, and nervous when she asked where country I am from, can't say I am from a country that doesn't exist here, so I just said, "It comes from my aunt, she's the one who created this and we're from Yorknew City." The examiner just smiled and let me through the mansion, I saw Ellie sitting in the living room and I squeal when I run-up to her.

"WE PASSED!!" we danced our happy dance, we look both like a dork. Who cares though? WE freaking major PASSED!!!

After some time, the applicants outside were getting roasted by the Female Version of Gordon Ramsey, the chairman finally appeared, and we, being sorry for an excuse hunter candidates, we got inside that big balloon... A blimp? Airship? If I recall correctly... Excuse me! I have never seen something like this on our island okay?!

Since Ellie and I both passed already, we didn't need to participate anymore, which is cool because we needed to plan. I mean, even though I keep seeing all the 2011 versions of hxh. It doesn't mean it'll stay that way since we magically popped up here.

The airship/blimp finally lands on the mountains split in half. Menchi then explains what they need to do, what they need to get, and shows how to get it and come back alive.

Just like in canon some fall into their deaths and some lived. The group passed of course. And now we're back to the blimp. While they're having the speech again. Ellie and I snuck out and search for an available room.

I finally confronted my dear and beloved best friend who always lands her ass into trouble... We got inside in one of the rooms with two bedrooms and one bathroom, plain, but large enough for both of us, not so tall humans. I locked our door and spin around to face her with a dramatic flair of hands on my hips.

"So, wanna share??" my right eyebrow goes up and she knew just how curious I am now for her to spill the beans. Ellie looked down while rubbing her hands together, a sign of great discomfort and nervousness put together. Something a best friend should pick up after 10 years of friendship.

"Well... I probably screwed up..." she said while walking up to the nearest bed, the bed that's on the left side. She sat on it while I continue my interrogation.

"Screw up the canon or a screw up on a certain boy? AND don't look like you're gonna deny the latter because I KNOW oh, I so knoooow~ you like Killua's irritating face! I saw his pic on your phone with cute written words and hearts on it, don't think I didn't know" She looked like she was gonna deny it but who the hell this lass she thinks of me? Her neighbor?? Best friends KNOW what a mother and a lover didn't get the chance of knowing. We know because that's our job! The human who helps you hide the secret files of doom!

Ellie bit her lip and sigh, I smile victoriously, hah! I win! Then she proceeded to tell me how fu*ked up her situation is...

"You see it's not about killua, while I was running after you I accidentally bump into Hisoka and well I did pass his... test... Now the problem is... I piqued his interests too much?"

"Explain how"

"Well, I... Activated the flower..."

"Ohh~ a shiny barrier from a small cute hairpins does look interesting... Listen to me El, right now we don't know if the time here flows the same just like in our world, our family is probably going nuts finding us, this is our current reality, and you know damn well it is, as much as you can, as much as possible, don't you dare do anything that could attract more of his attention, it's a trap..." I stressed out the trap part because she has to know... Oh, who am I kidding? This lady never listens!!! I could see myself crying from frustration, dear ghad why is she my best friend again??

God: Because it was meant to be

Screw it!! I laughed while crying, banging my head on a wall nearest to me. Why just... Why?? Nami I'm sorry if I thought you were a party pooper, I now realize how much stress you're under from a human that doesn't listen, you got a crew while I have just one!! I dramatically slid down the floor while crying, making sure my act is good enough for Ellie to pity me.

"....I'll try my best, but you went and flew away! I'm not the only one looking flashy!... I still want to go home to my mom, I still want to be a therapist, I still want to go to Disneyland with you"

"Really?! Great! No, take backsies! And FYI, I did create a big hole in the ground, but between us two, yours is flashy at first glance, plus you got a pretty face!"

"You recovered fast, " she blushed at my comments and just muttered her comeback at me, you're too young my dear friend, ya gotta be more shameless than me if you wanna talk back.

"Duh? The source of my stress is you possibly falling in love, I'm your BFF so of course, I'll be supportive of it, so if you behave and didn't fall into that pit, I'm good"

"Oh yeah, earlier you were talking about a plan? We got distracted by the 2nd phase earlier..." She said while scratching her head a bit.

"Yeahhhhhhhhh... I was thinking, if we're on the manga, if it does we're screwed because I know nothing about the manga, 1999 version, possible, or the version of 2011 which is what I know perfectly, so far it's only 2011, but you just never know when things would go wrong because of our presence"

"That's true..." there are a few silent moments but Ellie snapped her fingers and looked at me with a eureka moment.

"We planned both ways!"

"BES I LOVE YOU!! No homo" we snickered. I sat on the opposite bed to where she is sitting. I continued.

