Ai, short for Akiva

The hurried knock was what brought back Orion from his dreamless sleep. He found himself collapsed on the floor side of the bed, apparently fell asleep yesterday here.

He quickly walked to the door as knocks were getting more and more hurried. He looked for a time, which was a little over six in the morning.

'Asahi said someone will head here to help me for uni. But it is still early for him to arrive, right?'

Orion thought to himself as he opened the door while rubbing his eyes. The door swung open to reveal, a beautiful girl standing outside who was startled to see him.


Orion exclaimed as he doubled back inside to grab his t-shirt. He was without a shirt in the morning, and in a moment of carelessness, he went to open the door only to see an unexpected girl outside.

The girl was a beautiful Asian with high slender eyebrows and large eyes. Her high cheekbones perfectly suited her white sharp face. Her black hair was strapped in a high ponytail.

She whistled in joking appreciation seeing the lean body of Orion.

"Oh my! I didn't expect to glimpse the real artwork as soon as I arrived. " she chuckled, causing Orion to go red in embarrassment.

"I'm Akiva, you can call me Ai. " She gave a brief intro of herself as she plopped herself on the couch.

"But seriously, dude. You are Orion Trudger? "

Orion, after glimpsing that she was casual, breathed in relief and sat down across her on the chair.

"Yeah, I guess. Why?"

"No, it's like I expected someone with six-packs, super handsome face and a permanent evil smirk on his face, you know, typical bad boy look." She stated with some weird gestures in the air to Orion.

"And why so?"

"You don't know?

You are wanted? News about you is circulating on our platforms like fire. People are anticipating why you are here in Japan.

Some evil scheme or some other secret plan? All young boys and girls are hyped about you. "

Orion felt this somewhat as a shock. He processed this slowly and asked cautiously,

"You are…...Ma...Magic-user?"

She turned her head and looked in his eyes like he was asking some super dumb question. But after seeing the serious expression on his face, an expression of surprise appeared on her face.

"No way? Mr. Tachibana didn't tell you?

Dude, I am a conjurer. And pretty much one-third of our university students are too. All of them are studying there, therefore several magic communities have come into being so if you are thinking of hiding ..."

Seeing still an expression of confusion on his face she stopped midway. Orion could easily understand there was a communication gap between them.

He took a deep breath and began to tell her story from the beginning. As Ai listened to his story, in the end, the expression of WTF on her face was apparent.

She stood up and began walking in the small space of the apartment. She grabbed her head and squealed in anxiety,

"F*ck, you are normal?

Mr. Tachibana exploited me, he only informed me that the wanted kid Orion Trudger is enrolled in the university and you have to help him out. This is the address.

He never told me anything more. "

She shook her head in annoyance and looked at the face of Orion. He was just sitting there silently after completing his piece because he was unsure how he should react to her. So he decided on the best approach, which is to stay in poker face.

There were a few minutes of awkward silence, in which Ai was storming her brain out. She was totally caught off-guard by his story.

There was a striking hate and popularity of his name in the magic circle and obviously they are considering Orion to be part of the hidden world too.

She also thought so. Therefore when she was given the task of helping him in Uni. She decided to play it by ear.

She will help him with some basic things and then would take quiet leave from the scene because she doesn't want to be viewed close to him because that means a very large spotlight on them.

But the situation here is totally bizarre and unexpected. He is normal, not even conjurer. And with the number of people going to jump on him, he will be in hospital for more than six days a week.

"Hmm…... Are you okay?"

Orion decided to ask because she was looking like she was suddenly in a lot of problems.

"Tch…..Okay? I was thinking of escaping after helping you out but it looks like you are in a much deeper pit. Now I can't even abandon you otherwise Mr.Tachibana will come after me if he finds out I dumped you in front of hungry sharks."

"Sharks...? Bullying?

I can deal with them, no need to stress over that. If you feel uncomfortable, you don't have to...."

She lifted her hand in front of him,

"Please! Spare me. These are not normals, these are hungry magic kids. They jump like moths whenever the opportunity to exert dominance appears to them.

And you? You are a live target to show off their strength. They will come after you like drugged zombies."

Orion was suddenly feeling annoyed with her bossy attitude. He does not require her help to protect himself, even if they have magic he would deal with them in his own way. It would be best to take a beating rather than take assistance from her.

"I will see it myself " Orion stood up indicating he had his limit of problems for today morning.

She quickly understood his emotions, therefore took back her words,

"Orion, I was not meaning to be bitchy. I am not saying you couldn't deal with them. It's just Conjurer Boys and girls are now seeing you in hostility, therefore we should act with caution, right?"

At least she apologized, thought Orion as he nodded at her. He left her with her brainstorming session and went to the bathroom to get fresh.

After an hour, he appeared in the sitting room fully dressed up in a black denim jacket with a yellow shirt underneath and black jeans. He at this moment observed the clothes of Ai which were white jeans and a crop top.

She looked up and found him fully dressed in his clothes.

"Let's go! I have an idea. But first, we need to buy you a phone. "

Orion nodded as they exited his apartment and walked to the train station which was eight or nine minutes away. After reaching metropolitan Tokyo she directed him to the casual shop to grab a new phone.

"iPhone or Samsung?...."

Orion wanted to ask because she was paying, but she cut him off by giving a small strip of paper to the salesgirl.

She took a look at the paper and smiled,

"Just one second. "

After going to the back place, the salesgirl arrived with a phone in her hand. It was a brand new phone but there was no mark of any company on it.

She gave it to Ai who grabbed the phone and took out her credit card to pay for it. After concluding she gave it to him,

"This is a special phone tweaked by MoJ for magic users. Price is high because it automatically cuts off GPS and other tracking options of companies. "

Orion took the phone and started it off and to his surprise, the phone was as new as it could be but there were no apps or permanent applications.

"You are enrolled in the literature and science section. And for supplementary courses, you should apply for them today. "

She gave him a brief rundown about the Uni courses. And soon after one hour, they were standing near the entrance of the private university.

"It would be best if you hide your face. "

Suggested Ai as she began to walk towards her class which was starting just now.

He watched as she disappeared into the crowds of students. Orion was already tired of this animosity, he shrugged his shoulders and began to walk towards the office for selection and other formalities.

Unexpectedly, his journey was smooth as butter. No problems, students minding their own business, beautiful girls checking him out, boys nodding while passing.

He once again thought that it might not be so bad as all people around him were making it to be. Everyone is busy with their lives, who cares about him?

He entered the office to find a person to discuss his enrollment and other related things.