"So here's we gonna do....." While we plan for a bit and continue till we know we can handle both situations even without each other presence. WITHOUT dying. We decided it's time for us to take a bath and sort out our things.

We both fell asleep after our night routine and laid down in our fresh new clothes that are called PJs.




Some time has passed when I wake up naturally. I feel around for my phone under the pillow when I realized that I'm not at home. I got up slowly, my eyes still blurry, and grab my bag that's beside my bed. I feel around the bag until I found the cold corner of my phone. I looked to the left side of the room, and I saw Ellie's blurry form in the dark. I glance back to my phone and yawn a bit.

I tap two times, and the screen came alive. It is only 1 am. It must've been very uncomfortable for me to wake up this early. I didn't bother thinking about it too much because this is natural when I'm in a new environment.

I slowly get up from my bed and go into the bathroom, brush my teeth, wash my face and comb my hair, I didn't bother to switch my PJs to casual clothes and shoes, a pair of comfy fluffy slippers would do, it's just a set of conservative shirt and short that you normally see, casual and comfy. I plan to sleep when I feel like it, well before 8 am that is.

I walked up to my bed and pocketed my phone, some money, and coins cause I wanna try those treats on the vending machine, what? It's my money I can get those drinks and snacks.

While I was walking back from that box of heaven also known as a vending machine, clutching all of my snacks and drinks, I decided to put them away in a small plastic bag I stashed in my pj's pockets, when I looked up, I saw Killua shirtless coming up to me from afar but I'm sure he's not looking at me, his face is downcast, shadowing his features, and two men walking from the opposite direction where I am now.

I suddenly remembered this scene, damn! They already bump him!! Before the duo could die, I used my wind to blow them away from killua, like blowing a candle from my mouth, bumping their heads into a wall, and falling unconscious.

"Why did you do that?" he looked quite deadly if I say so myself, but I made my expression blank without answering him. I rummage from my goodie bag and push a small box in front of his face, a chocolate robot.

He didn't accept it at first, but I pushed it to his face again. He just quickly snatched it from my hands and stood still, my hair is shadowing my expression.

Before he could walk away and tried to kill another person to vent his anger out, I softly reach out and hugged him, at this moment I didn't see Killua from the show, but a kid who also been through so much.

"What the hell?! Get off me or I'll kill you!"

"You won't..."

"We're not that fucking close!"

"We're friends Killua so we're close!"

I still hugged him, but now I was patting the back of his head softly, like what I often did for Ellie and my younger siblings. "It's okay, it's okay, you're safe..."

He stood still while listening to my voice, I'm grateful for the first time to my irresponsible father, even though I don't have his talent in music to save my life, it's enough to soothe people.

I hugged him tightly, his resistance and curses stopped when he heard me assuring him, he didn't hug me back, but I could feel the tugging on the left side of my shirt.




We left the corridor and search for something to sit on, Killua is looking down while I dragged him behind me. Contemplating if it's alright to do so. I just shake my head and move forward.

We sit down on a bench that we first saw, no one talked for a bit, savoring some peace, well, I am, but he's probably thinking something else, he's only 12 after all.

"What's a friend?" He asked.

I think for a bit, then I remembered all of my friends back in our world. So I answered him. "A friend is someone you could talk to, with literally anything, someone who doesn't judge you no matter how weird you are, someone always there and always got your back."

"Won't judge you?" he asked while looking at the ground.

"Yeah, " I nodded and replied softly.

"How would I know we're friends then?" He turns to face me, a blank but curious look on his face.

"It just happened, be it when someone declared it official or not"

"So we're friends now because you declared it?"

"We're already friends while running in that tunnel and getting chased by pink boars"

Killua chuckled, good, he's gaining back his positive mood. I smiled brightly. Then he suddenly looked down and told me about his family being an assassin and where he comes from, about him being a killer.

"I don't care."

"Wha- are you insane?" he looked at me like I was some kind of alien. Okay, that's just rude.

"I befriend people for who they are, not for what they are." I calmly replied to him. You never know what the future got in store for you huh? I never thought I'll be talking to Killua, a character from a show I watched.

"How so? Do you even believe me? Family of assassins that are living on a mountain top?" Killua is, for a better word, frantic with disbelief.

"You look too sincere to be lying, and if you did lie then it's my fault for believing my friend"

"You're crazy... And Gon is also weird, he believed me too"

I chuckled at his expression, between contemplating and pouting. "Why wouldn't he? He's your friend right?"

"Gon and I? Friends? " He asked me, the look of uncertainty and confusion is visible on his face.

" Yeah, Gon and the others seriously thought of you as their friend," I assured the young assassin.

He looked back on the ground thinking hard. I can practically hear the cogs working overtime to process what I just told him like it's the greatest mystery of mankind. I sighed and decided to share my personal experience, it might help, right?

"You're not gonna ask how Ellie and I became friends?" That perk him up and looked at me, flashes of the two girl's interaction come to his mind. "How?" he asked.

I replied while chuckling, "Actually, there's no dramatic catalyst that made us close to each other. No, there's none of those, it just happened. We clicked"


"Yeah, like somehow we manage to become friends for so many months without getting tired of each other's face, after a year or two, we became best of friends" I laugh a bit while thinking about all the idiocy we made, how many crushes were crushed because they don't like us. I looked back at him and continued. "It doesn't matter how it started and how the process is, what's important is that friendship can occur to anyone at any given time"

"But my family said..." He didn't finish his sentence when he saw me quirking up my eyebrow.

"Look here, I can't say anything for your family, but I know that everyone and I meant everyone on this damn world had the right to befriend the people they want to befriend. Family and close friends can give their opinion, but the final decision is for you" I told him while crossing my arms to my chest. He put a contemplative look once again.

I sighed and slouch in my seat, I remembered my bag of goodies so I straighten up and opened it up. While he's thinking about life, I'm eating my snacks, damn using devil fruit really makes one hungry! Or I'm just a glutton?? Meh!

"Killua here" I shoved a new treat at his face and got no choice but to eat it. He choked for a bit and glared at me while chewing. "What was that for?"

"You're thinking too much killua, life is easy to live if you don't ponder on the negative side too much, just enjoy the present! Like just chew that snack and drink this chocolate drink!" I shoved another one in his hands, a drink this time.

He just sighed and laugh under his breath, chew the snack, and drink the chocolate drink in silence, after a few minutes passed he's back to his irritating self and tease me to the point I'm red in anger, I stand up and tried to smack him but he dodges and runs away.




We're running around the hallway and try tagging each other like kids in a sugar rush, and we're possibly high on that sugary goodness. Laughter echoed along with the playful shouts and banter. Little did I know the irritating pincushion is listening just around the corner.




"All applicants please proceed to the exit, we're already on the 3rd phase. I repeat please gathered to the exit to proceed onto the 3rd phase exam site. Thank you"

The speakers suddenly blared the announcement, I got up from the bench I've been sitting on, killua sleeping on the other side, both of us were buried under different wrappers and cartons of snacks we'd eaten. I was shocked to know it's already time! My ghad I'm still in my PJs!! I shake Killua awake. "Get up! Get up! I say! It's time already!!"


"Move it snow fairy!! We're already on the 3rd phase exam site!" I hissed, that news gets him to wake up and said "I'm gonna get Gon" thus running somewhere. I didn't bother looking to where it is because I run-up to my room. But before I do, I bumped into Ellie and she handed me my bag while saying repeatedly. "There's no time! Quick! Hurry! Hurry!" And just so you know Ellie is a slowpoke so her frantically saying hurry means we're late by 20 or more minutes.

Without further ado, I sling my bag while cursing my luck that I would be taking an exam with my PJs and fluffy slippers, not really threatening and so out of place.

I rushed outside with Ellie on my heels, most of the applicants were there already, same with the protagonist. Most of them are gawking and openly snickering, while others were trying not to laugh and some just obnoxiously loud. I grumbled under my breath, the strong wind and cold doesn't bother me because I'm already a living human wind. I remembered a Disney princess about it, I'm so gonna use it. "HEHEHEHE-"

"Why are you laughing like a creep?" asked killua, I snapped at him, "'Nanya Business kid." Gon just laughed at us saying we're so close and Killua acting like he's gonna puke his morning meal as if he ate something other than the junk last time. Although he's like that he didn't deny the closeness which makes me happy on the inside, I wanna adopt the kid! He's precious!!!

Kurapika just raised an eyebrow questioning my choice of attire while the soon-to-be doctor is concerned about health problems because of the cold.

"Why are you wearing such clothes in this windy weather? You might get hypothermia if this continues."

"The wind never bothered me anyway~" I sing crudely and fake posh accent, no one gets my joke aside for Ellie, she's snickering and snorting.

"What's that all about?" Gon asked the silver head, but he got a shrug as an answer. Then Mr. Bean talked and took all the attention away from me. Thank you!

"Alright everyone, the 3rd phase of the exam will begin here, at the top of the trick tower"

"Trick Tower?"

"To pass this phase you must reach the bottom alive, the time limit is 72 hours, with that I will pray for your success."

After his statement, all of the applicants were distracted by the competition, tense atmosphere, and overall vibes of the exams




"Best of luck everyone!" is the final farewell of Mr. Beans, just like in anime, Gon looked down on how high they were from the bottom. It is quite high when I peeked a bit. Ellie was staying away as far as she could from the sides.

I start searching for the hidden doors and nudge Ellie to help me, the problem is how could we tell it to the others without the other applicants knowing it?

Before I could think of anything, Ellie the ever so clever yet sometimes dumb best friend of mine, said her thoughts out loud. "Hey, isn't just me or there are few people now?"

Gon, Killua, Leorio, and Kurapika looked around when they heard Ellie's voice, and just like that they finally realized about the door. Thank you bes!!

"I counted 23 applicants, means more or so half of the other applicants find a way inside"


I walked up to them while smiling. "Then it means there's a hidden door, right?" I said like a damn cliche OC yahoo!!!

Kurapika nodded at me while smiling, "That's correct Avery"

'All hail his smile' I thought to myself. If one of our friends is here, they'll be gushing at kurapika, so handsome 💕

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize they walked away from me and Ellie was also away from where I stand. In my daydreaming habit, I didn't fucking see that I stepped into a door trap. I looked down and saw myself falling while the last thing I heard was Ellie yelling my name, and of course, me thinking $h1tte!!

"Ugh..." I first heard a ticktocking sound while I sit there, my butt doesn't hurt much, but I stay still because of the shock, the sounds I heard were like a gear that got rust so it's hard to turn properly... I remembered a certain pincushion with that sound, I slowly looked up, my blood drains from my face, and saw the weird pincushion holding a long pointed needle... I said the only logical thing I could. "Shit"




(Enter Ellie's POV) //Finally, her time to shine!




"AVERY!!" I shouted her name but before I could even run to her side a trap door gives in to my weight and was plunged, I scream while the fall was brief my butt sure hurt from the impact.

"💧Oh my~ what do we have here? A certain flower? ❤️"

A sickeningly sweet voice vibrates from the cold walls, I might get whiplash from how fast I looked up. His voice and face distract me to the point I never realized that this creepy clown could kill me. I shake my head and lightly slap my face to wake up my logical side.

I stood up slowly while never leaving my eyes from him, he's hot, I get it, but I'm still scared of him.

"💧You might want to get the other wristwatch, it's for us to use in pair ❤️", with his gentle smile but still creepy. I got the other watch and put it on my left wrist. Then the door opened up for us.

Hisoka goes inside and I follow quietly onto the stairs were leading at the bottom, I take a peek and I shuddered from the height. So I glued myself to the wall while walking downstairs.

I didn't know a certain Magician is quite amused by my predicament, and the glint in his eyes said something more than a promise of a chase, a hunter and prey.

I was praying in my head to all the gods I could think of, this is seriously scary! My goodness, why did I think I could get through this??

By the time we reach the ground, I was in the middle of singing a Disney song how far I'll go, although under my breath but it helps me to keep my cool.

When I finally land on the sweet precious ground, I looked up and saw a man with scars on his face, I don't quite remember the name, but I'm sure he'll get killed today... Oh dear ghad no!!! He'll die?! Oh dear, oh, dear!

I was panicking inside I didn't catch whatever conversation they're having, I was close to tearing up from the frustration of someone will die today... I'm not Mother Mary, I know it's part of the exam, but maybe a few casualties would be good? Right? Avery... If she's here what would she do?

From all the thinking I've been doing, the sudden noise of metals hitting each other wakes me up from my thoughts. I saw the man and Hisoka fighting, with four daggers Vs cards. It's a spectacular sight, to be honest, but I was once again shocked by the next scenes.

"Heh, you got paired with her? If I killed her then you won't pass either!" The man said to Hisoka while he threw one of his daggers at me, I quickly activate the barrier. "I reject!" *winng*


A triangular barrier is now in front of me, protecting me from his assaults. His shocked expression left him unguarded for a second and that's enough time for the jester to make his strike. I was so shaken up, living and seeing it, both are different experiences... Dear ghad am I ready for this? Will I even live?? I want to go home...




The man died in the end. I can't save him because it's part of the exam, for someone aiming to be a therapist, a person who helps and give hospitality. This cruelty is just too much.

I'm pretty sure I was crying and shaking half of the time we're walking for the next phase of the tower. I can't even see clearly from the tears blurring my vision.

The God here, if there's any, he/she probably have some twisted entertainment, the next room is also a place where you need to kill or knocked them out,




The jester just plows through, killing people left and right, blood flows to the ground, the metallic scent choking me from inhaling.

I, on the other hand just knocked them out via one of my barriers that suppose to penetrate, but I made it circular enough to make them unconscious for a bit, while I apologize to them after they got knocked out. I don't think I can even try and kill someone, those protagonists who easily kill people are out of my league. I can't even understand their way of thinking.

Or I'm just a softy? I probably am... I began to worry for Avery, she might be stronger in the face of danger. But she's also from the same world as me, peaceful and simple, she's probably having a hard time right now.

I bit my lip from the frustration and worry about my best friend, I hit every criminal as hard as I could to make them unconscious. After a while, a door led us through a small tunnel. We both went in, he walked in first before I did.

At the end of a tunnel, another door opens up. I was praying to anyone at this point to end this madness already. Maybe some angel heard me because I heard Lippo the examiner on the speaker.

"First one to arrive, 60 minutes and 20 seconds, Applicant #44 Hisoka Marrow"

"2nd one to arrive, 60 minutes and 22 seconds, Applicant #301 Gittarackur"

"3rd one to arrive, 60 minutes and 25 seconds, Applicant #20 Ellie Nael"

"4th one to arrive, 60 minutes and 27 seconds, Applicant #19 Avery Bello"

"💧My~ you're fast. ❤️"

The man didn't reply and just walked up to where we are, I glance behind him and saw my best friend.

In my blurry vision, I saw her intact. I was so happy I burst into tears, I run-up to her while avoiding the two men and hugged her tight. She hugged me back. I felt her shaking and she's quiet, too quiet.

I looked up while brushing away the tears to get a better look at her. She's fine, a bit dirty, but that's what you expect from the tower. I guide her to the opposite side of the jester and the weird needle guy.

I take a better look at her face. She's pale, but not turning blue, alright! "I reject," I muttered under my breath and start healing my friend, after a few minutes the tears in her clothes are gone and some scrapes here and there, I also heal myself which is quite the experience.

She sighed and looked at me, "I'm good, thanks, I'll tell you over the phone.." with that, she rummages through her bag and gets her phone, she doesn't want anyone to know what she wants to open up, so I grab my own, and we started chatting, it works just like a personal message without the load of the internet.




==The Chat==




Ell: what happened?

Av: That pincushion is Illumi

Ell: we already both know that through the anime, what happened??

Av: well... He wants to kill me

Ell: WHAT?! Why?!

Av: Because I prevented Killua from killing someone and made him aware that he already got friends, us and the others! He heard it all!

Ell: wow things just go advance... I agree with your decision tho.

Av: yeah

Ell: so what now?

Av: what else? Run for my life, we only need to find another genie to get us out of here, survive the exams and find it. I doubt he'll find me interesting for too long.

Ell: that's also true




==End of Chat==




We both sighed at the same time. Dear goodness, just what kind of karma is this?




(3rd Person's POV)




The wait is quite boring for the four applicants, specifically for the two nen users. Illumi and Hisoka, while the two girls were trying to hatch another plan for the next phase, the two men started playing poker.

The shuffling of cards where heard, and so does the whispers of the two girls. But not enough for the two to know the topic. The jester then strikes a conversation with his partner in the exam.

"💧How's the tower? ❤️"

"The usual, kill anyone in my way."

For a bit, no one talked while they play, then Illumi is the next one to ask. "How's yours?"

"Ara~ mine is delightful. I found a rare flower 💧❤️". The clown smiled eerily while thinking of the little girl's face.

"Flower?" That word got the pincushion's attention. It's not every day he'll label someone outside of a 'fruit' category.

"Yes, a rare flower, she's my prey, alright? 💧❤️". The jester, his smile didn't lessen while he threatens the man sitting in front of him. No one touches what he considered his prey/toy.

Illumi looked back and glance at the girl for a bit before turning around and commenting bluntly. "She looks weak, not your usual taste"

"💧Oh, I know~ but her devotion to life is quite strong~ her crying face whenever she hit someone unconscious, often apologizing for doing so. I like to break her hope and light piece by piece till nothing is left. Oh her face would be a sight to behold! Twist that kindness to selfishness. Ahh~ I can't wait to destroy her. ❤️"

"Hmm, twisted as ever I see..." is the bland reply of his partner. Looking at his cards, it's not a winning streak.

"And you're not?" The sass of the jester is on par with how bland his teammate in this hunter exam.

The pincushion just stayed silent, didn't bother to answer the clown. His mind thought of ways how to kill a certain girl.


Author's Note: To be honest, I'm trying hard to make this as fluent as possible. I'm not a professional and my course in college focuses on maths than literature so kindly pardon me.

Status: Edited (As best as I could)

The next chapter would be: No Definite Time